De ce a trebuit să NE RECONSTRUCIM MOTORUL la 2200 ORE | ep7

De ce a trebuit să NE RECONSTRUCIM MOTORUL la 2200 ORE |  ep7

Ne-am gândit că aceasta va fi următoarea noastră mare aventură împreună… În schimb, s-a dovedit că continuă să fie cea mai mare provocare a noastră și provocările nu par să devină mai ușoare. Acum că avem toată apa evacuată, este timpul să săpăm în inima bărcii, motorul nostru Yammer Turbo Diesel de 110 CP. Dacă cineva dintre voi este familiarizat cu motoarele Yammer Diesel, avem un 4JH4-HTE și este puțin mai complicat decât ceea ce suntem obișnuiți oricare dintre noi cu Turbo. Am diagnosticat deja că avem nevoie să ne reconstruim transmisia și, după ce am început întreținerea generală a motorului, lucrurile nu arată bine… Mai avem puțin peste o săptămână până trebuie să fim la șantierul ambarcațiunilor pentru a fi scoși, ceea ce avem nevoie disperată și tocmai ne-am dat seama că există o șansă uriașă să avem nevoie și de a ne RECONSTRUI MOTORUL!!! Doriți să vă alăturați Zidul Patronului și să fiți pentru totdeauna parte din barca noastră? Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon!! Spear it Animal MERCH! INSTAGRAM- FACEBOOK- /spearitanimal?_rdc=1&_rdr LISTĂ DE DORINȚE AMAZON- ECHIPAMENT DE FILMARE- (sunt furnizate link-uri afiliate și atunci când sunt folosite facem un mic comision) GOPRO: https :// DRONE: CAMERA MICĂ: CAMERA MARE: MIC: https://amzn .to/3g5Hvvb


48 thoughts on “De ce a trebuit să NE RECONSTRUCIM MOTORUL la 2200 ORE | ep7

  1. Small Yanmars eat belts like crazy, or at least my 4LHA-Stps did. You can upgrade them to a serpentine belt to stop that issue, which is what I did. You may replace the alternator with a high output alternator anyway, which will require a serp belt. Just a suggestion. I enjoy your channel.

  2. Wow. Big assumption on the v belt.
    Obviously if the generator is stuck your correct but. That belt is rated for some HP.
    If your generator is loading a lot that belt will wear out quick.
    A good generator of about 80 amps take of about several HP of that engine and it all has to go true that belt.
    So please check how much work that generator has to do for you.
    Also …. For a generator to perform best it needs to rev. 6000 rpm in the generator is perfect.
    Unfortunately that is often 2100 rpm on the engine. Your moving fast . Slow running engines are no good to themselves anyway. Engines need to work warm up to keep warm. So if charging battery’s keep that rpm up.

  3. I feel your pain. I to have too do exactly what you are doing to two T6.3544 Perkin engines but my boat is already on the hard. I am very impressed on your knowledge of the engine and the use of tools and tricks you used to remove and repair components. Great video. keep them coming.

  4. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. A good idea is to hire a marine mechanic for the sea trial to verify engine condition. I can usually tell by the smell of a running diesel if something is amiss. Some people learn their engine, keep a maintenance log, and follow mfr's schedules, and others just run it into the ground. low engine hours doesn't necessarily mean it's in good shape. Even a new engine if left sitting long enough will have damage.

  5. what sort of a Muppet wouldn't fully service his engine if your not getting it inspected? this is what happens when you try to be smart and shortcut things in life, not really a rebuild but a little bit of work, just stick to the click bait for her the smart stuff isn't really your wheel house lol.

  6. IM DEFINITELY IN FOR SASHA LOCATION, DATE AND TIME ABSOLUTELY 💯 been in Love 😍 with Sasha from sailing the far side with her sister MUCH LOVE 💘 SASHA 💘 😻 💜 💛 💚 🧡 💘

  7. Just out of curiosity. What Connor will you talkin about where is it,.ha.! Sorry I say that jokingly. Just me being a pirate. She is a very pretty girl and probably going to break your heart Sunday. All the pretty ones tend to do that. Just now came across your channel. Going to subscribe and and get caught up on past episodes.. and what's your luck on y'alls endeavors

  8. Wow! I wouldn't have considered carrying out that work with the engine in situ ! Staggeringly good effort ! Do let me know where to send off for a lady that willing and capable :>)

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