WOW! Nu au văzut niciodată o barcă cu pânze! | Călătorește în locuri îndepărtate | Navigare Ep 322

WOW!  Nu au văzut niciodată o barcă cu pânze!  |  Călătorește în locuri îndepărtate |  Navigare Ep 322

Navigație leneșă perfectă, vizibilitate bună și starea mării stabilă. Dar nu a durat, așa că ne-am afundat într-un ancoraj din apropiere și am descoperit o comunitate de oameni care nu mai văzuseră niciodată o barcă cu pânze! 🤙 Sprijină-ne: PATREON | FTBMates | Fondul de rom – 👌 00:00 Zile perfecte de navigație leneșă 05:11 La ancora, Jiko, nordul Sulawesi (furtuni nocturne) 07:48 Confruntarea cu valurile Mării Molucca 08:05 Adâncimile hărților sunt greșit și nicio prognoză meteo nu este disponibilă 08:36 Nu au mai văzut niciodată o barcă cu pânze – Posilagon, nordul Sulawesi Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare, vă rugăm să dați LIKE și ABONAȚI-VĂ, ne ajută cu adevărat să fim observați. Pace și vânturi bune! Liz și Jamie ▶️ CUM AM ÎNCEPUT SĂ NAVIGAM – ▶️ SABAH LA LOMBOK [PLAYLIST]
– ▶️ TOTAL REFIT SERIES – ▶️ REASONYWKVtDanCr ▶️ NOT SAIL5 -_GU ▶️ 5 MOTIVE PENTRU CARE TREBUIE SĂ CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CU PÂLE – ▶️ CÂT SĂ NAVILIZAȚI ÎN LUMEA? – ▶️ SUNTEȚI PREA BĂTRÂN PENTRU A NAVIGA? – ▶️ CUM SE CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CON PLANIE – ▶️ CEA MAI BUNĂ BARCĂ PENTRU VELIER PENTRU LUMEA? – 🎣 Cele mai bune 3 sfaturi de pescuit ale lui Liz – MARFĂ FTB SĂ CONECTĂM! FB – Instagram – Twitter: Toată muzică de la Epidemic Sound BARCA NOASTRA CON PÂLE Construită în 1989, SY Esper este un ketch echipat cu tăietor Oyster435 LOCARE Bitung – 1°26’07.6″N 125°11’36.7″E Jiko – 0°37’45.3″N 124°33’21.0″E Posilagon – 0°27’38.4″ N 124°27’21.5″E URMĂȚI-NE ÎN TIMP REAL CU AIS * MMSI – 235026188 #sailing #sulawesi #remotetravel


27 thoughts on “WOW! Nu au văzut niciodată o barcă cu pânze! | Călătorește în locuri îndepărtate | Navigare Ep 322

  1. Very little happened in this episode yet it is easily my favorite! I, too, love the architecture – "… first thing you do is make bricks…" – and especially the disparate color schemes that somehow work. Eighty cats – here in the U.S. that would warrant a visit from the petty functionaries who stomp on our lives. But in Posilagon, it makes sense. Hussein's son loves cats! I'm exceeding my bandwidth; translated: My cup runneth over! Thanks guys! Best regards.

  2. At first sight, you might think these people are poor and downtrodden. The truth is they are rich in so many ways and have freedoms most of us can only dream of.

  3. 11:00 – how often (seems almost never in your filming) do these remote locals ask that you NOT PHOTOGRAPH them, nor put them in your videos?
    It's cool to see them being welcoming and friendly, and happy and content to be living an 'uncluttered' life. 13:04 – and yet, not removed from the fun of a kids' treehouse.

  4. If anyone in a small village like that asks and you want to fire up their imagination, point out that you can build a boat like Esper with just fencing wire, chicken wire, a special mix of cement, local timber, and a lot of time. Ferro cement is the perfect material for remote locations like that, and it doesn’t even have to be painted if they get the cement mix right. Knowledge is Freedom.

  5. I love seeing the villages and the local people and how they live. But then I am an anthropologist, so I have a slight bias. It's always good to see you two as well, no matter the weather. Safe travels!

  6. Cheers guys, please nobody say these people are poor! They don’t know and care even less.. a feeling us “western world” people only had a glimpse of not worrying about money, probably around 0-6 years old, the rest of our life’s it’s always a concern… 😊

  7. interesting that even in a country with limited connection to the world every one is trying to connect to the Internet in order to get their little glimpse to what is out there on the web

  8. As an engineer in a broadcast facility I would on a semiannual basis disconnect and reconnect the British Naval Connectors (BNC) on the back of the electronics. This by itself would clean the contacts. Seems a bit of humidity would cause the most imperceptible amount of oxide to form which would impair the higher frequencies. This procedure may help with your data flow issue. Fair winds.

  9. I wonder what would happen if someone showed up there with a Starlink connection on his boat… (and maybe shared it with the lonely boy who wasn't part of the "In-Crowd") …all of a sudden, 150 Mbit/s …

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