Annapolis Boat Show: DE CE TREBUIE SĂ MERGI! (alertă spoiler: pentru că este EPIC!) — Sailing Yabá #106

Annapolis Boat Show: DE CE TREBUIE SĂ MERGI!  (alertă spoiler: pentru că este EPIC!) — Sailing Yabá #106

Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 106 În acest episod, zburăm la Annapolis pentru a ne alătura multor Youtuberi la cel mai bun eveniment al anului: The Annapolis Boat Show! Sperăm că vă bucurați să îl vizionați la fel de mult pe cât ne-a plăcut nouă să îl filmăm! Vizitați @Spear It Animal în timp ce își încep seria de reconstrucție a bărcii aici pe Youtube (alertă spoiler: sunt oameni minunați la bordul unei ambarcațiuni minunate!) Vă mulțumim @Odd Life Crafting @Sailing Catalpa @Sailing Naida @EarleWrites @Taylor’s Călătorii @Cruisers Academy @Sailing SV Delos @Sailing Zingaro @WEsail @MJ Sailing @Monday Never @Kristina’s Travels @Onboard Lifestyle @Breaking Waves @David Shih @Out Chasing Stars @The Adventure Crews | Cole + Emily Crews @Ryan & Sophie Sailing @Sailing La Vagabonde @SAILING into FREEDOM @Beau and Brandy Sailing @Sailing Zephyr @Sailing Doodles @Expedition Evans @Precision Sails @Mantus Marine pentru ca a facut acest eveniment atat de minunat!! ♥️ Toate acele canale au sigiliul nostru de aprobare! Oameni grozavi, du-te să-i vezi și apasă butonul de abonare pentru a sprijini această comunitate de navigatori! (ABONAMENTUL ESTE GRATUIT) 😄 👉 ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: PUTEȚI SUSINI PROIECTUL NOSTRU: 👉 Devenind patron – alăturați-vă pentru a debloca conținut exclusiv: https://www. 👉 Prin donații Paypal: sau 👉 Purtând produsele noastre: Suntem veșnic recunoscători tuturor celor care ne trăiesc visul cu us ♥️ 🇧🇷 Legendas em Português em todos os episódos! 🇪🇸 Subtitluri în spaniolă în toate episoadele! 💙 Cine suntem? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne în timp ce readucem la viață Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și dezavantajele și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi: 👉 Despre noi + Întrebări și răspunsuri 👉 site-ul nostru cu mai multe informații despre proiect 💙 Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să ne uimească la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Hélio, Claiton, William, Nezo, Nico, Beto și Luiz. SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!


48 thoughts on “Annapolis Boat Show: DE CE TREBUIE SĂ MERGI! (alertă spoiler: pentru că este EPIC!) — Sailing Yabá #106

  1. As you can see, we had an absolute blast in Annapolis! Thank you to everyone involved!
    Boat build content will be back to normal next week!
    If you are also impressed with the waterproof bags from UGO, you can get your own following this link and with the code UGOYABA you'll get a special discount!! We have two of those bags and can't stop using them!

  2. It was beautiful to see you both having so much fun. An to meet ppl who you admire an admire you… I hope to see you guy's next year!! Tried to get there this year as I live 20 miles from Annapolis.. Whilst I had my sister drive me to the show … We didn't make it as we got into an accident driving to show on Saturday… We both are fine now spent few nights in hospital under observation from the accident… Needless to say I will definitely see you next year!! An I will be watching every episode til then… Congratulations on your winning a love shared by all… The sailing community is full of love an friendship…
    Thanks again for sharing your lives with us grateful ✌🏼💗😊❣️

  3. Who says your dreams can't come true .I wish i could do more than just chat with you two .What you two are doing has been a life long dream of mine and you never fail to make me smile .Thank you M.P. and ben and Calliou

  4. M P, you are like a bright ray of sunshine, your energy and enthusiasm is off the charts. You and Ben are a real pleasure to follow every week. You have made many Youtube friends all over the world. Keep up the great work and I for one can't wait for splash day for Yaba. Cheers from Austin, TX

  5. So glad you enjoyed the boat show😊 The award was well deserved. Where would you be without the constant supervision Caio applied and makes sure everyone is working hard getting Yaba back on the seas. Great video with you so happy. Made me smile ❤❤❤

  6. Both of you are super star 🌟, everybody loves you both and so do I, you make me smile every time you post your videos, take care as always, 😊😊😊😊🇬🇧👍🏻

  7. It was so great to meet you 2 in Annapolis. Your vibe and your fans were amazing. I also loved that you asked multiple times to come early next year to help with set up and take down of the booth. That jester was super kind and thoughtful. Can wait to see you again!

  8. Thanks for taking us along. I enjoyed tagging along, though I wish I could have gone and met you there. I'm on the other coast and in Canada.
    I know the affection I have for you two, so it's gratifying to know your meeting with similarly affectionate fans has so energized you.
    I know you appreciate our interest in your journey.
    Well know this: I/we really appreciate being able to share in your journey. I have never regretted a minute spent watching, commenting, etc.
    Dawson from Vancouver, Canada

  9. @6:20 – the 'posh' MP ! 7:00 – 'Clip of the Year' ! 7:46 celebrating the weight-loss challenge by having a doughnut . . . . . . okay . . . . . . , @9:34 – glad to see 'Odd' behind you grinning like Cheshire cats ! ! ! 14:23 – very nice art work to very happy doggy welcoming you home ! !
    Sharing your rum-filled award with 'the crew' was nice ! @17:28 the kitty on right of screen is friends with your doggy ? ? Your channel is easy to watch relieving stress & tension much like:
    Angelina Jordan also on YouTube – a Norwegian gal that can sing ! Tension/stress reliever ! ! !
    So much variety in this episode ! ! ! Thanks ! ! take care, RH

  10. Hello friends. Great to see you having fun without working on the ship, I think you are worth more great time together. See you in the next video, I look forward to seeing you at the boat again. Take care guys 👋

  11. You two are amazing .. awesome … and what a firecracker of fun you were… smiling so it hurt.. Wow very Cool!! Glad you had a good time and got an award and everything!! Salute and Well Done looking fine and having fun.. So when will Yaba be ready to sail? Can't wait. You both and all the help are making a real gem of the oceans .. Yea!!!

  12. OM face muscles.. by the time the video was done I was sore from smiling … I think I'm out of practice so thank you both and all the great people there. I used to live closer in New Jersey but moved to Maine in the opposite direction from Maryland ….Thanks for filming it. 🌞😁🌍⭐

  13. Congratulations for your first Annapolis Boat Show. Because of you and many more I believe you are making the YouTube'ers gain the recognition by the boat show community you deserve. My son and I attended last year and met so many of the YouTubers that I follow I enjoyed it so much.
    I have followed you two since Duca introduced you the first with the sinking boat. I don't think I have missed an episode. Ia a senior citizen, retired Navy I can't afford all to be a patreon for all the channels I enjoy, over 150. But I have been so connected to your endeavors due the craftsmanship of your people and the quality of their work. I know you will succeed with Yaba' because of your commitment to her. God bless you.

  14. P.S. Our Saturday at the show was miserable with pouring rain and high winds all day. My mobility kart did not like all the rain. I am glad your experience was so much better than ours.

  15. I don’t now why you won a award you guys do nothing it is all to do with the skilled carpenters that turned a peace of junk into a boat maybe they felt sorry for 2 silly people

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