NU avem haine! și rotunjirea Cape Hatteras | Navigand cu Sase | S2E34

NU avem haine!  și rotunjirea Cape Hatteras |  Navigand cu Sase |  S2E34

In acest episod ne racim destul de mult! Ne dăm seama că niciunul dintre hainele sau pantofii calduri pentru copii nu se mai potrivesc și trebuie să se îndrepte spre Goodwill pentru a-i ține de cald. Alegem o fereastră meteo grozavă pentru a ocoli Capul Hatteras, dar serile sunt încă pline de cap, așa că ne oprim la Chesapeake și stăm la o altă furtună. De asemenea, vizităm Fort Monroe și Muzeul Aerului și Spațial Virginia în timp ce așteptăm vremea și când împingem mai departe ne găsim într-o pătură groasă de ceață! Nu putem vedea nimic! Ne hotărâm să ne retragem la Atlantic City doar pentru noapte, cu speranța că ceața se va înlătura și va mai trece o noapte de ploaie. Pe măsură ce părăsim Pepita de Aur putem vedea grădinile înalte care au fost ascunse în ziua precedentă. Acum mai departe la New York! Comentați mai jos, apăsați subscribe și deveniți Patreon… Alăturați-vă familiei noastre Patreon Urmărește-ne pe Instagram Facebook https://web.facebook .com/sailingwithsix/ Site-ul web


31 thoughts on “NU avem haine! și rotunjirea Cape Hatteras | Navigand cu Sase | S2E34

  1. It's good you added the adjective "warm" in there, else the Puritan States of America may have refused you entry. 🙅‍♂️😂. Back when we sailed with the family, we avoided cold weather as much as possible. It saved on laundry and meant that our "white" kids and adopted African twins all ended up much the same colour. No descrimination on our little boat Arianrhod.

  2. The temp where I am is 38° F this morning! This is October 9 2023! I'm glad you found a Salvation Army Supply store to get warm clothes while sailing north along the coast! Enjoy the sights and maybe try a New York Pizza while near there. 👍😎👏😊🙏🏻❣️🤗😇

  3. I love Goodwill and Karm stores. I donate and often purchase items there. It was great to see you touring Fort Monroe and the Virginia Air & Space Museum. The twinkle in your children's eyes with wonder. 👏
    Thanks for sharing.😮

  4. Awesome to see Bella relieving mom and dad, to get more rest. More challenges come with the northern drive: cold and fog! I'm sure everyone is happy to get new clothes. At least there are no bommies to dodge here– but I bet you miss them. Now you "want to be a part of it, New York, New York". That will be an interesting clash. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

  5. 12:10 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Please note that those sleeves end at roughly the boy's ELBOWS. And it's not a short-sleeved shirt! Goodness me, those kids need new clothes STAT. Warm AND otherwise! 😀

  6. 12:38 WHOA BABY! You look HOT! Now where's that 12-year-old rebel who will (after doing his homework properly!) sweep you off your feet, get you on his Harley-Davidson (branded bicycle) (with both helmets worn properly!) and take you to some COOL place (like Baskin Robbins) to RAVE (on Rocky Road ice-cream)!

    (I can SEE Kris's puzzled expression: "Helmets?")

  7. 18:30 So let me get this straight. You're going to bed leaving kids to steer the ship through dense fog "hopefully nothing will come out of it". I'm not even talking about monsters DARPA has been feeding plutonium for decades. Or the aliens special forces they keep inside Norfolk navy base. But what about a tuna fisher happily going to his fishing grounds at 30 knots!?

  8. 20:18 YEAH, you keep practicing it! You're going to New York where cops don't get promoted until they strangle at least one loos cigarette seller. If they touch you inappropriately, don't worry, it's all part of "Stop and frisk" program instituted by the glorious Mayor Rudy Giuliani. No, wait, you're white! Nevermind then, you're safe. 😀

  9. Greetings folks** . It is great to see more families joining the oceans of the World. While watching this episode i noticed a few things which i would like to comment on (remembering, it is only my point of view): #1 – playing music while speaking and the wind blowing aat the same time. Usually the voice gets drowned out. When recording, make sure of the type of mike you use because no matter what, wind will always drown out a voice. As for the video quality >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very good (lol)! Have a great week and yes sometimes the little things like buying clothes is an adventure…. Ttfn

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