În episodul din această săptămână din Onboard Lifestyle, părăsim Puerto Refugio în vârful nordic al Insulei Angel de la Guarda și începem să împingem Basik spre sud, spre ape mai calde. Navigația este uimitoare, pescuitul este perfect, iar echipajul este plin de spirit acum că ne-am întors pe apă. Reveniți săptămâna viitoare să vedem unde ajungem… ne vedem atunci! ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU! Dacă sunteți interesat să ne ajutați să producem aceste videoclipuri, nu ezitați să consultați pagina noastră Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/onboardlifestyle TIP JAR: Vă plac videoclipurile noastre? Vrei să ne oferi un virtual high-five? Ne răsfățați cu un pahar de rosé sau whisky pe stânci sau cu altă carte pentru Emma? Sau abordează un rezervor de combustibil? Faceți clic pentru a vedea cum puteți susține producțiile noastre (majoritatea modalităților nu vă vor costa nici un ban): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YDXEXUHWSF634&source=url SHIP’S MAGAZIN: Doriți să cumpărați echipamentul nostru sv basik? Verificați magazinul nostru de produse și arată-ne puțină dragoste luând o cămașă sau două! Proiectat de Swabby Emma: https://teespring.com/stores/onboard-lifestyle PRODUSE & CAMERA ECHIPAMENT: https://www.amazon.com/shop/onboardlifestyle?isVisitor=true Am colectat unele dintre produsele pe care le folosim în timpul reparației noastre și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru sau orice altceva de pe Amazon (folosind linkul), primim câțiva bănuți adăugați la pisicuța noastră de croazieră. Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Nu uitați să ne dați like pe Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Onboardlifestyle-SV-basik-435111790177690/ Verificați site-ul nostru! Încă se actualizează. 😜 https://www.onboardlifestyle.com/
Să mergem la navigație! – Stil de viață la bord ep.245

36 thoughts on “Să mergem la navigație! – Stil de viață la bord ep.245”
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4 months behind?
Christmas 😮, dang Rumplestiltskin..
It's in the 90's and Springtime already.. need to get that Star-link some RedBull
Christmas??? You know it's April now?
🐣Happy🐰Easter 🐥Lihn, Teal. Emma, & Compass!🐤I hope the day is as wonderful as you all are! I heard you say Christmas, & I'm in Spring. Are you 3 months behind?
It's so good to see you all! I always enjoy seeing the Dolphins, sunsets, & the beautiful places you go. Emma will make a great Captain!
Just wondering what brand of chartbook you were using there?
4:16 Do you have a license for those Guns Linh…. And gee warn us before smiling so we can put our sunglasses on. Ha ha.
I forget your videos are recorded months prior to posting.
Love catching up with you guys every week.Thanks!!!
Look what you have dun with that boat,over the years .Good job
WOW ! Christmas 😮. Yikes! It’s April 8, 2023 in real time! happy sailing !
Великолепный отдых для семьи! Браво!👏👏👏
Always super fun to sail with you guys. Thanks again!
Captain Emma !
Wait a minute – this video was posted 12 hours ago, and you just said you were getting ready for Christmas, that is 8 months from now. Do you work for the government? you know the US government that cannot tell the truth. Please explain.
December vdo???
I guess gonna skip that one.
Does compass ever get sea sick?
I'm so glad things are going well for you. Considering this was almost six months ago, I hope things are still going well. Fair winds! My spouse and I look forward to every episode.
Congratulations on providing excellent programming . Thank you SVB .
Christmas ??………… that was like 3 months ago 😯
Christmas??? is it different in Mexico……….3.5 mnths later…………..wow
Another groovy episode. Nice filming of the surrounding areas as well as life onboard. Stay safe and stay groovy.
Thank you for sharing. Have a great day and stay safe.🙂🙂
Wow! Did I just see 8.5 knots? By the way, for some reason, I just noticed how large your wheel is. I was a helmsman/navigator on an aircraft carrier and our wheel was a lot smaller than that. Love it.
Very cool episode Thank you.
Teal can you get a picture from drone when your sailing with the green sail?
Hay do you have to take that satellite down in bad weather or does it stay up all the time ?
This video was as like Seinfeld a show about nothing I’ll just drift away again see ya
Probably the best intro yet! 😄
Emma is getting hot!
Am always very very envious…..well done team, and do so love your lifestyle adventure…fabulous…..Cheers👍
At 2:45 sounds like you're saying the WATER was previously 90 F
Can that be? Baja water is warm, but that would be hot – it's hot water?
Christmas in a few days time? Which religion would that be?
I know this is off topic. But how do you guys. Get your teeth so white??? 😁😁😁😁😁 The white family 😂 Thank you Justin
What a nice and peaceful sail, GREAT video
i now watched all the 245 episodes from your videos. congats! the videos are all excellent incl. the sounds and except sometimes teal ist explaining too much 😃 but one thing i don't believe: tho cooking from linh. i think you must stolen the pictures from her food somewhere in cook-books. it look so delicious all the time, so it can not be real 🤣 take care all of you and i will look forward to the next videos. Ueli from Switzerland
Its concerning that you think Bonita is a great eating fish. Its a bait fish!