Navigați în Cyklade, Grecia! Partea 1.

Navigați în Cyklade, Grecia!  Partea 1.

Primii 1.000 de persoane care folosesc linkul vor primi o lună de probă gratuită a Skillshare Bună tuturor! Îmi pare rău că vă fac să așteptați, dar am nevoie de o pauză de la stresul și grijile obișnuite! Prin urmare, mi-am luat prietena, Silje, cu mine într-o aventură de navigație în jurul Cicladelor, Grecia. Și ce vacanță s-a dovedit a fi! Acest videoclip este cât se poate de departe de conținutul obișnuit de furtunoasă NBJS, dar a fost incredibil de distractiv să faci ceva absolut ieșit din mențiunea YouTube, înainte de a te întoarce în Marea Nordului pentru o altă aventură cu o singură mână în Hebride, vest. Scoția, în iulie! 🙂 Mulțumim mult lui Kavas Yachting pentru că ne-a permis să luăm frumosul lor Beneteu Oceanis 46.1 în această călătorie! Verifică-le aici: Alătură-te cu mine în Insulele Virgine Britanice în decembrie: Sailwear: NBJS burgee : trimiteți-mi un e-mail la Design de tricou Siljes: =231 de tricouri și produse în interiorul UE: SUA și peste tot: Facebook: https:// Instagram: Patreon: PayPal: My site:


46 thoughts on “Navigați în Cyklade, Grecia! Partea 1.

  1. Battling the North Sea is one thing, learning how to navigate a relationship is the harder. It would have been easy to edit out the bits where Silje was worried. Im glad you didnt.

  2. great video and I am amazed i have to say that your girfriend dosent have sea legs so to speak, but Im sure in time she will learn to trust you, I personally would be relaxed as hell if you were my skipper lol.

  3. "This cant be normal" – Love it 😆, always the same to be on the water with first time sailors and i still know when it was for me the first time a boat healed over 😉
    I was in the cyclades just 2 weeks before you (we were also in Kitnos in the same bay, and on the island Poros). Luckily for Silje, despite the rain you had better weather than we had (we had at some point up to 3-4m waves). Maybe you wanna check out croatian waters some time, and you will meet on the water 😉
    Regards Sascha

  4. Thanks for the change of pace, Eric and Silje. I'm really looking forward to seeing photos and videos of Mykonos – my own boat is called Mykonos, she is a Noelex 25 trailer yacht and I sail and race it on Lake Taupo and love cruising on the Hauraki Gulf, North Island, New Zealand.

  5. Great to see you again , certainly a change of climate and you and Silje seem good for each other 😊just don't get to much under her thumb ha ha 👍

  6. Aww, I loved this video! Great job being such a good sport, Silje. Your Captain has a few nautical miles under his belt in very tough situations that have made a tough, salty dog out of him. If you stick with it, I’m sure it will get better. Erik, lighten up on her. She needs to learn the basics. I’m glad to see you take a break away from your usual, though, even if you couldn’t resist the imagined challenge of racing another boat. 😂😂. (Didn’t Silje know what kind of sailing you are famous for?👍👏🏻). You definitely needed a change for awhile. I truly believe it’s just good for the soul. I hope your health continues to improve and your trip to the Hebrides goes smoothly. The upcoming December event looks fun. More time for you two to have sailing adventures together. I’m very much looking forward to the second Greece episode. Viking on! ❤️👏🏻💯🤗. and welcome to Erik’s channel, Silje!!🥳🎉😎😎☺️

  7. Hi Erik, I hope you are well. I really enjoyed your Greek sailing this week.
    I see you are coming my way in 4 week, and if I can be of any assistance to you when visiting please let me know.
    I will also be steaming to st kilda on the week of 17 July so might even see you there.
    If you are coming in to Tarbert or Stornoway marina and you require a lift or assistance, or even just a beer then do not hesitate in contacting me.
    All the best for now and keep up the great work.
    Kind regards

  8. Did you guess something or what? I've been reading about the first civilizations in the Mediterranean, and the Cyclades are often mentioned, and now I am able to visualise that scenario thanks to you.
    Good winds to you and your beautiful girlfriend. For what I've heard there's no lack you wind in the Cyclades.

  9. I loved the video and I’m so happy for you! I know you’ll always be challenged and you’ll never be bored with this strong, independent woman……🍀

  10. I really enjoyed watching your beautiful trip on this stunning boat! But I have one complain: how could you NOT bring „Tiger“?🤔😉 After the last adventures he would also have deserved some vacation. But I guess he was busy guarding Tessi while you were in Greece😁
    Anyway, great video and great job on the post-Production as always 👍

  11. Well sailing the top end of the Med will be a real Holiday for you Erik, but I think you should have took Silje for some sailing lessons on Tessie first. I was really laughing at the look she gave you when she went back down the companionway. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. Erik, awesome content. I got my day skipper license this year at 28 years old. Have done multiple three day passages from UK to Spain as crew before but looking to do my first bareboat charter in the Med end of this summer. How did you get food on the boat? Do they deliver it you in the marina on day one? How expensive were marina fees? Would be cool if you could cover that in a future vid. Cheers from London

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