Ep. 16 Performanță Catamaran Build – Plăci pumnale, fascicul înainte și îndoitorul de roți englezesc

Ep.  16 Performanță Catamaran Build - Plăci pumnale, fascicul înainte și îndoitorul de roți englezesc

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26 thoughts on “Ep. 16 Performanță Catamaran Build – Plăci pumnale, fascicul înainte și îndoitorul de roți englezesc

  1. Have the boys use the french wheel to make a collection plate or two! 🙂 Hmm! What about the solar design #? And all the batteries. Introduction and excitement for future videos. Tease them, so to speak. Technology for builders and beginners.

  2. How about all the bearings and seals etc. and spare parts department. And all the tools to repair everything?
    More suitable adds and relevant ads to support the build. Peace and Love. Peter. Thanks to the building team. Nice to remember being young again and building as we did back in the day, keep it up team. Proud on you all. Nuts and bolts and every piece of hardware, and it's maintenance in inventory and repair. All useful in requesting sponsorship. O know I keep giving you work to do Peter. 🙂

  3. Enjoying the build. Just enough Plukkiness to keep it fun, but good coverage of the technical challenges they face. Engineers and crew seem to be onboard with your style.

  4. Hi, great progress! With this challenge around the world sailing will come other challenges like lightning strikes, how are you going to protect all the propulsion electric motors and the very expensive battery pack to power it all? Your friend PARLAY's was hit twice and your friend THOMAS did not suffer a direct hit but he lost his electric equipment and battery pack being out $25000.00 since his insurance did not accepted his claim. Interesting question.

  5. Elcano Challenge "To sail the world fossil free".
    You have put the fossil consumption in the first part of your boat ownership timeline.
    What about all the fossil fuel that was burnt to extract the bauxite from the ground and then smelt it into aluminum and transport it from its country of origin to VN?
    According to Our World of Data, in 2020, VN generated 53% of its electricity burning coal and 16% burning natural gas…. yes to produce that very electricity used to weld your 'fossil free' boat together.
    I can't wait till they start installing some of the "fossil free" solar panels, sails etc.
    It is a good marketing ploy though to get others to help you buy a boat that you couldn't afford to fully fund yourself.
    And I have to say the design looks good and the construction excellent.

  6. I got a French bulldog here….he's been here for the last six months….I have him an insight and he's been watching your vids…and I will say with his tilted gargoyle head was very interested with Murray…yup …the one and only "Murray the Mud Crab"….and to honest….he likes that beach life you live….. and he needs a new home…..he travels well…he don't get travel sick!…

    Edit : why does goggle mess with my typing….??…. ffs I did pitman stuff….!!!

    Oh….and I've recently found out that he's a bit partial to watching judge Judy on big screen tv….but that's in an urban environment…me thinks he needs an ocean going detour from tv…

    Some additional info… he snores real loud and sleeps a lot…but if you think he's asleep because he's snoring real loud…if you make the slightest of moves he's wide awake and wants walkies…😂

  7. I work in a different manufacturing world and love seeing how this is coming together. The amount of precision welds is cool to see. The builders are awesome to watch. 🙂 Give us a life update PLUKKY we're all wondering i beilieve.

  8. Whoever asked you that welding question has never welded anything in their lives. Obviously some shed'aholic has been watching too many YouTube videos and now considers themselves a time served welder.

  9. Sorry to have to tell you this mate but you only have about twenty minutes after cleaning the ally to get it welded before oxidization stars again. Not welding in this time frame means all the welds are "dirty", not good. What's with the guys not wearing welding helmets when tacking up?

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