Plecăm din Europa | S08E41

Plecăm din Europa |  S08E41

Începe să vorbești o nouă limbă în 3 săptămâni cu Babbel 🎉. Obțineți până la 60% REDUCERE la abonament ➡Aici: r.. Jan-2024..TATAM..influencer60 Navigam în Europa de un an și jumătate și am avut niște maxime nebunești și niște minime scăzute. Există multe de iubit în acest loc și este sigur să spunem că experiențele noastre aici ne-au schimbat viața. Pentru cineva care a crescut în California, Europa mi s-a părut întotdeauna o lume magică. Un loc în care foarte, foarte vechiul se împletește cumva cu modernul. Unde Ernest Hemmingway stătea în cafeneaua de pe stradă, bea băuturi pe care nu le pot pronunța, trecând de la o limbă la alta în timp ce discuta despre artă, dragoste și război sau orice altceva. Știam că toate civilizațiile au o „Cultură”, dar părea că, cumva, Europa avea mai mult din ea. Acum că navigam aici de 18 luni, pot spune că unele stereotipuri au rezistat, iar altele nu. Și săptămâna aceasta, în timp ce plecăm de pe acest continent fascinant, vrem să vorbim despre gândurile noastre despre această parte extrem de unică a lumii, despre lucrurile care ne-au plăcut și despre care ne-am putea lipsi.

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.



Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


48 thoughts on “Plecăm din Europa | S08E41

  1. Exhausting YES but you WILL miss it! I've moved at a rate of 1.68 yrs for the past 19 yrs. but traveling is my TOP priority once I retire in 2.5 yrs. The world is an amazing place and EVERYONE should have a passport and leave Home!

  2. Europe is an amazing place. The USA as a nation is only around 250 years old, where European borders might change drastically over the years due to wars, it's culturally thousands of years old. The Greeks are my favorite Europeans, always friendly and welcoming. Turks can also be pretty great. I hope you enjoy your stay there. Cheers, Trev

  3. Captain, some advice for you, if you want solitude, you should sail in the Pacific.
    Then you will have the solitude you are looking for!
    The important thing is to be happy and stop complaining that there are too many boats around you.
    Clovis R Miranda
    Aloha Nui

  4. Another fantastic video. The quality just keeps getting better and better!
    Is it just me or is Isabella getting prettier by the episode and her personality is really shining.
    Wish this one was longer otherwise it was perfection 🤗💞

  5. Watching your family videos is the highlight of my week. Thank you for sharing. I was looking at Isa on this video with her big smile and so tiny, I just thought, ' Honey, you are such a blessed little girl" with parents, lifestyle, pet, and love wherever she goes. What a wonderful life. With the evil we face in the States that is coming across our Southern border, and the inflation that is off the charts, life here sucks the joy right out of everyday events. Still, even if you guys have to come up with the unknown like grocery stores and other things you need, you still live a "free" lifestyle without the government taking your rights away from you.

  6. The first thing I wanted to know before going to any country was "where is the men's room or bathroom", because that one is not one to use your own sign language… 🙄 I know that coastal areas are more touristy and safe than other places. I hope you find Turkey more welcoming to Americans than I did when there. (They don't like Greece so i wouldn't recommend bragging about how nice Greece is… The streets with shops were safe and friendly, but as soon as you left those areas it was totally different. However it has been 20 years since I was there…
    I've been to Europe but not to Greece, however, there is a town in Panama that is mostly American expat retirees that I would be living in if my wife would go. Boquete is an expat city in Panama in the mountains between Panama City and Bocas del Toro and it's many islands.

  7. Welcome to Türkiye. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. You will soon realise that the country has a lot to offer, just go with the local rythm. I also suggest you should get another opinion for your baby's health while you are in Bodrum. If you visit the American Hospital in Bodrum they will direct you to the right addresses, that's if they can't be of any help themselves which I doubt. You will find highly advanced healthcare system in Türkiye. 🙂

  8. Hey Jordan, Desiree and Isa – my husband and I were a bit worried about the silence. Thought you might have been whisked away in a gale or a mistral. Yes we know it was the festive season but you disappeared a bit quickly. Good luck with all your decisions in 2024. Charlotte, Peter and Snowy (couch sailors in Darwin, Australia).

  9. Isa has grown like a weed, she seems so comfortable aboard and we are all praying her health is adequate for this lifestyle. Thank you so much for sharing these moments in Greece, informative and the cinematography and editing is superb. Happy New Years in Turkey, we loved it there back in the day.

  10. OMG 😱 WOW, you guys ‼️ What a marvelous New Year 1st episode. So wonderful to see all of you all so happy and full of smiles and health. Loved the 5 special memories. Good vibes. Looking forward to your life in Turkey. Be careful there. See you next time.✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  11. I realy admire in your movies that you don't complain a single word of being tired of any of every day chores. Like seeing when you shoping, carring the kid, the dog and god knows what more and you don't say a word of being tired makes you my heros. In any other channels of sailing the people are tired of by a lot less significant duties. I have twins so I know what it means to take care of them on land and it blows my mind how hard it could be doing the same on a boat during passage! You are great!

  12. I love your channel and it's rapidly become one of my favourites. The photography/videography with stunning drone footage, the commentary, the storytelling, and very balanced and respectful views of the cultures you discover put the quality of your production way above all the other sailing channels'. Can't wait to see what's next for you guys!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing. We have watched every episode of yours since the beginning. We just bought a small 25 foot sailboat. We know we will never be able to go on life changing journeys you are sharing with us. It is awesome to see them through you guys. Thank you for all of your hard work.

  14. Dear Sailing Project Atticus,

    So great to see you here on your channel again!

    You were still in Thanksgiving time, already 2024 now.

    But I see you guys are as beautiful and charming as ever, Isa is getting to be even cuter.

    Turkey has some amazing coast areas. I had the privilege of knowing all the South coast fom Izmir, all the way to Antalya, on a fabulous road trip. You will love it, enjoy the food, it is amazing as well.

    I look forward to watching this year's episodes, I feel like I am sailing with you guys.

    Take care, may 2024 be a great sailing year for you!

    Hugs from la tía Ivy desde Panamá

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