Ei bine, asta este, ultimele noastre zile navigând pe apele lumii, în timp ce ne îndreptăm spre Sydney! Și Sydney Harbour este la fel de aglomerat și minunat pe cât ne așteptam, cu toate iahturile de toate convingerile – iahturi de curse, școli de navigație și alte ambarcațiuni de agrement mari și mici – este într-adevăr totul destul de emoționant! Cu toate acestea, lucrurile nu decurg așa cum am plănuit, și asta înseamnă navigare. Și după cum știe fiecare marinar, când vântul se schimbă, un marinar reglează pânzele! #Sailing #SailingAustralia #yachtlife
ULTIMELE ZILE DE NAVIGARE: Sydney Bound! | Tranquilo Sailing în jurul lumii | Ep. 108

13 thoughts on “ULTIMELE ZILE DE NAVIGARE: Sydney Bound! | Tranquilo Sailing în jurul lumii | Ep. 108”
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Congratulations on completing your great adventure! Upcoming: a lifetime of wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing.
Could there be any more and different traffic in Sydney Harbor..Wow…cool…but insane too…civilization is overrated.
Congratulations on completing your great adventure!..

Oh no! I can't believe your journey is over. I've been following you since Croatia six years ago. It has been a blast. Your series of videos from around Italy was the best ever. Best regards,
Well, what a combination of excitement and anti climax! Nobody expects a "regatta" and unprecedented anchor failure… Thank you for recording and sharing your voyage with us. I will miss you, especially the swimmy sequences. Thanks again. I wish you all the best for your current and future lives – I will not be surprised if there is another yacht at some stage over the horizon.
Amazing journey guys. Hve enjoyed YouTube adventure a lot. Thanx
Nice finish to a great adventure well done.
Greetings, it was a great adventure. I hope I'll be lucky too. When I was writing this article, the video was not finished. If what I saw at the end of the video is true, I would like to say that I am very sad. Thanks for sharing.
Ski Alta! In your honor I am going to wear some swag from the Sydney Olympics on my upcoming trip there. Congratulations on completing your voyage and thank you so much for sharing it all with us!
Congrats on your arrival to your home country. Your trip has been an amazing inspiration. Many blessings to you all…
Great adventure. You guys must have said, "There it is, let's give it a go!" You never know unless you go for it. You all will be able to look back and marvel at what you have seen and what you have done instead of sitting around and wondering what it might have been like if you had taken that leap.