Marea Finală! | Sub puntea S10, Recapitulare finală | CEAS ANCORA

Marea Finală!  |  Sub puntea S10, Recapitulare finală |  CEAS ANCORA

Bine ați venit la Anchor Watch, chat-ul nostru săptămânal de noapte sub punte găzduit de Jason și Josh! A fost un sezon de răsturnări de situație. Căpitanul Lee își dă ultimul final pe Below Deck. Să recapitulăm Below Deck Sezonul 10, Final! 0:00 Anchor Watch 8:40 Jen discută despre Căpitanul Lee (Gangplank Report Podcast) 27:00 Recapitulare finală sub punte 41:54 Întreabă-l pe căpitanul Sean 59:59 Finalul sub punte Încheiere Căpitanul Sean vorbește despre Cum să devii cunoscător: https: // Urmărește discursul căpitanului Sean la VriThink despre Ocean Plastics: 🛥 Vizitați @Worth Avenue Yachts! ⚓️ Urmărește SeeJoshGo: YouTube ► Twitter ► ⚓️ Urmărește pe Jason: Instagram ► Twitter ► _ Vă mulțumim mult pentru sprijin! ☑️ Abonează-te și activează notificările pentru a nu rata nicio secundă! Pentru mai mult conținut și în culise, vizitați celălalt canal al nostru Up And Adam! 2: Alăturați-vă abonamentelor noastre lunare pentru mai multe în culise pentru doar 2,99 USD: Social Media: Instagram ►► https:// Facebook ►► Twitter ►► TikTok ►► 🛍 Marfa: store.upandadamlive. com Pentru a dona: PayPal🔗 Venmo🔗 ✉️ Pentru întrebări de afaceri: Mail/Pachete: Up And Adam! 11231 US HWY 1, Suite 257 N. Palm Beach, FL 33408 Declinarea răspunderii privind drepturile de autor În conformitate cu Secțiunea 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din 1976, se acordă o „utilizare corectă” în scopuri precum critică, comentariu, știri, predare, burse și cercetare. . Utilizarea loială este o utilizare permisă de legea dreptului de autor care altfel ar putea încălca. Disclaimer: opiniile și opiniile exprimate în acest videoclip și pe Up And Adam Live! Canalul YouTube nu reflectă neapărat opinia lui Up And Adam! și canalul YouTube. Toate subiectele sunt doar în scop de divertisment. _ #Below Deck #Season10 #BravoTV #CaptainLee


42 thoughts on “Marea Finală! | Sub puntea S10, Recapitulare finală | CEAS ANCORA

  1. What a great season, if it was just the last few episodes it would have been a snooze fest but the drama kept it going! Thanks for a great recap as always can’t wait for your take on sailing – seeing Colin pop up on the trailer made my day!

  2. Jason, I appreciated how you said "what branch of the franchise…" bc that's what it is. I hate when people call each iteration of below deck or any of bravos long running shows a franchise. That isn't correct. The franchise is below deck itself. Then, as you said, each diff version is a branch, or iteration, of the overall franchise. It's a pet peeve of mine!

  3. What Jen says about Captain Lee leaving makes total sense. ALSO his back surgery makes him a liability on potentially rough seas & he can be seriously re-injured. I’ve had 3 back surgeries. It doesn’t take much to get re-injured. Not to mention the AFIB. But I do believe he’ll be back in some form. But on solid ground. Love you guys! And the wine cup! 🥂

  4. I liked Kerry as a Capt. He’s professional, not afraid to give his opinion, & entertains guests easily. Capt. Lee is a fav. The sailing Capt. doesn’t do it for me. Sandy was better understood this season. We needed a reunion! I so enjoy Capt. Sean here. He is a wealth of info.

  5. I will miss Captain Lee, especially his one liners. I am hoping that we will be seeing him in the future, on another show on Bravo. I am also looking forward on seeing Captain Kerry and the changes he may bring to the show. Although Ross and Katie were immature in the love department, they were really mature and dedicated to their work. Would love to see either Ben or Katie as a Bosun! Captain Sean, I hope Latitude wins an award on Thursday!

  6. I don’t know if you see these but I hope you do. When I watch YouTube on my phone I hit like of course however on my TV it doesn’t work. Maybe there are others who have this as well. Love you guys and adam

  7. Captain Sean – 🤞🤞

    It´s the best community!💞 I got my YouTube channel because of Anchor Watch 🙂 Never commented or been in a chat before… I just had to – because it was so fun, crazy and "safe". Love it! "My best friends in my head"! 🤗😁❣- and also the way two super professional performers having a recap of Below Deck on You Tube… it´s soooo inspiring and brave!! Love it – love it! Looking forward to it every week! Wise words and pure comedy! 🤗👏👏👏

  8. I really want to see the reunion, because I want all the other cast members to see the way Alyssa spoke about them. Everybody came after Camille. I don’t think it all Solely lands on her. And I must’ve missed something because I didn’t see her the way most people speak about her in the comments of fan groups

  9. If you get a notification and can't watch it, it's important to still go to the video to register the like.👍 It's a small but meaningful way to say "Thank you" and to show appreciation for all these vids you do. So, thank you.

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