Proiecte de bricolaj pe BARCA noastră cu vele de 44 de ani

Proiecte de bricolaj pe BARCA noastră cu vele de 44 de ani

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21 thoughts on “Proiecte de bricolaj pe BARCA noastră cu vele de 44 de ani

  1. All the hard work now will pay off later as the boat will be much easier to maintain. It might not seem like it's worth it sometimes, but restoring a junk pile to excellent working order is a huge accomplishment. I am greatly enjoying the maintenance videos and how your family deals with adversity. Great job and happy holidays!

  2. The covers for the centerboard pin was a great idea . No more rusty covers . When Lee is finished the boat will be a beast , so much better than the dodgy way some things were . Less holes below the water line . Looking great guys . The finish line is getting closer .

  3. I do like your work! The attention to detail and craftsmanship is a pleasure to watch. 👍😊 I do know if you installed those screws they would be punching thru the deck….👌

  4. Another great episode, this is by far one of the best channels going around, you guys should have thousands of likes. Keep them coming, cheers

  5. Love all the improvements you're making! The boat is already thanking you. One thing to keep in mind as you're blue water cruising is how things are secured in the event of a full broach or rollover. We always hope it will never happen, but if it does all of those metal tools will go flying around the engine room, potentially shorting electrical connections or jamming in moving machine parts. Very unlikely you'll ever be caught in weather that bad especially with how good GRIB models have gotten. Always better to at least have a plan in place if it does, like stowing those tools elsewhere when needed.

  6. I’ve got the same issue with a few screws. Also I’ve replaced every single plastic piece with stainless steel. They were a disaster. Deck scuppers are new now 🙂 they were falling apart in my hands when I got them out.

  7. The woman’s hand bag. what I learned is when my wife said sit here and hands me her hand bag. I opened it up sitting where I was instructed. Now I set with no hand bag.

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