Harry și Meghan Recapitulare episodul 1: 5 minciuni pe care le-au spus pe Netflix

Harry și Meghan Recapitulare episodul 1: 5 minciuni pe care le-au spus pe Netflix

Să dezvăluim acest episod care dezvăluie cum s-au întâlnit Harry și Meghan și, mai important, cum a jucat Meghan asupra vieții unui bărbat traumatizat făcând cosplay în rolul mamei sale, Prințesa Diana… acesta a fost un mare bandaid de PR și a eșuat. #meghanmarkle #princeharry #harryandmeghan #netflix #royalfamily Capitole video: 0:00 – introducere 0:38 – cum meghan l-a făcut pe Harry … trucurile ei 6:16 – colectarea dovezilor 6:31 – umbrirea lui William și Kate? 7:56 – paparazzi din copilărie, da… nu acum! 13:13 – cinci minciuni pe care le-au spus pe Netflix ✮Articole suculente de citit ✮ Dezvăluirea adevărului scandalos despre Meghan Markle și Prințul Harry: ce a dus la plecarea lor din familia regală? https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/meghan-harry-pt1 Dezvăluirea relațiilor anterioare ale lui Meghan Markle: Trevor Engelson, Cory Vitiello și relația umbrită cu Prințul Harry https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/meghan-harry -pt2 Adevărul despre ce simt Kate Middleton și Prințul William despre Meghan Markle! Cum a tratat-o ​​regina pe Meghan? Dezvăluirea plecării, carității și visele de la Hollywood ale lui Meghan și Prințului Harry https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/meghan-harry-pt3 O acoperire detaliată a procesului lui Meghan Markle și prințului Harry: informații scandaloase care au fost expuse și decizia finală https ://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/a-detailed-coverage-of-meghan-markle-and-prince-harrys-trial-everything-you-need-to-know Meghan Markle nu este prințesa Diana: Apelul personalului palatului Prințul Harry și Meghan „Outrageous Bullies” https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/outrageous-bullies-meghan-markle-and-prince-harry-accused-of-bullying-staff-in-the-palace Refacerea varietății interviu, aruncarea unei femei de culoare sub autobuz și teoria accidentului de avion… așa a decurs săptămâna lui Meghan Markle https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/meghan-markle-throws-a-black-women-under -autobuzul-în urma-reacției-de-la-interviul-tăiat-să-discutăm Dark Hollywood: Yachting… ce este și cine o face? https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/dark-hollywood-yachting SOCIALMEDIAS ⤵ https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG​​​​​​​ https://www.instagram.com/exposingsmgblog https:/ /www.tiktok.com/@scandalousmediagroups https://www.exposingsmg.com/ask​​​​​​​ https://twitter.com/exposingsmgblog​​​ EXPOSINGSMG.COM Numai pentru surse sau întrebări de afaceri: exposingsmgblog@gmail.com


37 thoughts on “Harry și Meghan Recapitulare episodul 1: 5 minciuni pe care le-au spus pe Netflix

  1. MAKE MORE VIDEOS PLEASE! I like how you use, logic and facts in an organized way to prove what liars they are. You could just do video after video on all their "recollections" of the "truth".

  2. This woman is a 100% complete fraud in every sense of the word. She was accepted in the beginning with open arms, but when people begin to find out who she really was the honeymoon was over. Once she realized that the press was on to her she wanted out. She then played Harry for the complete fool that he is by convincing him that they were going to kill her just like Harry thought that they killed his mother. Harry then put on his super-man cape and "saved" her from being killed in a way that he could not save his mother. Meghan knows that Harry is damaged and she uses that in order to manipulate him. She will someday dump Harry just the same way that she dumped her 1st husband, her father and everyone else, just as soon as she has used him all up. This woman is a serial liar and a master manipulator, and a cunning evil social climber. This woman is on her way to becoming the most hated woman in the world, and the fact that she is half black does not have a damn thing to do about it.

  3. What I find alarming is the racial biases that are used to fuel divides in the public. It not only effects the fans of Harry's first wife,but the people of the commonwealth and America. The racebaiters come out in force to use them to further their agendas in the press. Those against the monarchy,commonwealth and first ammendment. The damage can be seen by media flurries during the royal tour in the Caribbean and subsequent flight from the commonwealth. Their lies are horrid and dangerous.

  4. sooooooo cringy, lies lies lies. Please go away, maybe this will stop after their divorce, there is no way this news thirsty woman will stay with him. Then where will whiny harry be?

  5. Not that my opinion matters, I've always cut Harry a break because of what he's been thru. I do think Meghan manipulated him until she git him abd continues to do so. Now, I'm guessing there's two kids…idk…odd she doesn't put them out there for money too. But isn't it horrible that's her ticket to wealth…children with Harry. I'm disgusted by her. I hope he takes those children and runs, not walks back to his country and finds happiness. This is all on Meghan.

  6. Best picture ever shown in this…Princess Diana riding that ride with her boys, totally soaked at the bottom. Omgosh, you boys had the best mother…💖 her love changed the way being a mother was done in the Monarchy. I do believe Queen Elizabeth recognized that, whether she ever acknowledged or not. I mean, let's just say it, her dealt her some pretty huge problems. Don't all children? This ginger grand… I think had a special spot in her heart. Meghan cost Harry precious time with his grandparents. That's unforgivable.

  7. Right of the bat the first lie is an assumption. It’s a very credible one, since most people don’t do video diaries. But it’s still an assumption. I don’t like the fact you didn’t clearly state that and just used it as “evidence”.

  8. Video diaries are encouraged by therapists and I know someone who has utilized it. It’s supposed to be private and only viewed by the person filming. However, that is not what Harry and his wife did. They planned this. This is bad acting by a d list actress and the entire mockumentary plays like it was written by a 13 year old girl writing for hallmark. Harry and his wife peaked intellectually and emotionally as teenagers and it shows.

  9. I believe Meghan. 👋 Yes I agrée there are some « arrangements » in their story but the essential is true, tabloids and some royal fans are CRAZY and racists. She is NO perfect at all but I believe that she has been victim of harassment, racism and class contempt

  10. No sorry, say what you will about Meghan but Harry's mother was literally killed by paparazzi, of course he is going to be super sensitive about the paps. Him being a prince isn't something he chose. I'm sure he would have chosen a regular life with his mother alive.

  11. You seem surprised about how scripted this particular artificial amusement is? I am sorry… Are you suggesting something about this is, or should be, organic? Everything is choreographed you do know this right? You do know where you are, don't you?

  12. This video is a shame. The narrator is Brit, so I assume she works for a UK company associated with the Queen and her family. Is also full of lies and false accusations against H&M. All of it is also disgusting, I can’t even finish it👎

  13. I can't understand how people just can't feel her energy. It's so clear she is narcissist, manipulative and fake. People who like her have 0 emotional intelligence.

  14. The funny thing is that if people used their heads as well as their hearts their would probably be less divorces. Using only your heart, especially as a royal, doesn’t sound smart to me. I’d be married 10 times if after a year I married “for love” only. If Harry used his head as well he would see all the red flags everyone else sees in Megs.

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