Leii de mare curioși și ultima noastră navigare

Leii de mare curioși și ultima noastră navigare

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30 thoughts on “Leii de mare curioși și ultima noastră navigare

  1. I have scuba-dived, but never with seals. Thanks for the great video. While I know that sailing is without mechanical difficulties, I would just look at your haul out as preparation for the coming10-month vacation and adventure (lol) until the next haul out. Based on everything I've seen over the last many months Catalpa will be ready to go anywhere you care to go. Have fun and thanks for the videos on the journey.

  2. In the harbor where the waters meet the sky,
    Stands a ship with a story, let me tell you why.
    She's the Catalpa, a beauty from the sea,
    With her billowed sails, she's wild and she's free.

    From the South Pacific to the northern shore,
    Catalpa, you've ventured where few dared to explore.
    With a crew of dreamers, you've sailed so far,
    Guided by the North Star, like a shining star.

    Through the whispers of the wind and the ocean's roar,
    Catalpa, you've heard stories like never before.
    With your sleek hull and your canvas wings,
    You're the stuff of legends, the songs that sailors sing.

    In the twilight, when the day turns into night,
    Catalpa, you shimmer in the pale moonlight.
    With a cargo of treasures, and dreams anew,
    You set sail for horizons, where the skies are blue.

    So here's to Catalpa, the vessel so grand,
    Sailing to the edge of the world and back to land.
    May your sails stay full, and your compass true,
    Catalpa, dear Catalpa, we sing a song for you.

    Catalpa, oh Catalpa, sailin' on the rolling waves,
    Through the stormy nights and the surfin' days.
    Catalpa, dear Catalpa, with your spirit so bold,
    You're the ship of dreams, in a world untold.

  3. Great video, seals are so inquisitive, you should have put your legs out to them, they love nibbling on the end of your Fins – No content from Bel lately, Hope she has not been kidnapped by those pesky birds 🐦

  4. Pelicans are kind of punks. They are trying to bully you into giving them food.

    Puerto Penasco is kind of cool, there are some tidal estuaries nearby to explore. The nightlife gets a little nutty, good or bad depending on how you take it. Restaurante de Mariscos EL MALECÓN is decent if you are looking for a place to eat out, it overlooks the water.

  5. Absolutely beautiful underwater footage, The seals seemed to be very much at ease with ye and quite playful. I thought they couldn't be trusted and could bite? Good luck with your haul out, I'm sure ye have nothing to worry about. Stay Safe & Fair Winds!! ☘

  6. Sara really does like the sea lions, more amazing footage. I would be wary of them , A seal chewed the bow of my Kayak at St Abbs in the 60's, took me half a day to fix it. Another brilliant vid, well done Bella for going past the Pelicans.

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