Sailing Family Vizitează New York cu barca cu pânze!

Sailing Family Vizitează New York cu barca cu pânze!

Susține-ne producția: – – –––––––– –––––– CEA MAI BUNĂ aplicație GRATUITĂ pentru croazieră: Navily – Echipament pentru navigație: ZHIK® – cumpărați-o aici (acesta este linkul nostru de afiliat, așa că primim un %) (Folosiți codul de reducere: NOMAD_CITIZEN10) –––––––––– –––- CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI PE INSTAGRAM: CUMPĂRĂ MARFURI „CETAȚEANUL NOMAD”: SPRIJINĂ-NE PRIN PAYPAL: https:// EXPLORAȚI MUZICA PE CARE O FOLOSIM: VIZITAȚI SITE-UL NOSTRU: #travel #sailing #digitalnomad


24 thoughts on “Sailing Family Vizitează New York cu barca cu pânze!

  1. What a wonderful video Dani. Have you ever been some place like New York before? I was glad to see Marvin eating some food cart stables. Hot dogs, corn dog, it can't get much more New York then that, unless you munched down on some pizza. It looked like you got a good sample of New York. What say you? Love you. Stay safe. ❤🙏

  2. Wow.❤. I have followed your lovely family since the beginning. This has to be my favorite adventure. Not because of New York, but because of your amazing cinematography. You captured every essence of your journey through Twin towers, Zoo, China town, Subway, tasting a little piece of Americana (hotdogs, corndogs). I live in the states, but I have never been to New York. I now feel as though I have thanks to you. Dani, keep up the great work editing. And, Marvin thanks for keeping your family safe and sharing your beautiful life. ❤

  3. Dani, Marvin and family. Thank you for visiting New York, especially the new World Trade Center memorial. So much tragedy there as you know. Thank you for your respect. Loved seeing Marvin trying the street foodie wares…….yet you did not seem to. Bet I know why. 🤪 Take care friend. ✨ 💕✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  4. Nice video. It brings back a lot of memories when our family went. We were there on Christmas Eve. Of course the world trade center was still standing, but we didn't walk that far south. And we didn't see the stock exchange. I'm looking forward to more of your videos.

  5. Such a great experience seeing NYC from the water point of view.. Your children get more beautiful every day. I can see you enjoyed yourselves, used to live there and when I see pictures like this I get excited. So glad you enjoyed your time there. BTW Marvin looks so handsome when he smiles and you Ms Dani no makeup on and still sexy! Looking forward to the next video………🤗🇨🇦

  6. I worked in Lower Mahattan New York City for 13 years and was there 2 blocks away when the first bonbing happended that damaged the foundations but didnt topple them.. i found work closer to home in New Jersey and am glad i wasnt there for the 9/11 air planes crashing into them and killing so many innovent people. And i have never been back there to see the fountains and new Millennium Tower.. So thank you for showing it all to me .. 😊

  7. Spent some years as liveaboard in that marina (with the big park for a garden). We took the ferry and subway each morning to my son's school on the upper west side, by our apartment next to central park. Loving these videos and the memories they bring back. We used the whole island of manhattan as our neighborhood. Of all the wonderful and famous places we lived I like manhattan the best. So glad you get to see it this way.

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