VIAȚA BARCĂ: Am încercat să navigam fără experiență

VIAȚA BARCĂ: Am încercat să navigam fără experiență

După aproape 6 ani de viață de dubă, suntem deschiși să explorăm noi moduri de a trăi. Este viața de barcă pentru noi?! Pentru a obține o sursă de vitamina D pentru 1 an + 5 pachete de călătorie GRATUIT la prima achiziție, accesați Mulțumim lui AG1 pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip. Când bunul nostru prieten Alex ne-a invitat să încercăm să navigăm cu el de-a lungul coastei Baja, am știut că trebuie să încercăm! Vino să navighezi de-a lungul mării Cortez și urmărește-ne încercând să trăim pe o barca cu pânze cu 5 persoane. 0:00 de ce viața de barcă? 2:41 bun venit la bord! 6:08 „suntem liberi” 8:51 dezastru în cabină 🥴 10:32 tur complet cu barca 13:34 prima masă la bord 16:11 antrenament de dimineață 💪 19:10 frica mea de a naviga 24:00 saga dingey 😝 Am făcut ai prins o scurtă privire asupra noului brand de ceai Eamon & Bec! Matcha pe care l-am băut de mai multe ori aici face parte din noua noastră colecție de ceaiuri de la Habit.


42 thoughts on “VIAȚA BARCĂ: Am încercat să navigam fără experiență

  1. As soon as I press play I’m smiling continuously throughout this weeks video haha 😂 yeah bec.. I’m not good on boats either.. but seeing all the wonderful sights hopefully makes up for being a bit wobbly on board..🐬🐳🏝⛵️

  2. Does your brother need an amazing life partner by any chance? One that’s musically talented, handy, offs grid building skills, with a lot of faith, sense of adventure, oh, and is the worlds best mother?🤷‍♀️

  3. If I didn't love you guys before I love you a billion times more. Thank you for doing your part for the better half of the planets population.

    Can you imagine if just one small group from every city or town all over the world did their part to take care of animals, people or planet how much better our world would be.

    This has always been a dream of mine to save every animal from abuse and neglect. 💕

  4. Love you and all the lovely people in your life. You’re lucky to have people around you that love you. Family is hard to come by these days let alone good friends. Take advantage of that with gratitude and love.

  5. What a great adventure. Being in Mexico and all the sun please be careful. Coverup when possible and use sunblock.
    Just lost my dad November 2022 due to skin cancer. He worked outside most of his life.

    Stay safe 💕

  6. Loved this video and getting to know your new friends a little too! Boat life looks amazing and after all the places you both have lived I think you’d both do great if your actually considering trying it out more long term. The one thing that always stands out to me in your content is that you always take the time to show gratitude and take in how beautiful and blessed you are in life. You truly are living the dream!

  7. I love how you guys are so close and can go to bed separately lol I’m just thinking about how if I was on a boat with my man I would’ve been like “babe WE are going to bed?”😂

  8. Does soy sauce expire??? It might lose some flavor but it won't spoil, with a few caveats. An unopened bottle of soy sauce can last as long as two or three years (basically forever), and you can safely leave an opened bottle out of the refrigerator for up to one year.

  9. I have just joined this site ,I got it from Max, & his lovely dog site ,on their Van life , so I have a lot to catch up on , I do hope to hear you are pregnant very soon xxx

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