Echipajul unei nave de marfă care lucrează cu vele – 4K VLOG 201

Echipajul unei nave de marfă care lucrează cu vele - 4K VLOG 201

Este nevoie de un echipaj pentru a lucra cu o barca cu pânze, este nevoie de un echipaj și mai mare pentru a lucra cu o navă de marfă. Acest film este dedicat echipajului uimitor care dă viață lui SV Kwai punând pânzele care o poartă peste Oceanul Pacific. Multe dintre ele sunt din Kiribati, chiar insulele pe care le deservește Kwai. Alții sunt marinari pasionați din întreaga lume care sunt pasionați de Kwai și operațiunile sale.


17 thoughts on “Echipajul unei nave de marfă care lucrează cu vele – 4K VLOG 201

  1. Awesome! Watching from Indiana USA. I always look forward to watching your videos and the amazing Islands the Kwai sails. Some of the most beautiful places on the planet. The Kwai looks cool and old school show us around the inside. I was born and raised in the Islands of Samoa and watching your videos remind me of home I miss dearly especially the majestic Pacific. Keep up the good work and best wishes.

  2. WOW sailed up that way a few times , Never seen her , Amazing to see the Island traders still in action & Under sail , She must have been hitting 10+ knots there when the breeze came up , Well done .

  3. I worked on a Tunaboat for about 6 years and I truelly beleave we are definitely going back to sail power specially because off the advancements in sails, wind generation, sky kites and solar power. Also using electric motors during the day to motor sail and pickup speed to stay on schedule. Finally with the batteries fully charged to do the docking maneuvers at port including the bow thrusters. With proper spacing between the masts you could even handle containers. Nice video really enjoyed it thanks. Surest a bit more of narrative for those who don't know much about boats and sailing. Saludos desde 🇵🇦.

  4. Wonderful to see the goings on aboard the Kwai, as you drift towards the northern Cook Island group. Great music choice for your vlog too, Cameron, especially the classical piece throughout the vlog, but I cannot find the name of this piece of music! Any help would be greatly appreciated !! 🙂

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