Ultima navigare împreună și nu o știam | CORABIE DE PIRATI

Ultima navigare împreună și nu o știam |  CORABIE DE PIRATI

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20 thoughts on “Ultima navigare împreună și nu o știam | CORABIE DE PIRATI

  1. funny how Cyril has 4 different shirts on for a short trip to town in the beginning, and aubrey changes shirts and sunglasses 3 times…someone is trying to bs their followers.

  2. Aubrey, you and Cyril are good together you two should be married. Was an exciting episode. Good footage end sights. C y r i l should be with you all the time. You are an attractive couple. Thanks Aubrey and catch you next time..❤❤❤

  3. Check out electrolyte recipes. It's basically table salt, pink salt and epsom salts in water. I got severly dehydrated (weeks in the hospital.) A nurse clued me in. Recipes online. Do it, y'all.

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