Nu este o altă problemă cu motorul: reparații de bărci, stropire, pânze și proiecte cu animale Chuffed Adventures S6Ep2

Nu este o altă problemă cu motorul: reparații de bărci, stropire, pânze și proiecte cu animale Chuffed Adventures S6Ep2 Aceasta este povestea singurei clinici veterinare de navigație din lume. Ajutați-ne să continuăm să oferim îngrijiri veterinare gratuite devenind un Patron sau donând, Patronii au acces din timp la videoclipuri fără reclame și la actualizări live săptămânale. Link Patreon: Link de donație: Nu este o altă problemă cu motorul! Din fericire, știm cum să o reparăm, facem și un service de motor pe Yanmar 3ym30, stropim barca, instalăm ventilatoare noi, luăm pânzele și ne ocupăm de niște joburi ciudate cu barca pentru a pregăti barca pentru primul ei proiect animal în Bahia Concepcion . Și împărtășim munca recentă pe care o finanțăm în Puerto Madero, cu un medic veterinar local Dra Jenni, care a fost un student pe care l-am instruit și cu care am lucrat când ne-am finalizat refit 2019-2022. 00:00 Introducere 00:41 Instalare ventilator 01:20 Schimbarea filtrelor de combustibil pe Yanmar 3ym30 03:05 Splash! 04:45 Curățarea catargului 05:12 Pune pe 07:21 Distracția cablajului și a electricității bărcii 09:39 Găsim o problemă cu motorul 10:40 Încercarea de remediere a motorului numărul 1 13:57 Încercarea de remediere numărul 2 – înlocuirea garniturii 16 :15 Motorul este reparat! 16:58 Ultimul proiect veterinar în Puerto Madero Mulțumim susținătorilor noștri care ne permit să ne continuăm misiunea. Nu am putea face asta fără voi toți! Multă dragoste, Dr Sheddy și Jim


33 thoughts on “Nu este o altă problemă cu motorul: reparații de bărci, stropire, pânze și proiecte cu animale Chuffed Adventures S6Ep2

  1. You ARE a mechanic… Look at all the work you do and have done on diesel motors. Besides. you have all that medical knowledge and that is nothing short of plumbing. Your problem was plumbing. LOL… You guys rock. You might suggest to Jim that he get his ham radio license. You know I talk to people in Mexico on my ham radio all the time. Clear as can be too.

  2. With regard to brown and blue, that is for a european (220 Volt) AC layout. It's only an indication that your DC circuits were build by an amateur, whether French or any other European 😂, maybe they had a hard time to find the right colour-coded wire like you. In the end, it's all copper that conducts electricity.

    Kind regards Christiaan

  3. Doc, To answer your question on the lip seal's orientation.. it's set that way so pressure on the inside of seal's C shape cross section helps compress sealing surface towards the shaft.

  4. These seals should not be modified! Apply grease to the small metal spring, shaft and seal before installing them. Avoid anything that changes the contact pressure on the shaft or attacks the rubber. Under no circumstances should the rotating shaft get scratches in the area of ​​the seal. I hope you always have a spare seal or a spare pump with you. These seals tend to get stuck on the shaft after a long period of standstill if there is no oil or grease on them. It may be necessary for the shaft to be polished. To avoid these problems you can flush the system with pure water and put some oil on the shaft before leaving the boat out of use for a long time. The rest of the pump also starts better if there is some oil or grease on it and the surfaces in the pump cannot corrode. The moment when the pump restarts after a long period of idle time is the most subject to wear. The rest of the pump also starts better if there is some oil or grease on it and the surfaces in the pump cannot corrode. The moment when the pump restarts after a long period of idle time is the most subject to wear.

  5. Whoa, last time i watched your videos doing diesel engine maintenance couple years back. Since then you got your skill leveled up quite a notch (telling as person having couple of years experience on agricultural engines)!

    Two more years and you would be able to raise funds for your veterinary projects by fixing other's people engines

    > How the hell i cut that
    Well, that is most complex part of fixing engines – not damage yourself and people around you in progress and take time to do it carefully without applying excessive force when assembling/disassembling, and learn what risks should not be taken when doing repairs in crammed space. Everything else you can learn from service manuals and youtube videos

  6. The reason the steel spring (now rubber o-ring) is on the inside where the water is because that is the pressure side. If it’s turned backwards that water will leak out. The spring (now o-ring) hold the lips of the seal onto the shaft and make the seal actually seal.

    You should keep and extra seal or two on board as part of your kit. Along with impellers and bearings.

    I would avoid changing that to an O-ring. Not sure how long the o-ring will last and if it puts to much pressure on the shaft then it can damage the shaft. Just put grease on the spring and except that this is a wear item that had to be changed form time to time.

  7. Generally, fans stop working because they get gummed up. Try taking it apart and cleaning the bearing surfaces. I rarely replace fans and use them all the time. Have one my parents bought in the 50's that I used as a kid and with an occasional cleaning, it still works!

  8. Clip those zip-tie ends off of your ganged hoses. Any kind of side-cutters will do. Might save somebody's eyeball some day. And… always wear electricians' (green) kevlar gloves when working on anything that doesn't absolutely need really fine feel. They sort of feel like latex OR gloves but will definitely save your hands from nasty cuts of all kinds. Mandatory on all industrial sites around here.

  9. Hey guys, this topic is a bit off the subject matter. But it might be something that you could help enlighten us… How is it that a wolf in bare feet can transfers miles per miles of snow? Or a hoofed animal such as a bison or an elk or a deer can spend the entire winter transversing the snow? And are friendly felines can spend an entire winter out transferring the snow without any true effort? But I guess my first question is I'm focused on canines. Dogs, how can they such as a wolf spend forever in the snow without injury?. Now having said all that I love your channel I adore you guys I think you guys are remarkable, I asked this question more clinically from a veterinary perspective. Thanks Love you guys I appreciate anything you can add to the subject matter… I wish you guys well I hope the weather is warm and the wind is suddenly as well as the swells… Oh plus, I think you guys are very remarkable….

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