Trăind pe o barcă… cu femei…

Trăind pe o barcă... cu femei...

Ma bucur sa te revad. Bucurați-vă de videoclip! Încărcări noi în fiecare sâmbătă! Instagram: _jackwhitaker


20 thoughts on “Trăind pe o barcă… cu femei…

  1. You guys never talk about runaway kite syndrome where your sucked hundreds of feet into the air and could / would probably die IF you let go… I'm sure you've seen the youtube video….. can you alleviate on this??

  2. 1:55 i love what Keith says about credit.
    I also stopped using credit 20 years ago. therefore, my credit score is considered poor. Thankfully a credit score is of no importance to me.
    The concept of credit score ratings was invented after i left the usa & began to travel the world.
    Only in american can a person be considered a credit risk because they stopped using credit. Silly.

  3. Whatever happened with that awesome girl you were seeing a couple of years ago? The one you had only talked to online and then she came out to sail with the family?

  4. This is random but I just figured out who you remind of of….Chris Cornell. Look up Linkin Park Crawling Live with Chris Cornell. A little bit. RIP to both of them. 😞

  5. Jack… your videos are SO cool to watch in YouTube VR with VR headsets now with your new hat camera mount. When we make the screen big it feels like we are ON the boat and interacting with the crew and doing stuff. It’s pretty cool to watch this way… keep it up!!!!!!

  6. God this guy is so out of touch. It's great you made a ton of money and I'm sure you worked hard for it, but come on are you that out of touch with reality? How do your kids plan on paying for a house or will they just live with you forever?

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