Am pornit din Capul Verde spre Trinidad și avem un vânt bun, dar mări foarte zgomotoase. Și așa rămâne în primele 13 zile! E ca și cum ai trăi într-un uscător de rufe. Chiar și cele mai simple sarcini necesită un grad de energie pe care nu o avem întotdeauna. Dar ne mișcăm mai repede decât am crezut vreodată posibil și punctul culminant…… Da…… Steve prinde un pește! ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––– Vă rugăm să vă abonați – NU COSTA NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOUTUBE ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––- PATREON: Noi nu am putut realiza aceste videoclipuri fără sprijinul dvs., patronii noștri. Sunteți prima noastră linie de feedback, echipa noastră, sprijinul nostru și prietenii noștri. Suntem cu adevărat recunoscători și înseamnă că putem continua să vină videoclipurile! Dacă doriți să ni se alăture, puteți vedea (și comenta, ceea ce ne ajută cu adevărat) videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. Intreaba-ne orice! Avem sesiuni ZOOM regulate și un grup WhatsApp unde vorbim despre bărci, pasaje și viața la bord. Alăturaţi-ne! –––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––– Link-ul ORCA Am primit multe de utilizare din unitățile noastre Ecoflow, așa cum vor ști telespectatorii obișnuiți. Vor fi super utile în acest sezon. Dacă crezi că este ceva care ar putea funcționa și pentru tine, consultă site-ul lor aici: Pentru 10% reducere la unitatea de apă potabilă pură Acuva Dacă doriți să utilizați o cameră grozavă 360, încercați Insta360 X3: – vine cu o cameră invizibilă gratuită selfie stick Insta360 ONE RS: – vine cu o baterie de bază gratuită Insta360 GO2: – vine cu un apărător pentru lentile gratuit
Traversarea Atlanticului: o plimbare cu un roller coaster alb…
31 thoughts on “Traversarea Atlanticului: o plimbare cu un roller coaster alb…”
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Super and inspiring! BTW, I have installed starlink as well. In my research read that if you sell it to yourself with a new address it should allow you to get the cheaper rate.
the fish is called a Dorado. Chicken of the sea!
Bravo. Great speed!
Crumpets!! Lovely
Great cockpit seats. Where did you get them?
Its turning into a cooking show
Have you tried poled-out Genoa. Main on preventer out the other side. Staysail deployed and sheeted on hard to act as a steadying sail. Works a treat. Fast and much less rolly than just the Genoa.
"Goose Winged". Gull Winged is about aeroplane wings…
1 ship
Outstanding episode mates! You guys keep going and going and it’s so much fun to watch. 🙌
I would say, that you have spotted three ships. The same number that I spotted on my crossing in 1989. Nice video, thnak you.
17 ships seen during the crossing.
Crumpets? My God man, you make crossing the Atlantic fun. Fantastic episode, you both are the best with everything you do. Thanks for teaching us HOW TO SAIL!
Fresh fish , Wind arft , Crumpets , That beats boring pancakes …. Im jealous .
Does anyone ever rig flopper stoppers on sailboats for down wind ? Could just have some little outriggers set up. Sure does work a dream on some fishing boats I have worked on. Love your channel, your boat, and the way you two do things.
Thank you
So happy for you two! Well done and this video was next level. Thank you 🙂 cooking my own crumpets is going to change my life.
That far south very few ships I'd have guessed – possibly zero…
You are throwing away a good treat. Flying fish on a trisket! Maybe with a touch of mustard.
What are those furry-looking things on the shrouds and what do they do? I haven't noticed them before …
Rolling and uncomfortable yes. But ‘white knuckle’ per your title? Don’t think so.
Brilliant, thank you. Very candid commentary, straight up and informative.
By the way, a slight smear of sweet chilli on the almost cooked first side, back 30seconds to caramelise, then flip to cook side two – it will pick up a little of the caramelised base.
Remove, butter then lemon juice to de-glaze then over the fish
Crumpets look fantastic!
Hi there.
Thanks for the well-done vlog of your crossing. What were the actual dates of your passage?
We’re in Ireland now, and readying for our next Atlantic crossing. I’m curious to know why you chose Trinidad as your landfall destination on the other side of the pond? Why not somewhere in the Lesser Antilles, for example?
We on SY AT FIRST SIGHT wish you safe travels.
I sold my boat 30 years ago and I know things have changed regarding navigation but I can only imagine how much. Back then, I had a sextant and charts plus, when you are offshore, you make your own plotting sheet for daily fixes. I did have a Magellan ( I think ) GPS that was the size of a brick and it only gave Lat & Lon and consumed those big flashlight sized batteries at an amazing rate. So, regarding your comments about people not using charts much… how many offshore sailors carry a sextant these days ?
I'm guessing 3 ships? Is it a long lonely ocean? Would you think your weather conditions are due to the route? Or possibly due to timing? Some say November is the best time to cross. Congratulations on the Fish!
Steve, the angle on the preventer line looks so acute that it's hard to see how it can hold the boom to starboard. I always have an issue on other boats, getting the preventer in a good position.
Before I looked, if you've posted it, I would guess 3 ships sighted. I made a passage from Hawaii to San Francisco in the 70's with one large ship and one sailboat over 3,000 nautical miles.
You are a wonderful couple. Many thanks for this great video!
Spring onion tip…. Leave about 3 inches and the root, put it in water and it sprouts again. I had some for about a month doing that and then re-harvesting.