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În sfârșit începem să pictem… și suntem atât de fericiți!!

42 thoughts on “În sfârșit începem să pictem… și suntem atât de fericiți!!”
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Perfection is an interesting idea, I think you wind up with a boat that just won the golden globe with a lovely yacht finish, there are worse carpets to approach New Zealand with 😊
I love how you can have an old fashioned top entry ice box/ ice chest in yachts
Please forgive me for even mentioning this and I do hate saying this: isn't it better you paint the ceiling (not the right choice of word) now and not later? Now that there is an opportunity to paint it. Beautiful job painting and the door to the engine room is also beautiful!
it will not be a problem
Love the music but miss Maya playing!
I'd keep the bright white paint next to your chosen color. It gives it funky personality. If you build in a miss-match, you don't have to worry in the future when something doesn't match. It's purposeful anti-anxiety reduction for your future.
At 8:28 into this video it sounds like Maya’s voice. I’m sure I’m hearing things. Does she sing?
Maya: we are not doing perfection here
Alladino: ladies and gentlemen prepare for landing
Love the paint work!, The galley is really coming along nicely. You will love your Force 10 stove
The dramatic pause is way over used anymore. It’s been so overused it’s no longer Dramatic, It’s just annoying. Also, on all those TV shows they drag the Dramatic pause out too far, making it too long. Also making it annoying. At least you told us about the dramatic pause and kept it short rather than suspenseful, intense music and three different angles popping up on the screen before you cut to a commercial. 😂
Way better than good enough. Thanks for the video.
Your incredible Aladino, why do we doubt ourselves❤😂😊
This is a good motivation for me to work on our boat. Sometimes I feel down and I think boat will never finish. Than I watch your video and I find myself much powerfull. Thank you Maya and Aladino. You are amazing🙏😇
Best channel on youtube😊. That’s going to be one beautiful boat with two beautiful people on it👌Epiphanies is the best in the world and I love that you are recycling materials as much as possible. Unlike another channel with only its original transom🧐
Thank you both for another inspiring and interesting episode.
Me too, j refit a boat….good job…for the magic carpet crew.🙂Vincent.
I love the way that Dino has aligned the grain on the screw dowels with the main body of the engine bay door – the attention to detail and skill on display here is second to none.
22:35 I also love that you guys are re-using offcuts and scraps of teak from friends, as buying newly harvested teak is causing an absolute decimation of old-growth forests in Southeast Asia. Burma (called Myanmar by their military dictatorship) is in the grips of yet another revolution where they’re trying to free themselves, and access to their teak forests have been largely sold by corrupt officials to loggers, as many of the fighters live in these rural areas. It’s like planned deforestation, but with land mines and genocide thrown in.
I never thought I would enjoy 'watching paint dry' so much!!! 🙂 Really good music, as always.
I'm so impressed with your meticulous preparation for painting which results in a perfect finish. I don't know how you have the patience.
Très très belle restauration c’est magnifique, vivement vos prochaines navigations et vos aventures, à très bientôt.
It’s all looking amazing. You really must introduce us to whoever Aladino is talking to on camera 😂
Ein zollstock vunderbar!
I still use these from my dad,people here in australia always think I’m strange.
Good work and progress.
Nice work 🎉
Wouldn't a laser level help with the unlevel boat
as so far You did always well !!!
Every couple should rebuild a boat together one time in their lives. It's a marriage stress test that turns 2 people into one united front. You can face any of lifes adversities after that!😊
Another great episode you 2 😸❤ , the paint looks good , given the limitations of video and watching on only a 4K monitor , i'll bet it's
spectacular live and in person 😸 / I noticed your squeaky close to a 150K subs , and bet you'll pass it by summer time 👍😺
Blabo! Aldino for the perfect fit Engine room door. under such condition with nothing is 90 degree.🤩🤩🤩
How is it possible that I am literally watching paint dry and can't turn away….😅
One of the most beautiful things about you two is to see how harmonious and complementary you are with each other, helping this joint project to be a success.
Gorgeous engine room door. Brilliant. You are going thank yourself a thousand times for making such great access. It's a pleasure watching you do your professional grade work.
Hello,absolutly awesome. Everything you guys do is amazing. My husband wh has done woodworking for years admirés your work Aladino. He says not "luck" but talent and great craftmenship. We love all your videos. Fun to see coming to the point of the fun stuff. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next video. Cheers. Subscribers from Québec, Canada.
When you hit the water, you are going to have to change your work habits so you revisit you mantra of travel the world slowly as possible….lol. Otherwise your going to travel the world in 80 days…😅
People who nothing about boats see a builder building a house, and a whole house seems to appear in a few weeks. Then they see someone building or re-fitting a boat and to the casual observer, no progress seems to occur for weeks. What they don't understand is houses are all flat surfaces, right angles, 45deg etc. Boats are all curves surfaces, compound curves , an infinate number different angles and often not a wright angle to be seen anywhere. A house just has to sit there, maybe withstand a bit of wind now and then. A boat has to withstand all sorts of different forces. If you put a house on the water in some waves it would fall apart in no time. I've seen my dad take a full day of hard work just to fit one piece of wood on a boat. A lot of people just wouldn't appreciate this! And you're filming it all at the same time too! Amazing!
I had no doubt that door was going to fit perfectly! The boat is looking beautiful and it will be sailing before long.
Spent many years in NW with a Bristol Channel cutter and am incredibly impressed with what you are doing……Living vicariously thru you in my older years…….
In shipyards where construction is done on inclined launching ways everyone has a bubble level with a permanently attached wedge to subtract the ways angle.
No need to excuse blurry Maya, I thought it was part of the art that are your videos!
That engine room door !
Big applause.
Omg I’m putting teakwood veneer inside my boat this week. what kind of glue are you thinking about using epoxy?❤