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Petrecerea ilegală a superyacht-ului destrămat de paza de coastă | SY News Ep358

27 thoughts on “Petrecerea ilegală a superyacht-ului destrămat de paza de coastă | SY News Ep358”
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Hardly ‘giant’ bbqs.🤣
The bitterness is real in the comments. ‘How dare they have money and try to have fun! Waaaah’. Broke people try illegal ish all the time.
I am very surprised they didn’t get any stones thrown at them. Knowing that area well and people from Sardinia even better I can tell it was only pure luck crew of that yacht didn’t get beaten up, insulted and spat on.
Yeah it is becoming more common to have these illegal setups and even starting fire on the beach during, remember also in Greece the smart ones that used fireworks. It's good that locals and coastguard take action
They simply don't wanted to pay the local beach mafia's extortionate prices for parasols and loungers
where was the party???
Removing all that heavy equipment from the beach must have been a massive pita without the use of a tender.
I think this is pretty silly. "You cant use the beach"
I laughed. Some rich folk think they can buy anything.
This is a common behavior by superyacht crews and guests in Sardinia, I witness it every year. They just disregard rules; probably fines should be adjusted accordingly.
The Country of private beaches, where it is common to carry half of a houshold in handcarts to the mandatory rental loungers, does not allow a party at the beach. I bet, they just forgot to fill the form in five copies.
hey that beach is for looking at sand not enjoyment!!
is it private property?
as fast as a Redbull pitstop…
I feel so bad for the rich 😢
Looks like a bravo special
i can see only INVIDIA and HATE here, poor people.
What’s wrong to have fun if they do responsibly and they leave the beach as they found it?
"oui you got a loicense to have a 'arty here??!?"
Europoors absolutely malding
The captain should be held accountable and fined. Entitled pric*s
I think there are some rich people just think they can do what they want that’s how world gos round but that not right but that how it is
got damn. let them party . ✊️
Tourists take long showers, tourist overly pollute areas, very selfish people are most tourists.
Peasants, know your place, and stop whining.
Refreshing to trash patrol
Illegal party?🧐🤨🥸🤓🤡
Italian coast guard might pay more attention to the boats full of illegal aliens crashing ashore then these petty crimes. Know wha im sayin
The beach was Spiaggia di Talmone. I believe though it was isolated, it was open to beach goers and the rules violations were about erecting structures too close to the shoreline, operating a vessel near swimmers and anchoring in protected Neptune grass beds. Not sure if parties were restricted there but landing boats was. This may have been an honest mistake depending on how well marked these restrictions were in charts and signage.