Încă o actualizare despre dubla noastră demontare a AMEL Super Maramu 2000 în mijlocul Oceanului Atlantic… Ce sa făcut, ce urmează pentru noi și unde suntem acum… Vrei să știi? Alăturaţi-ne! Și vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru vizionare Rămâneți pe fază, deoarece vineri viitoare, la 12:00 EST lansăm un nou videoclip
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O altă actualizare… CE ESTE ACUM???/ Sailing Aquarius Ep. 188

25 thoughts on “O altă actualizare… CE ESTE ACUM???/ Sailing Aquarius Ep. 188”
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You sound very positive despite your problems sure you’ll be at sea on Aquarius soon fair winds.
That’s great news! Glad to hear everything’s coming together.
♥ viskas bus gerai…

If there were no visible issues with the shrouds, stays and chainplates, then perhaps something failed with the “In mast furling system” that caused the mast to fail.
From SV Mothership – Amel Super Maramu YouTube Channel
“Amel Super Maramu's have many electric winches and furlers and after 20+ years of service, ours needed some serious attention. A nasty crunching sound emanating from the manual/emergency furler in the main mast meant we had to drop anchor on a sail up the east coast of Spain to take a look. After detaching it from the electric furler and foil I dismantled it to find a broken tapered bearing and some sorry looking oil/lip seals.”
I think the dismasting video is a must. As hard was it will. But it will go viral and create some funds towards the boat fix.
Great funny stuff at the end! Good to see you are both in good spirits.
I rolled my eyes too…
I'm just happy when 1 of the 2 engines runs…
She is who?,the queen of what,she it’s so disgusting,the way she talks ,act all the time while passages but then you have the sailing.forget here now and just show us the repairs til we have to put up w her again
Nice to see you both!

You know Ken! Aquarius is a little old and your no spring chicken so keeping your pole up is difficult
I’ve done data recovery before, it’s probably gone, sorry
Woman, get back to the boat and help your husband
Well we are all thinking of you and hoping that things work out well from here.
Thank you both for fhe update. Good to see you are taking a break after this ordeal.
And, fully understand you're taking all statements prior to final statement (and payment!) from the insurance, very careful. As an Amel skipper, I'll be happy to learn from this when the time is right!
Good luck with retrieving the data from the computer.
Fair winds!
heads up guys . she will be up and sailing before you know it .
Oh dear seems like she jumped ship
and is enjoying getting handled elsewhere kinda suckz
After being in the merchant marine as an marine diesel engineer I learnt one thing of all the oceans in the world the most frightening one is the Atlantic. It has more mood swings than any Female on earth one moment cool and calm and the next ferocious and demanding and if she is in the mood she will take everything you have with interest. When rounding the Cape of Good Hope with a +500 000 metric ton (boat and cargo) with over 95000 BHP ore carrier it felt sometimes when you hit the large swells at the confluence of the two oceans as if the carrier stopped and then shuddered then continued in its path. towards Japan. that is the might of the Atlantic. I saw during that time large ships with the bows torn off by the swells and waves and large tankers broken in half by the power of that ocean. Kudos to both you and your wife for keeping "calm" in that situation when the masts decided that they are retiring from operation (sue the mast union for allowing this strike without prior notice) and for safely bring the boat and its broken masts back to safety Hope she is repaired soon and you will be able to share your joys with her. The missus needed the break enjoy relax and recover so that you can be strong for him when he needs you again.
If u watch please subscribe…thank u Aquarius

Our hearts are with you captain Ken and admiral Z and we see that your light and your professionalism make others jealous. Take it as a great sign. You went through this challenge with a lot of dignity and integrity. We salute both of you.
What a strong relationship you have that it can endure all this! As a therapist I believe you are doing the best thing Zivile. I’m so glad Ken is supportive and understanding. My very best to you both and to Aquarius. Are you able to say who your insurance is with. We are Americans looking to sail from Florida to the Caribbean islands having a difficult time finding insurance
Bottom line is, Insurance companies never like paying any claim and will make you prove, wait and prove again before paying. I have no idea at that the replacement cost would even come close to, for a complete mast(s) and rigging. Not to mention all the equipment lost on the mast. Then you factor in the experience of being de-masted, and if you can't figure out why it happened, every time your sailing, that thought is there. Yikes, goodluck…John
The masts coming down may be a blessing in disguise to look into something more manageable….
Nice to know things are going. Hope to see Aquarius sailing soon! All the best!