Navigați peste un ocean după 8 ani de eșec | Recapitulare (4/4)

Navigați peste un ocean după 8 ani de eșec |  Recapitulare (4/4)

Faceți clic pe pentru o reducere de 10% la prima lună de terapie cu sponsorul nostru BetterHelp. Alăturați-vă celor peste 4 milioane de oameni care s-au întâlnit cu un terapeut pe BetterHelp și au început să trăiască o viață mai sănătoasă și mai fericită. Să navighezi cu o veche barcă de fixare superioară în jurul Caraibelor a fost mult mai multă muncă decât mi-am imaginat vreodată. Barca a fost capabilă să ne ducă de la punctul A la punctul B, dar tot timpul s-a prăbușit puțin mai repede decât am reușit să o reparăm. Așa că ani de zile am șchiopătat prin Caraibe, am avut o mulțime de aventuri uimitoare, dar încetam să pierdem teren. Când ni s-a oferit oportunitatea de a echipa barca visurilor noastre de la sol, ne-am dat seama rapid că construirea celei mai bune barci cu pânze off-grid vine cu propriul set de provocări și, în comparație cu croazieră pe coastă în America Centrală, traversând oceane cu mii de mile. la cel mai apropiat teren este un joc cu minge complet diferit și am simțit că în sfârșit sărim cu capul întâi în ligile majore ale navigației pe distanțe lungi.

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.



Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


22 thoughts on “Navigați peste un ocean după 8 ani de eșec | Recapitulare (4/4)

  1. I realize that there is far more space and amenities than an extra 8' length difference between the two boats, but is seems amazing that one or two children could fit in 8'. You spent a lot of time and money to get Atticus II "seaworthy" to your definition, but you went above and beyond to get it to your standards. I say that based on watching others do the same with quite a bit less than you have in electronics, solar, and batteries. You updated her to new boat standards and outfitting. That is not a criticism, but a fact. You built a great boat out of a good boat the second time around, and unless I missed it, we still have no idea what happened to Atticus the first…

  2. I started watching your videos just by chance, but now I am a fan. I love your adventures and your love for your adventures. You guys are an inspiration for us to follow our own adventures. Thank you so much.

  3. You guys have had such an adventure and now you have little Isabella to experience it as well. I have enjoyed you both immensely your honesty, integrity and creativity has really been admirable. Love to all four of you. Tummy scratches to Oso kisses to Isabella and you two are on your own.🤣 hugs to both of you there we go. Can’t wait for the adventures to come. Love from LIZ in California.🐬⛵️🥰🤟🏻😎🇺🇸

  4. You can't control the wind, but you can trim your sails. You two are living EXACTLY the life of a sailor. Going where life takes you and making the best of what comes your way. I still enjoy seeing updates from you guys 🙂

  5. You mentioned that you failed because it took you 10 years to do what others do in 1 year. That is not failure! That is never giving up on your dreams! Many if not most people would have given up, indeed most of us watching you would fall in the category. You are special, we admire you and experience what might have been in our lives through you. Your dreams have come through due to your hard work and dedication. Looking forward to what the next 10 years brings!

  6. Your memories brought back my memories. Your sailing across the Atlantic reminded me of being on an 82' in Viet Nam for a year. Twenty years in Coast Guard I experienced rough seas but VN I think was the worst. Luckily I only got seasick once and that was in Gulf of Mexico on a 165'. Don't see how you can function while seasick. Look forward to your videos. Been following you since Atticus 1. Good job editing these last 4.

  7. 0:00: ⛵ Challenges of long-distance sailing after years of setbacks and a new opportunity to build a dream sailboat.
    3:52: ⛵ Couple decides to sell their boat after years of maintenance issues and plan to buy a new one for future family plans.
    8:00: ⛵ Passionate boat enthusiast embarks on a dream sailboat search journey, gaining valuable knowledge and creating popular video series.
    11:55: ⛵ Journey of gradual boat upgrades and exploration along the East Coast of the United States.
    16:08: ⛵ Challenging sailing conditions with strong winds, rain, and rough seas experienced during a nighttime watch.
    20:13: ⛵ Challenges faced due to lack of experience and trust in boat while sailing in the ocean.
    24:33: ⛵ Family of four living comfortably off grid on a sailboat after successful upgrades.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  8. You got a Masters degree AND a Doctorate in boat repair and maintenance which has/will help you no matter where you are in the world. I'll bet in the next 10 years you will have looped those sailors you mentioned who "were" way ahead of you in the first 10 years! You cannot account for the life lesson through the school of hard knocks you achieved. Give a man a fish……………you know the rest of this parable…….. Bossman

  9. You guys are really awesome and I love to watch your videos! You are also a great inspiration to live life a little differently, in my opinion much better, much more exciting and mainly much more wholesome in todays world! May you stay healthy, happy!

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