Breaking Waves Navigand în timp real ACTUALIZARE

Breaking Waves Navigand în timp real ACTUALIZARE

Breaking Waves este un canal despre Ben și Alie care navighează prin lume în căutarea celor mai bune valuri de surf și aventurile în care se regăsesc. SV Kiana este un sceptru din 1989 care a ocolit deja o dată, Ben și Alie o refac pentru a o face din nou! Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon și obțineți conținut exclusiv! Urmărește-ne pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! Pagina de Facebook: Obțineți Swag-ul Breaking Waves la O parte din tot ceea ce facem de pe acest canal va fi donată către #navigație #surfing #liveaboardlife


13 thoughts on “Breaking Waves Navigand în timp real ACTUALIZARE

  1. Oh man!! I hope you are able to occasionally take a moment to say hi like you did today. 5 months without that smile and some tidbits of what's happening just might cause depression. 😢 Stay safe and well. Fingers crossed that you stay in touch. Thanks. ❤🙏

  2. Excellent time to take a break from what can be a dangerous time in a boat. Just curious… What type of work do you do and what type does Ben do? I apologize if you've already discussed your careers in your videos. Thank you!

  3. Bruce is a Rock Star! Love how he decided the whole recording thang had become tiresome & just walked off set! Ha! He has such a huge personally! <3 😉

  4. BW hi from Calgary and welcome home, so thankful season 1 turned out as well as it did for you. Appreciate all the footage of Cortez and west coast of Mex. Bummer about the working thing necessary evil. But what the heck may as well enjoy summer at home during hurricane season in Mex. Take care don't work too hard and Bruce still rules best cruising boat dog out there, of course Golden's anyways. Look forward to seeing you next season.

  5. Glad you all made it home safe and sound. Are we going to get see "a day in the life of a normal work day" of each of you? 😁
    Plus I'd love to see more of the area where you live. It's beautiful there.

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