O privire mai atentă asupra navigației | Navigare Partea #1 | de către ScreteMonge

O privire mai atentă asupra navigației |  Navigare Partea #1 |  de către ScreteMonge

Old School RuneScape lucrează la o abilitate nou-nouță. Acest videoclip face parte dintr-o serie mai lungă care va acoperi dezvoltarea continuă a navigației. În următoarele videoclipuri, vă vom vorbi despre Core Gameplay, apoi recompense și, în sfârșit, Integration and Lore. Lucrăm îndeaproape cu comunitatea și salutăm feedback-ul tău la fiecare pas. Nu putem face asta fără tine! 1️⃣ BLOG! 👉 https://osrs.game/Navigational-Mechanics-Blog 2️⃣ DISCORD! 👉 Noua abilitate Server Discord – https://osrs.game/Discord-Server-Invite PARTENERI Am colaborat cu ScreteMonge pentru a crea acest videoclip minunat. 📺 Videoclip creat de creatorul comunității, ScreteMonge. 🎨 Miniatură creată de artistul comunității și câștigătorul Golden Gnome 2021 Hooti Tooti. Asigurați-vă că le urmăriți canalele de mai jos: ⭐ https://twitter.com/ScreteMonge ⭐ https://twitter.com/Hooti_OSRS #oldschoolrunescape #NewSkill #OSRSNewSkill #OSRSMobile #Sailing #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape


25 thoughts on “O privire mai atentă asupra navigației | Navigare Partea #1 | de către ScreteMonge

  1. Ahoy, Sailors! What did you all think of our first dev blog video on Sailing?! Are you #Scurvypilled yet?

    In our next video, we'll dive into Core Gameplay, including the all-important topic of XP Rates. Then, we'll set sail towards exploring the Reward Space of Sailing! Our final dev blog video will cover Area/Skill Integration and Lore, concluding with a summary of the complete design for you to vote on!

    We're eager to hear your thoughts on our first video with @ScreteMonge. Don't forget to give it a thumbs up & subscribe if you enjoyed! ⚓

  2. I don't think Sailing is what people actually want. The fact you guys polled 3 options than took the highest one which was barely a pass and call it the winner is a lazy tactic that might jeopardize this game.

  3. I was a little sceptical at first, but I know this team can pull it off. After seeing a little more about it, I'm much more excited. I would like to see more around the concept of pvp/pvm possibilities that can accompany sailing. Maybe have random ghost/skeleton/zombie ships patrolling the seas that will attack on site and you can choose to fight or flee. Also, random islands with hidden clues leading to other islands, eventually leading to nice rewards (similar to clue scroll mechanics). The possibilites are endless and I look forward to seeing how the game evolves.

  4. Building the ship should give construction xp also, maybe small amount of sailing xp but please dont make it like construction that you just build and destroy your ship over and over again for meta. Make it actually fun, using cannons gets xp, repairing broken planks gives both construction and sailing xp. Perhaps have some type of slime that builds on the boat that you can collect for herblore. Dont forget the poop deck!

  5. It was said that the top 2 skills would go head to head in another vote except it wasnt even though the two skills were soo close in percentages. Ifeel cheated that Shamanism wasnt given a fair shake, because while this skill is very unique all it does is bring multiple skills togeather and didnt even have to be a skill at all. I would have much rather given shamanism a chance. Unique doesn't alway mean good.

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