Sfârșitul LUMII cunoscute | S07E19

Sfârșitul LUMII cunoscute |  S07E19

Pentru a obține o aprovizionare de 1 an de vitamina D + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT la prima achiziție, accesați https://athleticgreens.com/atticus Viața în mișcare este o stare constantă de schimbare în care la fiecare două zile avem un nou destinație, o casă nouă și o nouă aventură. Fiecare călătorie este unică și nu este previzibilă. Toată această practică ne îmbunătățește abilitățile ca marinari. Ne mutăm rapid pentru că ne îndreptăm spre Malta, unde plănuim să avem un copil, dar data nașterii se apropie rapid, așa că profităm de fiecare fereastră meteo care ne apare pentru a face progrese în direcția noastră. destinație încercând totodată să exploreze cât mai mult posibil.

Treceți pe pagina noastră Patreon pentru a face posibil aceste videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/ProjectAtticus



Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: https://mbsy.co /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt

Sunete epidemic


28 thoughts on “Sfârșitul LUMII cunoscute | S07E19

  1. You climbed The Rock of Gibraltar? Good God kids! We took the bus up there on a shore excursion a few years back and didn't see ANY people walking it! BRAVO! Those monkeys are truly scary and we did see some folks lose their fanny packs! The view from the top was absolutely fantastic plus the tour through the interior was mind boggling ! Too bad about the thief stealing stuff from your dinghy! Crime is a universal thing I guess, but we all tend to live with the " it won't happen to me" attitude. Your little guy Oso has turned out to be a perfect travel companion and so cute too. How are you finding the price of fuel in the Med? Those mosquitos were sucking Jordan's tasty blood, but I guess those are some of the joys of traveling where ever you go!

  2. 5:10 This is a strong argument for carrying a "Walking Stick" on your hikes. it could come in handy in a situation like this regardless if it's monkeys, aggressive dogs or an obnoxious person meaning to do you harm. Teddy Roosevelt was fond of carrying a big stick.. 7:10 I was concerned you were going to have your dingy and motor stolen at the place you parked it. That would have made getting back to your boat awkward especially that late at night. I didn't have to worry a lot about theft sailing the coast of Alaska just bored bears shredding my inflatable dingy when I was on a hike.🙂 It happened to a couple of friends of mine but not to me. I made it a point to never store trash in my dingy.. I sailed this area of the Med from Gibraltar to Istanbul back in the 70's but that was aboard a U.S. Aircraft Carrier.

  3. Pits something was stolen from your dinghy. Bet the monkeys did it. Guess you have to be careful everywhere. Retired Coastie and when the wx was calm and relaxing I called it "shippinh over wx."

  4. Desoree, you climbed the Rock of Gibraltar? WHAAAT? I say it again, you'ree the most courageous pregnant lady l' ve ever known. My admiration to you, to your husband and your pet. My God!

  5. Got to fly your drone from the top of Gibraltar. That's very cool. Loved the morning nat sound segment. I would be so neurotic, flying over deep water. I guess you really don't have a choice and the results are spectacular.

  6. After watching you buds for many a year it's great to be able too relate to you and your current sailing, as this year sailed a fair bit in the Mediterranean and have been to both Gibraltar and Puerto Almerimar. Good Times indeed, fabulous narrative and filmography but of course the captain will always be Oso!!!

  7. I’m sure you are already gone, but welcome to Spain! I’ve been here for about 6 weeks… almost 2 weeks into the Camino de Santiago.
    I love following your journey! Stay blessed🌹

  8. Fantastic video! The golden light was amazing. It’s so nice to be with you on your journey…just wish I had a few of those mussels…wish I had your muscles, too, Des…😂😎💕💕💕

  9. Really enjoying following your journey to Malta. Your videos are great & Jordan you narrate so well. Desiree good on you for tackling that hike with all those stairs ! Exciting times for you both 👍

  10. Wonderful to catch up on your story your journey your life. You are by far my favourite yacht-life channel. By far. Thank you. Bravo. And best wishes for the big event. 🎉

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