Eat Sleep Sail Repet! O privire nefiltrată asupra ULTIMELE noastre zile la bordul SEAWIND EP. 78

Eat Sleep Sail Repet!  O privire nefiltrată asupra ULTIMELE noastre zile la bordul SEAWIND EP.  78

[ ONE TIME CONTRIBUTIONS ] Nu uitați să vă abonați la canalul nostru și să activați notificările pentru a nu pierde niciun episod 😊🎥✌🏼 Viața reală la bordul unei barca cu pânze este grea. Este plin de suișuri și coborâșuri, forțându-vă să construiți o legătură cu casa voastră plutitoare, spre deosebire de oricare alta. Barca este fortăreața ta împotriva mamei natură și este locul în care îți construiești relația cu tine însuți și cu oricine altcineva care trăiește pe barcă. Pentru Katy și pentru mine, Seawind este locul în care ne-am construit relația și viața. Acest episod este un alt moment fericit în timp la bordul acestei barci pe care am construit-o împreună. Călătorind din Exumas, la Nassau în Bahamas și ne pregătim să punem în joc relația noastră cu Seawind din cauza unei noi bărci strălucitoare după care ne poftim. Ceva ne cheamă către un nou capitol, iar noi urmăm… Bucură-te! #digitalnomad #boatlife #lifestyle #epidemicsound #sonyalpha #travelvlog

1978 Allied Seawind II Hull #89 Deplasare – 15.000 de lire Balast – 5.800 de lire de plumb (chila încapsulată fără șuruburi) Marconi Cutter Rig Lungime – 32′ Bănci – 10,5′ Tiraj de apă – 4′ 6″ Tiraj de aer – 45′

Câmpuri veșnic verzi de mașini cu bandă Demontare de Peter Sandberg Secrete ascunse de Melanie Bell Flyin de Blue Red Sky Wondering Why de Violet Barber


8 thoughts on “Eat Sleep Sail Repet! O privire nefiltrată asupra ULTIMELE noastre zile la bordul SEAWIND EP. 78

  1. Parker, in the refit of Seawind you made the engine room accessible from the cock pit making it more accessible rather than the cockpit lockers. I would like see that if it was videotaped.
    Jimmy Allen

  2. … your comparison of what the yacht burned fuel wise to what Sea Wind consumed brought to mind the fact that so many sailors strive for minimal fuel consumption and some even go to the extent of repowering with electric and then are subject to criticism for having a combustion engine generator for back-up, emergencies and get told you see electric doesn't work. Reality, it does work and the fuel they use is a drop in the bucket …. All this focus on net neutral these days and they, the authorities lay blame to the fuel burners running up and down our roads and tax us saying we are the problem .. a stat I got from a video where the discussion topic was Tesla and when talking about the possibilities of Robo-Taxi being a viable entity one of the panelist shared the stat that N. American domestic vehicles sit waiting either in a driveway or a parking stall outside of a work place 96% of the time. That blew my mind, the car sellers advertising is so successful, they have convinced the population to divert X-amount, percent of their household income to this thing that is only used 4% of it's life …. Now think about planes, commercial airliners, how many hours a day do they operate, as many as possible, if they are sitting on the tarmac they are not making money. … Yes Yes back to your comparison of the yachts fuel burn …. search what a 747 burns in an hour … copied it here for you to ponder ….. kinda boggled my mind when I first saw it a while back ….. the first line states per second, I'll let you figure out the per hour ….. "A plane like a Boeing 747 uses approximately 1 gallon (about 4 liters) of fuel every second. Over the course of a 10-hour flight, it might burn 36,000 gallons (150,000 liters). The 747 burns approximately 5 gallons of fuel per mile (12 liters of fuel per kilometer).Dec 15, 2022" …. Can't sign off without commenting on who is effected the most by these per gallon tax increases, it is not those that do not bat an eye over their monthly fuel bill, it is the other end of the scale, lets go extreme, the single parent that works 3 part time no benefit jobs. Buy food or gas so can get to job so can buy more gas? ….. sorry to get off on a tangent …… .. have to say every time I see your dodger I am impressed with what you have created, good practice for your next creation, bet you wouldn't want to be without a hard dodger now o your new home …. have seen some that have a camp stove and do their cooking in the cockpit especially when there is no breeze moving through the cabin ….. thx for the share,…… as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans …..

  3. I can never get fitted sheets in any kind of reasonable order.. it's been a lifelong struggle. not a professional but that slo mo bit at 20:02 is really elegant to me.

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