Loc de joacă exclusivist al celor bogați și faimoși, St Barts din Caraibe găzduiește superyacht-uri și magazine de modă. Ni s-a spus să nu vizităm pentru că acolo nu va fi nimic pentru noi, dar am mers oricum. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce vedem cu ochiul vieții celor bogați și faimoși, împreună cu găsirea unui ancoraj uimitor de insulă liniștită, nelocuită, chiar după colț. Aflați dacă a meritat oprirea pe pasajul nostru cu navigație de la Barbuda la Insulele Virgine Britanice. Urmărește până la sfârșit pentru a vedea întâlnirea noastră navigând cu balenele cu cocoașă. Navigam în jurul lumii de 6 ani și jumătate după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile, minimele și provocările călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca în larg, pe ocean și în afara rețelei. Conținut suplimentar și actualizări în timp real pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingyachtflorence Ne puteți urmări și prin blogul nostru la http://www.sailwiththeflo.wordpress.com Echipament: Link afiliat: Obțineți un selfie invizibil gratuit stick-ul pentru Insta 360 X3 aici, camera pe care o folosim pentru a captura fotografii asemănătoare unei drone atunci când navigăm în larg fără dronă: https://www.insta360.com/sal/x3?insrc=INRQ83I 00:00 – Intro 01 :21 – Navigare cu Spinnaker de la Barbuda la St Barts 03:59 – Superyacht-uri în St Barts 06:26 – Fauna sălbatică locală 07:11 – Decapitat de un avion? 09:03 – The Anchorage in St Barts, Gustavia 10:06 – Ancorarea la Colombier Beach, St Barts 12:02 – Ile Fourchue, St Barts 16:53 – Navigare spre Insulele Virgine Britanice 20:39 – Balenele cu cocoașă cu barca cu vele 24:25 – Next Time #Sailing #offshoresailing #OceanSailing #Ocean #sailingaroundtheworld #circumnavigation #SailingYachtFlorence #BoatLife #boatlifestyle #yacht #SYFlorence #AtlanticOceanSailing #SailingDoubleHanded #CaribbeanwheatWhales #MuzicaCaribbeanWhales #CaribbeanWhales #ViațaVieții – www .hooksounds.com – Licențiat Keep Walking – www.hooksounds.com – Creative Commons – Atribuire Creative Commons 4.0 Licență Rainy Morning – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat Accesați dvs. – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat Morning Solitude – www.hooksounds .com – Licensed Love Comes Quietly – www.hooksounds.com – Licensed Ladybird – www.hooksounds.com – Licensed Emotional Strings – www.hooksounds.com – Licensed A Romantic Wedding – www.hooksounds.com – Licensed Growing Fond – www. hooksounds.com – Stil cubanez licențiat – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat
NU NAVIGAȚI AICI au spus | Boatlife a bogaților și celebrilor | Navigarea Florenței – Ep.154
37 thoughts on “NU NAVIGAȚI AICI au spus | Boatlife a bogaților și celebrilor | Navigarea Florenței – Ep.154”
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Ya know it's nice to see a good looking polite , well spoken couple sharing their sailing experience without all the ass shaking and stupidity for once.
Your two are great sailors. The quality of your filming better than National Geographic.
I doubt if any of those super yachts can compete with your six years of adventure.
So, guess who'll get the last laugh.
And what kind of fanfare can await any vogage that's been made with a yacht well supplied with various deck-hands.!!!
We're all waiting to see what next you'll be getting up to.
Alors, au suivant.!!
Wauw, beautifull as ever!
It's a very Barron sort of place ,I had it in my head it was going to be tropical rainforest. Pray to God if it wasn't for the leaders running my country you would never want to leave and this video just proves it .
Weird…… just dreamed about Amy. A new great episode born. Better than a notification.
Those super yachts and the lifestyle that goes along with it are grotesque. Humanity at some of its worst. Yuck.
Always nervous boating around superyachts as I am aware that the smallest fender bender could cost $10,000's.
Some lovely sights in that video. Thanks for sharing
Pity that Sweden sold it to France in 1878 for about $30,000. Gustavia (the town) is named after the Swedish king.
Great video and interesting, as I need to travel to caribbean Islands, sometime in the future.
You are happy, even you don´t have a luxury yacht, that is most important of all. Greetings from Iceland
Thank you Guys, beautifully shot, proper sailors.
Another superb episode, great footage with amazing music, lots of depth!!
Sweet days and the sailing is easy…cheers 🥂
As always absolutely stunning production .. the filming, shots, editing, music, drone shots, slow mo, narrative .. you are are totally in a class of your own and make other sailing channels look like children playing with their phones… each episode is a mini classic that could hold its own on any mass distribution channel such as Netflix or Prime video .. !!
Another stunningly beautiful and inspiring video. Sensational filming and absolutely matching music. You must splice all of these travel and sailing adventures together into a feature-length movie. It would be a sell-out! Thank you so much. You deserve every credit and accolade.
Thank You.
Great video as always.
Great job again guys
I'm sure that using the spinacker pole with gennacker is somehow cheating.
Anyone spot the turquoise super yacht at 10:30 it’s tender was a mini me carbon copy of the super yacht!
Again , beautiful storytelling 👍🏽. Enjoy your dream 💭!
What a cool place. Can not wait till we get to go. Thanks for sharing.
Actually, the planes are also trying to leave themselves room to power up should they need to abort the landing.
There is a stench about much of the rich and super rich. A place where merit kneels to bourgeois elitism. I have worked for a few quite wealthy people, only ran into the stench a couple of times. Self-made people were, most often, just normal people with greater means. Friendly generous decent people. Those that look down their nose can't smell their own stench and think themselves as better than you and often have zero merit themselves.
Just found your channel.. awesome… I really enjoy your videos. Thank you!!
Florence is the Super Yacht for good reason. What a funny joke that Amy would Chicken out!!! We have come to know Amy as fearless. Really 👍
We have really been enjoying your channel, such great photography, and beautiful places to see.
Technically, Puerto Rico has rainforest.
It’s not really yachting, it’s just a show of wealth amongst the super rich.
All this is magical thanks for sharing
5:43, you have all these millions of dollars, and the best you can come up with is a fugly boat that looks like an arse sailing backwards! Really?
Loved the Twig n Berries shot of the cactus!!!! Hahaha
Your production quality keeps going up and up, definitely the premier sailing channel now 👍👍
great video thank you. Are you using a whisker pole for that asym or is it a real (stronger) spinnaker pole? I ask since I'd like to try this but I have a whisker and some say not strong enough for spinnaker tack? your setup seems low stress.
Were the people on the other boats particularly friendly to little old Florence?
great video fantastic sights I would love to do what you are doing as I am retired early sell up by a boat and sail as motor boats are so expensive to run on fuel but using the wind as your power is nothing better in my mind and its clean as I have the electric car I would convert a diesel engine into a motor it's a British invention where it connects to the back of the engine acts as a motor and a generator to charge your battery and solar and wind power away you go even cheaper to run I keep dreaming of doing this as my wife can't swim I am a bit apprehensive with her but with today's life belts they are minimum size not too cumbersome we would wear them anyway on deck for sure I am very safety conscious I have just subscribed to your channel and liked it being British we are an island and I think the sea is in all of our blood I love the sea and coast have done a bit of sailing when I was younger but would have to brush up on it and do some courses navigation will be a must as if your GPS fails you need to know where you're going,
As a RAC patrol I am already familiar with radios and speech I just need no renew my licence as it was a general licence all patrols were covered under the licence as a mechanic and electrician of 12 and 24 volts and self-taught 240 volts as my dad as a house and boat 240v electrician I used to help him out on big jobs on my days off so I know a lot and the laws and what to fit all I would need to do is brush up on solar power at the moment I am fitting solar power to my garage to charge my car as well as electricity at the moment its just 240volt fitted by some great guys did a fantastic job and it was all free with the car I now only spend 6 pounds a week on electricity instead of 30 pounds of fuel sorry to waffle on its nice to find some British people actually doing it so glad I've found your channel so all the best in your travels I will be watching and liking so all the best from John From Rugby UK.