Ep.9 Realitatea de a trăi pe o barcă cu buget redus

Ep.9 Realitatea de a trăi pe o barcă cu buget redus

Realitatea de a trăi pe o barcă cu buget mic, de a ajunge la uscat, de provizii, de a găti, de furtuni și de PAZA DE COASTĂ?! #budgetsailing #beginnersailors #youngcruisers Dacă ați dori să ne susțineți călătoria neîntreruptă în continuare… o cafea este un drum lung pentru noi chiar acum 😂☕️ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sailingonashoestring https://paypal.me/sailingonashoestring? country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@louiseandsilas?_t=8flbXax965C&_r= Instagram – https://instagram.com/louiseandsilas?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==


14 thoughts on “Ep.9 Realitatea de a trăi pe o barcă cu buget redus

  1. I have a dinghy seat that would fit your dinghy. Problem is you keep moving. Are you planning on lifting out shortly? If so I will post it. I will send you an e mail through YT.

  2. Best place to sleep in wave action on fore…and in my case also aft (pops under the hull there in aft cabin where I used to sleep) is amidships they say. And that's right I know since I created my new sleeping place there in the saloon. Although of course you have to have the space for that on your boat, which I don't see on your (smaller) boat (yet). Old-fashioned hammock can also work. The challenges of living on a boat haha.😅 Bravely forward and sail with the wind of today..👍💪💪👊

  3. Happy for you guys and enjoyed the insight! Thanks! There are some good apps for translation i.e. you speak into your phone and it says the phrase in the language required. Might help. I used it a lot in Africa. Sorry, can't remember the app name. Stay safe!!

  4. Dear Louise and Silas, yours is set to become a very successful channel. If you keep up this amazing standard of video entertainment you simply can't fail.
    I speak for many people who have very little funds but want to emulate your adventure – whether we would be so brave in the face of some pretty hairy adventures is questionable! I won't forget Silas at the stubby tiller (no bloody leverage!) as the speed ripped away, and Louise extremely keen to know WTF was actually happening. I was very nervous for you!

    That part of Italy has some superb scenery as anyone whose been fortunate enough to experience the Amalfi coast will attest. I love that you bought Positano shirts so the lovely locals could see you were a firm friend of the village. I bet that was a BIG factor in your warm welcome there. Wish you could have got to Pompeii – one of the most incredible places on our planet – but maybe next time.
    I LOVE your boat's lines. She is an absolute beauty, and I feel a shot of her should be in your opening titles. Where on earth did you find such an incredible character of a boat, so quirky and original, almost like a one off. She's certainly NOT your run-of-the-mill plastic bath like most of them are 0- including my old Halcyon 27.
    I hope things go a little more smoothly for you in subsequent episodes – it's been a little trying for you during this fiery summer-just-gone. Both of you please take care. Am proud to have been with you from the very first video, before your subscribership sky-rocketed. Dave, Hampshire.

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