Sailing Horus Ep.1 (Povestea noastră!)

Sailing Horus Ep.1 (Povestea noastră!)

O familie de patru persoane începe o călătorie cumpărând o barcă cu pânze fără nicio experiență!


12 thoughts on “Sailing Horus Ep.1 (Povestea noastră!)

  1. Happy to see you guys got your first video posted! I look forward to seeing the evolution of this! What a maiden voyage, something I will never forget! Trial by fire that's what we did! Setting off at night no experience no safety procedures in place nothing but the wind and the dream rolling out of the docks it was so awesome! When we got stuck and had to let the sale out to maneuver through the sand it was a scary moment but Paul and I persevered and made it out of the sand! Learned a lot about sailing and about the wind that night! Learned enough that we were able to sell through a channel under a narrow bridge using only the wind in our sail. Such an accomplishment for two guys that didn't know anything about sailing! I fell in love with sailing that night! The tranquility of being on the water the wind in our face, the orange crested Moon that felt like you could reach up and touch it the sound of the sale in the wind hearing the waves crash against the boat so peaceful and Serene it was really majestic! That will definitely carry that moment in time with me for the rest of my life and I thank you guys so much for allowing me to be part of that! I can't wait to see where your adventure takes you! I'm a big fan, your story is so inspiring and encourages people to seize the moment and to chase your dreams! love you guys, best of luck in your new adventures. I'm with you guys in spirit 🌊❤️💯

  2. That's crazy awesome you got that baby up and running already.. I watch vids like this all the time so it's cool to know the person in one. Glad your doing well buddy good luck on your journey.

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