Tur cu iaht de 167.000 GBP: Balt Yachts Sun Camper 35

Tur cu iaht de 167.000 GBP: Balt Yachts Sun Camper 35

O sumă uriașă de barcă pentru bani cu o configurație inteligentă, Balt Yachts Sun Camper 35. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ În asociere cu: https://www.completemarinefreight.com/ https://www. .vircru.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https://www.ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Prețul este doar cu titlu orientativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificație Cu mulțumiri către: https://braymarinesales.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https:/ /www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


31 thoughts on “Tur cu iaht de 167.000 GBP: Balt Yachts Sun Camper 35

  1. Hi ,thanks for being you and if that was 2023 boat show , then yes we did not go ,your a real trouper . Well our futures are only over the horizon , we will keep watching ? to see what you bring us . A nice camper boat , but the open sea for me , thanks for your video . 😉👍 and 👍to Maggie .

  2. Wow, that seems excellent value for money. Great boat for the purpose it was made for. I would be very happy cruising the rivers for weeks. Great for a retired couple. And at least one owner has commented how happy they are with theirs. Half their luck. As for randomly pushing buttons.. got to be careful there , you might accidentally enter the secret self destruct sequence. 😀

  3. tight package is that! nick!! you need a few more semesters in the hogward until you got that shoemagic working 😁 excellent presentation once again!!👍👍

  4. I could just imagine taking my daughter out for a vacation at sea in this.
    It would be perfect for a single parent and child.

    Unfortunately I can't afford it… And I don't have a daughter.. But those are just minor details, right?

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