„Deci… ok, vrei sa tragi un rau?” | o analiză critică asupra arhetipurilor feminine

"Deci... ok, vrei sa tragi un rau?"  |  o analiză critică asupra arhetipurilor feminine

00:00 VINE 01:09 INTRODUCERE 01:47 HOLLYWOOD „FETE BINE” 04:23 INFLUENȚA MUZICII 04:53 TEORIA MEA 06:14 YACTHING 11:26 CUM SĂ FIȚI UN „RĂĂT” 13:42 DORINȚELE UNUI Cultura celebrității BADDIE yachting: ARTICOLUL GUARDIAN – https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/nov/13/crooks-creeps-and-indecent-proposals-emily-ratajkowski-on-being-paid-to-hang -out-with-rich-men UN ARTICOL DE LA STYLIST – https://www.stylist.co.uk/long-reads/yachting-hollywood-trafficking/627259 UN ARTICOL DE LA LELO – https://www.lelo.com /blog/celebrity-yachting/


2 thoughts on “„Deci… ok, vrei sa tragi un rau?” | o analiză critică asupra arhetipurilor feminine

  1. Julia Roberts played a Hooker in Pretty Woman, using her sexuality in that very movie to get the a-list star status she has today. She wasn’t fully nude, but her entire character was that of a sex worker so she’s being sorta hypocritical.

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