Episodul 2 din 3: Am fost angajat să filmez și să documentez cum este să fii la bordul Yacht Aqualife. Nava este pentru Charter de Blueoceans Yachting. Dacă doriți să cunoașteți prețul pe săptămână sau orice alte informații despre barcă, consultați linkul de mai jos. Abonați-vă pentru mai multe rate de charter: https://www.blueoceansyachting.com/charter-yacht-fleet/details/aqua-life-1/r/recrj5ifjl0wfhjol filmat și produs de Ocean Air Media. www.oceanairMedia.com Lucrări recente: http://projects.oceanairmedia.com/ Actualizări Daily Yachting – http://instagram.com/jaredwatney/
Am atârnat un scaun de balansare de pe un superyacht pentru asta … | ORIZON YACHTS

19 thoughts on “Am atârnat un scaun de balansare de pe un superyacht pentru asta … | ORIZON YACHTS”
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Epic vid. Love the dolphin shot.
Great Video, What Yachts
Showcased beautifully.
Cheers Jared and Mrs Watney
I know he wasn't the focus of the video, but Lief is starting the good life: a well-paying, enjoyable job with lots of potential. Thanks for the video and, as always, I'm looking forward to the next one!
Great Work JARED!!
Jared, always enjoy your videos… Thanks for making yachting life so glamorous and the hard work you put in.
I love watching your videos Jared. Wanted to ask you something: Is there an age limit as to become a decker crew member?
1st class work!
This yard is just wonderful! I’m sure anybody who books the charger will have a fabulous time! I love the idea of a swinging chair! The Beach club area of the yacht is excellent! One of the best I’ve ever seen! Thanks for the wonderful video! Love from snowy Vermont
Really making this look like the best job on earth
these boats are just spectacular. Another great video bud
Awesome work man 
Nicely done…
Jared, MY Aqualife may not be the 'prettiest' boat around, but probably has the volume and service crew to exceed expectation!! Also, speaking as an old navy sailor, day 2 may have started out bad for your as a filmmaker and yatchie, but I would love to enjoy a day like that with a cup of coffee and a book, watching a day like that go by!!! To each his own mate!! Love your work. Glad to see you posting on YouTube again!! Cheers.
Jared, almost missed this one, I don't know what's wrong with the algorithm with YouTube because I am a subscribed viewer of your channel. I guess I'll have to go back and see what I've missed. Hope married life is doing you well, best wishes!
In your journeys over the seas, have you ever been to a Safe Harbor Marina? Pros and cons?
The Scout tender is a great boat.
Amazing update buddy, super cool music!
Hi Jared, Great BTS videos! Just wondering if you use extra lighting when you are shooting your interiors or just ambient light? Thanks!
If I was a baller with a mega yacht I’d 1000% pay Jared to come shoot it for me!!! Amazing stuff as usual sir.
great video~ but the Charter Rates link seems not working?where can see the final official image or video result?