Aventura se întâmplă când lucrurile merg prost | Recapitulare (3/4)

Aventura se întâmplă când lucrurile merg prost |  Recapitulare (3/4)

Luați chestionarul gratuit de sănătate al lui Ada pentru a vedea dacă sunteți expus unui risc ridicat de a dezvolta COVID-19 sever și aflați dacă sunteți eligibil pentru tratament urmând acest https://ada.com/covid/antiviral-treatment-criteria-questionnaire /?mtm_source=ramped&mtm_medium=youtube&mtm_campaign=us_en_avh_px_uuj_completion&mtm_content=projectatticus&mtm_term=projectatticus Dacă sunteți eligibil, contactați medicii cu telesănătate pentru a afla mai multe despre opțiunile de tratament COVID-19. Când totul merge bine, când ai cerul albastru, 12 noduri pe sfert și o mare care urmează, viața pe mare se poate simți destul de bine. Dar dacă aventură este ceea ce urmărești, atunci ai nevoie de acele experiențe în care vântul se deplasează înainte de rază, unde mările devin periculoase și în care un obstacol după altul te împiedică să ajungi la destinație. Când ne-am cumpărat pentru prima dată barca cu pânze superioară, am visat să navigăm peste oceane și să ancoram în lagune perfecte. Dar ceea ce am primit în schimb a fost o aventură mai epică decât ne-am fi imaginat vreodată.

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/ProjectAtticus



Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt

Sunete epidemic


30 thoughts on “Aventura se întâmplă când lucrurile merg prost | Recapitulare (3/4)

  1. Take Ada’s free health questionnaire to see if you're at high-risk for developing severe COVID-19 and find out if you're eligible for treatment following this https://ada.com/covid/antiviral-treatment-criteria-questionnaire/?mtm_source=ramped&mtm_medium=youtube&mtm_campaign=us_en_avh_px_uuj_completion&mtm_content=projectatticus&mtm_term=projectatticus

    If eligible, get connected to clinicians with telehealth to learn more about COVID-19 treatment options.

  2. Absolutely loved watching your time with David! What an amazing kid and adventure. We are really enjoying this series. Super jelly of you both skipping out on the craziness of COVID in paradise.

  3. I love your videos and I have been watching from the beginning of Atticus I. My wife and I were sailors until l got disabled. Now I live sailing through your wonderful videos. Isa and Uso are so cute and and I think you are a great couple. My wife and I send our best love to your whole family.

  4. This video makes me wonder about your fresh water tanks. When you would purchase fresh water, would you still filter or purify it on some way? And were just running with 3x5gallon fresh water jugs? I guess my bigger question is, before you got a water maker, how much water would you have on board for your passages?

  5. The pirates video is where I started following you guys. Watching you guys have all that freedom during the pandemic made me thankful for where I live. We live in the country, so we could go outside and continue normal life, where as alot of people had places the size of atticus I that they were confined to. This brings back alot of memories!!! ❤❤

  6. I think the episode with David was one of my favorite videos from a humanistic standpoint .There are good/kind people all over the world. Thanks and as always have fun and be safe, see you next week.

  7. Wow ,I’ve watched you guys grow up,that’s how it feels anyway. I’ve watched your channel since the purchase in key west. In some of your videos (I’m a photographer so I pay attention too backgrounds) I’ve seen a Guitar. I’ve asked/commented several times on several different videos,asking who is the Guitarist? Just curious,cause I’m a player too. I suspect it’s the Big Guy’s son, cause I saw his guitar on one video too.
    You guys are fun,I wish you all the best in life. God,unconditional love and children makes life happiest. I hope your gravestone reads like mine will “Man that was fun,life was good”
    Can’t wait to see you guys as grandparents,it will be here before you can blink.

  8. Totally beautiful, guys ❤ It has been good to see the recap. And, yes, little David was soooooo adorable ‼️ See you next time. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  9. We are enjoying your recaps! We especially like your humble sharing regarding relationships. The scenery speaks for itself, a thing of beauty….You guys are Great parents, we wish you all the best in life!❤❤❤

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