Putem chiar să reușim asta? (Starlink salvează ziua) EP. 77

Putem chiar să reușim asta?  (Starlink salvează ziua) EP.  77

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1978 Allied Seawind II Hull #89 Deplasare – 15.000 de lire Balast – 5.800 de lire de plumb (chila încapsulată fără șuruburi) Marconi Cutter Rig Lungime – 32′ Bănci – 10,5′ Tiraj de apă – 4′ 6″ Tiraj de aer – 45′

Ghosts of the Rail de Gabriel Lewis Mindful Endeavors de Amaranth Cove Numb de Nihoni Don’t Waste My Time de Victor Lundberg


7 thoughts on “Putem chiar să reușim asta? (Starlink salvează ziua) EP. 77

  1. …. there are a lot of things that are getting easier as tech leaps ahead. It seems their desire to control how we spend money is not in our favor .. the Wynns had an experience with this when they were in the south pacific where the institution froze their accounts and the only solutions granted them was for Jason to fly back state-side and physically go to the institution … things like this makes one wonder where things are headed …. noticed in this video that you did not do the norm when griping your foredeck, you did not put the dividing line down the center, I like it a lot … Laughing …. in the beginning we went from secretive of we have two sails and then a flight all the way to we are putting a deposit on and pictures of the new home …. tx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming just dream bigger …. have fun be safe, save our oceans ….

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