196. DAI! S-ar fi putut termina foarte rău! | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA

196. DAI!  S-ar fi putut termina foarte rău!  |  DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA

SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: https://www.svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday.com/online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https: //www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub


16 thoughts on “196. DAI! S-ar fi putut termina foarte rău! | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA

  1. …thanks for the wonderful entertaining impressions into you boatlife,very great….stay safe and have fun,hope you're all healthy ……what a disaster with that morning chain!…take care….wishing you a wonderful week….🐾🐾👣👣⛵🐶😍👍😃🍀

  2. Okay, was that Taylor from "Taylor's Travels" who spent time on SV Delos or a different Taylor. If different both are Canadians, not sure why people do not like 40 below & go south.

  3. I still can't believe all the love and caring you two have for helping creatures like puppies. What you do is amazing. Love your videos. Super groovy sailing couple.

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