Aproape peste Atlantic, când direcția eșuează navigând cu Trimaran Dawn 063

Aproape peste Atlantic, când direcția eșuează navigând cu Trimaran Dawn 063

Traversarea Atlanticului în sezonul uraganelor din Caraibe înapoi în Europa Suntem aproape în Horta Azores când sistemul de direcție începe să se defecteze. Crăpătura din lama cârmei a devenit mult mai mare după o noapte de navigație prin rafale puternice și accelerarea Trimaran Dawn. Văzând 13 noduri în timp ce navighează în sensul vântului. în loc să luăm velele, lăsăm pânzele să iasă cât mai departe posibil în rafale care țin în mâinile talaia principală, ca pe o navigație slabă, dar cu un trimaran de 18 metri și o vele de peste 100 de metri pătrați, care traversează Atlanticul. Folosirea traseului meteorologic Predict pentru a rămâne în vânt ne-a adus înapoi rapid și în siguranță în Europa. am avut o navigație minunată și formațiuni fantastice de nori și apusuri, dar a fost, de asemenea, treptat și Dawn a devenit un trimaran prea mare de manevrat, distractiv, dar prea mult pentru confortul nostru și chiar mai mult pentru pilotul automat care s-a rupt pentru a doua oară. Suntem Arie Baartman și Cheryl Hudson. #LivingontheOcean #Trimaran #Living on a Trimaran #trimaran sailing


21 thoughts on “Aproape peste Atlantic, când direcția eșuează navigând cu Trimaran Dawn 063

  1. maybe there would be less strength on the autopilot if you put it further from the pivot point of the rudder, the price to pay is that the course of the linear actuator would be greater, perhaps it would be safer. I hope that the problem with the cracking rudder will be easily manageable with some epoxy and fiber glass.

  2. 😮 mate that was a close one..glad you both held out
    till you got into the harbour … You've got some work to do before you can head home by the look of things but you know that.

    Turbulance downwind of headlands and mountains doesnt leave much of a protective shadow. I think that was one of problems that led to that racing cat getting flipped over that was salvaged as a cruising racer.. it was at night so they probably didnt register the fact they were going to enter a turbulant zone.

  3. Glad you made it into Horta. Didn't realise it was such a windy anchorage, but there's lots of them! Look fwd to the rudder repair, the most important piece on any boat!! 2C in Brighton today, I'd rather be in Portugal! Like you I've learned to sail with the mainsail eased more than b4, esp now with battens.

  4. Hallo Arie, Cheryl and Camino!
    You have proven that with your abilities and skills, you have been able to produce a steering system which allowed you to cross the Atlantic safely, and you're able to keep any damage to a minimum, so that you can complete your return.
    You're all looking good, healthy and happy, and I know that you'll continue on, sharing your adventures.
    With great good cheer!

  5. It sounded like in the last video Dawn was too big and you enjoyed sailing Twilight more. Does this mean Dawn is looking for a new owner?

    Another great video from you guys – let us know if you decide to come back to St Maarten!

  6. Another great video. You guys really captured the feeling of uncertainty with the needed repair to the rudder balancing with the weather window and proximity to land. I like how real your blog is… How is not glamorized.. Well done.

  7. It's so wonderful to be seeing a new video from you 3!!! Hope you're all doing great and enjoying life.. I know that you put alot of time, effort and hard work into these videos but they're so very much appreciated. Hopefully you can find time to continue to give us a nice video every few weeks or atleast a monthly video. You don't have to give me a finely polished video when you're working on the boats and just living life, I do love it when you put so much energy into your sailing footage videos.. can't wait to see what's next. Take care of yourselves and God bless you 3.. much appreciation and respect from Northwest Illinois in USA.. we got 2 feet of snow in a week and it's currently around negative 32°F with the windchill and going to stay close to negative for the coming several days. Next week it's supposed to warm up in the upper 30s near 40 so hopefully some of this snow will melt away.. after shoveling and the wind blowing in my yard I have 6 to 7 foot drifts..

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