Interviu: Marinar solo suedez atacat de pirați

Interviu: Marinar solo suedez atacat de pirați

Magnus Reslow este un marinar suedez cu o singură mână care a fost atacat de pirați pe coasta colombiană. Pe 29 decembrie, barca sa a fost invadată de trei ori de pirați, aproape de orașul Barranquilla. Reslow a fost bătut de mai multe ori și atacat cu un cuțit. Atacatorii au furat aproape totul din barca lui cu buget redus. În acest interviu, Reslow vorbește despre atac și despre cum a putut să scape după ce pirații i-au remorcat barca, încercând să-l tragă pe coastă. PENTRU TOȚI CĂRĂ VRĂ PLACE SĂ AJUTA PE MAGNUS, EXISTA UN SITE WEB DE DONAȚII:


37 thoughts on “Interviu: Marinar solo suedez atacat de pirați

  1. Glad that you are OK. Can't you buy a rifle in case of sharks attacking your boat? Would that be legal? Protect yourself, don't let anyone spoil your life or lifestyle, you are tough.

  2. He needs to work part-time at a local marina or something if sewing isn't enough.

    Unfortunately 230 is not enough a month. I understand he wants freedom but he needs money and possibly doing security at a marina will really help this nice man

  3. Every intelligent thinking sailor boater knows Columbia shoreline is pirate territory. Stupid move. Massive amounts of data online to support this.. Most 'Pirates' are in survival mode. Desperate for goods. If there were real pirates this encounter would have been fatal. Boat goods represent enormous wealth. Very ignorant move. Our insurance would never cover sailing the South American Coast. What were you thinking?..

  4. This is so sad. I watch a lot of sailing couples, this makes me nervous for them! It can happen to anyone. I’m so happy for others helping him out and the kind and generosity of the sailing community ❤️❤️

  5. bring poles and kitchen knives..

    however the shaft end of the kitchen knife is compatible with the end of the pole.. attach the two together like two jigsaw pieces and voila you have a spear.

    And i dont think a shield would be considered as a weapon by authorities of any country

  6. I love the ocean, but this is exactly why I don't leave American water's! I could never put myself in a situation where only the government and bad guys are allowed to carry!

  7. Magnus, what a horrendous condition. We are thankful your friend called the Swedish Coast Guard and the local Military arrived to assist. Such a hurtful thing like this should never happen, we are thankful for your interview to allow us what conditions maybe confronted while sailing Solo. Take extra precautions before you depart and try to secure a gun and ammunition for the local military. God Bless!

  8. I'm a friend of Magnus, six days before this we were boarded by 4 armed men (at anchor in taganga Santa Marta). I was pistol whipped and ALL items of value were stolen from our boat. Colombia is LAWLESS. I strongly encourage sailors DO NOT GO TO COLOMBIA

  9. torch gun and flares allways good to have at hand. molotovs can get messy i think. but i totally understand it. a pressurised "sprinkler" thing for garden stuff with gasoline in and an reliable ignition is scary shit too…. anyway im sure you thought a whole bunch of ways. respect to the sailing community. very often people that that both can and want to help. i hope you dnt get too traumatised, but keep sailing, it will take some time maybe, but you will get back in a relaxed mode again. Best of wishes.

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