„Simți o legătură cu adevărat puternică în Oceanul de Sud” | Poveștile Oceanului de Sud | Cursa Oceanului

„Simți o legătură cu adevărat puternică în Oceanul de Sud” |  Poveștile Oceanului de Sud |  Cursa Oceanului

Ascultați de la echipe în timp ce reacționează la călătoria lor epică peste Oceanul de Sud – vorbesc despre îndoielile și temerile lor, despre provocările cu care s-au confruntat direct, împreună cu bucuriile trăite pe drum. Etapa 3 a fost una pentru veacuri și va rămâne pentru totdeauna în mintea echipajelor care au participat. Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: https://goo.gl/BzBCwU Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: https://goo.gl/nrB9ay Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceanrace/ Citește mai mult: http://www.theoceanrace.com


20 thoughts on “„Simți o legătură cu adevărat puternică în Oceanul de Sud” | Poveștile Oceanului de Sud | Cursa Oceanului

  1. On one hand, having Rosie flying around must have been super scary, on the other hand, I see that it gave the crew a break for a while… (wouldn’t say this if the injury was more severe and she didn’t recover).

  2. This is so deep, really, and brave to share their vulnerability. My heart goes out to each and every crew member. They are amazing human beings and have my very best wishes for Leg 4.

  3. An impressive insight. Great episode. Hard to be honest in front of a camera. The oceans is like the high mountains it rips of all the artifical shells and exposes the human beeing underneath. It is there where the real human apears and the real character and personality shows up with all its fragility and strenght.

  4. Great conversation, wonderful outtakes, I thoroughly enjoyed this video and the emotions and passion that drives these extraordinary sailors – okay, Rosie, on team Malizia is still my favorite; what a great team member she is!

  5. a wonderful piece! this is the true nature of things and through sharing we all learn something about ourselves. my admiration for the boat crews and what they went through on the leg is difficult to express. a great congratulations to all of them.

  6. Great stories! All the sailers & videographers are doing a spectacular job, but there’s just something extra happening on Malizia. Stay safe everyone.

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