Catamaranul nostru primește echipamente electrice de vârf!! Proiectele de ambarcațiuni s-au oprit pentru câteva zile, în timp ce am traversat țara de la coasta de est la vest pentru a ne întâlni cu cel mai nou sponsor oficial – Xantrex. Aceasta este o companie cu care am vorbit de la începutul construcției în speranța unei colaborări, iar în urmă cu doar câteva săptămâni, am primit undă verde de la finalul lor. Cu ajutorul Xantrex, vor adăuga la barca noastră: invertoare; regulatoare de încărcare; baterii litiu-ion, panouri solare și un nou dispozitiv numit The Gateway, care va permite tuturor sistemelor să comunice între ele. Suntem dincolo de entuziasmati!!! Stând împreună cu echipa internă, am putut să ne împărtășim speranțele pentru construcție și cum căutăm să mergem la 48v cu majoritatea articolelor, deoarece vom fi o barcă hibridă electrică. În plus, Matt a avut șansa să vorbească cu inginerii și să vadă The Gateway în acțiune. Veți vedea mult mai multe de la Xantrex pe măsură ce continuăm cu această construcție. Săptămâna viitoare va arăta restul timpului nostru în BC, dar de dragul episodului am decis să ne întoarcem la ceva de lucru cu barca. Matt se ocupă de proiectul de a pune ultima formă pentru trapa noastră de punte, în dana înainte pentru oaspeți din babord. Aceasta constă în măsurarea și tăierea perfectă a deschiderii, apoi îndepărtarea gelcoat-ului și a sticlei de pe flanșă pentru a-l lipi. Odată ce s-a întărit peste noapte, fiind așezat în jos cu rășina noastră îngroșată, este sticlat cu dublu părtinire de sus și de jos. Vor mai fi mulți pași în viitor pentru a-l termina, dar suntem cu un pas mai aproape de a ne putea pune trapele în acest an. Sperăm să vă bucurați!
Suntem atât de norocosi să obținem acest sponsor – Este un SCHIMBĂTOR DE JOC pentru noi!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 291)
43 thoughts on “Suntem atât de norocosi să obținem acest sponsor – Este un SCHIMBĂTOR DE JOC pentru noi!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 291)”
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Sponsorship entails selling your soul to a corporate entity
I worked with fibreglass back in the '90s. Back then the epoxy had more health warnings on them than a carton of cigarettes nowadays. Have you noticed any health issued working with that stuff for the last couple of month or even years ?
Will be great to see the new products! I would be like Matt – kid in a (engineering) candy store!
Donate for a Dream
Awesome partnership, that will defo be a game changer. Great progress too. I wondered why there wasn't an update last week….lol. Awesome
Awesome to see all your hard work paying off!
So happy for you guys you have been working so hard onwards and upwards
Great company to partner with and you still managed to make progress on the build.
Sounds like a great partnership. you will be equipped with state of the art electronics and power system right from the launch. Always love seeing the amount of detail Matt puts into his glasswork. You guys were so close to another fave Youtube boat build. The Duracell Project was only a 3.5hr drive south from Vancouver. It would have been a meeting of the Matts and they could have exchanged ideas and experiences It would nave been great to see your personal reactions to Matts redesign and refit of Duracell. (I love Youtube collaborations) On another note, have you guys thought of a name for your boat?
You guys should lean how to navigate without using this technology its not that hard, after all if your Green you shouldn`t be using this stuff anyway, let alone flying all around the country in aircraft.
Nice score, with the new partnership. I'm looking forward to the nuts and bolts of your electric system.
Vancouver is an amazing city! I was just there and in Yaletown. Fantastic restaurants and incredible food. Excited to see what your partnership with Xantrex produces.
After this, how are you going to get him home to sand fiberglass?
Have you done an episode re: 12v vs 24v v 48v?
A cheap jigsaw might save a lot of sweat and effort
Have you tried wax paper instead of peel-ply
I hope all this brings you as much fame and fortune as you might like
I'll be interested to learn if Xantrex engineering can compete with Victron systems. I removed all Xantrex systems from my Winnebago Navion and went total Victron system in 2021 after due diligence.. Xantrex engineering was so far behind in inverter, MPPT, displays, Bluetooth, customer service, and junction boxes. Even in 2022 they were no match for Victron.
I can't give advice on building a sailboat and your sailing/navigation experiences have far surpassed mine. After reading some of the responses I will leave you with this thought. "Don't wrestle with pigs. You just get muddy and they love it".
I’ve been watching you guys for a long time now. I love that you make your channel stand alone and do your own things, not following all the other channels. The amazing workmanship you guys do and you only associate with quality companies and not just any company that comes along like all the other channels. I hope that you only keep with quality companies to back up the quality workmanship.
Wow that is so cool to have a NMEA interface on the Xantrex gateway, might be nice in the future to put an AI copilot onboard as a separate computer that can monitor all the data. Would be so nice to setup a trigger that would cut power to the motor if the motor load increases and rotations decrease(potential prop entanglement)… Lots of possibilities that way.
If I would have known you were coming I could have meet and taken you guys out for dinner. SHIT……… BTW I'll bet you found out Vancouver aint cheep ;lol….maybe next time
Where do you get this music
how are things going on your original timeline?
Damm.. lol you were in my town and I wish I could have met up with you guys because I have been watching the hole process and I might be doing the same thing 😢
Everything they said
Ooh, right in my back yard and I didn't get to meet you. Lol😂 Guess you can't meet a bunch of fans or you'd be here for weeks. A little late but welcome to B.C.
Great to see you arrange systems with a good partner.
My favorite spot for active and scenic vacation is in and around Tofino ….
1:40 No „diversity“ on the values board – priceless… 😉
Happy to see you guys again, we cannot wait to see your video's every sunday in South Africa. ❤
Music choice was killer on this episode.
My dad used Xantrex for his boat electronics for years. Excellent quality stuff! Not much more can be said to trust you'll have reliable systems when you're far afield. Congrats!
Proper name, framing, square, not carpenter, square
Why not the best electrical?
Congratulations on finalizing your partnership with your new electronics sponsor. This installation was fascinating to say the least. I have been curious from the beginning of your build how the architects and engineers factored torsional stresses for the number of surface penetrations and differing densities of assembly techniques, I.e., crack development over time. The 3D stress models from the kit provider would be interesting to see.
Welcome to Vancouver!
Vancouver is the home of many sailing related companies (Precision Sail, Xantrex etc)
Great things will happen with this partnership
Young couple struggling to do awesome adventures and difficult builds become an advertising chanel. Is your future offshore or wearing suits.
Cheers to you.
Wow, So flush hatches are that important!
Prehaps you should explain why they are so important!
FYI at the spring boat show I saw a production 45’ cat with 5 flush hatches in each hull deck…….. but every one had a 2” high mushroom type ventilator mounted in the acrylic! A toe snubber , potentially leak source and a weakened hatch acrylic! What were they thinking ???
Cheers Warren
Ask your doctor if Xantrex is right for you.
wow, very cool. I use Xantrex inverter in our RV…blush blush, i didnt even know they were a canadian company, heavy duty gear, you wont be disappointed
Just curious, when you build a house you at certain points you have to get someone, whether its electrical, plumbing etc to pass inspections. Does this type of check happen for boatbuilding as well …and glad you enjoyed my country Canada .
Living in a tyvek suit behind a respirator sweating bullets while working with the sticky stuff looks like an absolutely miserable way to spend your life no matter how much you are paid. I admire your perseverance but question the effects on your health and sanity. How much is this gargantuan task saving you.