#narcissist #narcissism #meghanmarkle HG Tudor examinează zvonurile despre Meghan Markle care apare într-un anumit videoclip și, de asemenea, își folosește „înțelepciunile feminine” pentru a avansa în organizația Soho House. Este ceva în care s-ar putea implica un narcisist somatic MMR și de ce? Consultați https://narcsite.com/private-audio-consultation/ Narc Detector https://narcsite.com/narc-detector-2/ Empat Detector. https://narcsite.com/empath-detector/ Knowledge Vault. https://gumroad.com/tudorhg Mai multe informații. https://narcsite.com Email : narcissist1909@gmail.com Casa lui Tudor : https://narcsite.com/the-house-of-tudor/
Banda P*rn (Meghan Markle)

32 thoughts on “Banda P*rn (Meghan Markle)”
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And where's the promised porn tape, Tudor hg or gh?

You just put a scene from a tv Legal Drama and there was nothing indecent in the love scene. You just put a scandalous thumbnail to attract clicks in the most pathetic way promising something salacious and then we find out only your empty ranting. And on the top of it to put the pathetic XXX WARNING ADULTS ONLY AGES 18+

is beyond embarrassing for you. You offer no evidence, no articles, no credible sources, no video material, just your wishfull and perverted thinking of somebody else's wife. For the record not every beautiful woman who happened to be an actress is a prostitute. Just because you'll never come close to a woman like this doesn't mean she's a whore. And BTW I see how much you understand about narcissism
The Nameless Narcissist didn't call you a "complete idiot" in vain and now you just confirmed his opinion of you.
The RF is there, because it supposedly represents something. The fact that you have her and Andy boy and do nothing about it, speaks volumes. They need to go. Not the monarchy as an institution, but that family. Too many bad apples.
A Yaghtgirl or pornactress is merely comparable. Nothing wrong with that, if you need the money, you have to stretch your limitations.
I am getting so tired to find rubbish about these two people. It makes money for all these reporters, bloggers, gossipers etc. Can't we just stop it. Please ….stop this nonsense…!! PLEASE
Who has't she slept with , should we say (alledgedly)
Looks like her
I have seen a porn video – and if it wasn't this one's wife, it was her clone. Interestingly, the video has now been removed from the website. It is not the same one you reference.
Of all the beautiful women in America he picked the one from the bottom of the barrel
The unfair and untrue slanderous attacks on M n H are shameful and repulsive.

It is at least partly because of this vendetta style media attacks on them that the world, seeing this, LOVE RESPECT AND ADMIRE THIS WONDERFUL HUMANITARIAN COUPLE MORE AND MORE.
Koo Stark had a soft porn background, I believe, but has more class in one finger than This One’s Wife has in her whole body. She would have been good for Andrew, probably too good for him in retrospect.
Its called a wife? That's an insult to the reputation of decent wife's .
I think she's pretty, pretty filthy?
Before the internet was scrubbed, tapes of her were available on p*rnhub. Just sayin'.
I always thougt there is something we didn't know before. Yachtgirl, sexgirl, etc. But there must be much more about Ragland jr. And honestly, nothing surprises me. Only Harry knows how she seduced him, that was apparently enough for him. Now he has nowhere else to go ( I call her no Markle anymore because she disowned the Markles and she only has kept her mother). She lookes exactly like her. What a wrong choice Harry made! Maybe for Thomas Markle it might be the best never have to deal with them, despite it being his own daughter.
That’s not her it’s obvious
Alls I can think of is that the RF already knew all of this stuff. They can have state intelligence do investigation on anyone they want. So then you have to ask yourself was this wedding just to make H happy?
Or… was something more scandalous coming and there was no stopping it? How do you take the heat off one person or persons in the family and transfer it to someone or something else? You find a bigger scandal.
As much as MM thinks she was in control of the plot I’m thinking not and she likely thought she could blackmail her way into what ever she wanted. Then they said nope and now the battle for headlines, and truth and power rages on. It’s a giant soap opera starring MM her greatest role ever.
I think that's her 100%
I do not care whether Megs got her kit off and did porn. So what? What I do care about is honesty, sincerity and caring about others and Megs has none of these qualities and would be a great match for Prince Andrew.
She could do her utmost worst, but it wouldn’t even be a fly turd in a swimming pool compared to what that pack of inbred pack of hyenas in the palace have done. They made Harry’s life hell because he is not one of them, and he is lucky he is not, his bloody may not be blue but at least it’s clean and it’s his
She's just a trashy yacht girl. She's nothing and definitely not royal material. Actually, she belongs in a nut house and the key thrown away. Hopefully, the elite class and Hollywood don't have nothing to do with either one of them. Let them go to work at McDonald's to earn a living instead of charging millions to listen to they're trash talk.
Is this the reason Lady Collin Campbell went on record recently stating that MM had a filthy mouth? I was wondering what she was referring to
Do narcissists know theyre narcissists?
The face on Harry when Meghan "grabs" his hand & puts it on her leg
Shows how he is not happy in the relationship
There is nothing genuine about them.
She’s like a scud book everyone has seen her

Shes so dirty looking, theres not enough comet and wire brushes to scrape off her ick.
MSM response to your video
Now: “Not so! Not so!”
After proven: “Stunning & brave!”
said she was boat girl hooker bet she was on call for epsteeeeeen cronys
He married a bike
All these allegations confirm to me why she and Harry want to silence the media.
She should be walked naked through the streets with crowds shouting SHAME SHAME SHAME!