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Cand va stropi ea?? S-a dezvăluit data de lansare!!!! Sezonul 3 Episodul 4

20 thoughts on “Cand va stropi ea?? S-a dezvăluit data de lansare!!!! Sezonul 3 Episodul 4”
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Jack will have the best education earth has to offer, being a child of the world, his view will not be constraint to village mentality, and being a man of the world, his out look of life will not be of ignorance , good lubk to you all, great place the alps snow boared there a few times, great family
Polycarbonate no good really as it flexes too much. For example an hatch with polycarbonate if trod on will bend and be punched in. So never used on boats for windows or hatches. We just went through this with replacing our windows.
We made a polycarbonate hatch wash board on a previous boat went into about a 1 inch slot. Useless for security as flexed so much you could push against it and it would just push in.
Congratulations on your wedding, honeymoon and another great video, this one answering a lot of questions. You also touched briefly on building water tanks for the boat. Atomvoyager has many videos on refitting boats from 22' – 35' and most of the refits include building "Integral water Tanks" that maximise the the space by also using the inside of the hull as part of the tank. He's built in water tanks under the vee berth, under settees, and in the bilge on top of the ballast. He builds them in with baffles, inspection hatches centered on the baffles so the tanks can be cleaned and finishing the interior with food grade epoxy. Check out his channel for this and other space saving ideas. I'll attach his latest video and encourage you to check out other videos for cost effective boat remodeling. You all are doing a great job and my wife and I look forward to each video you put out. https://youtu.be/LHuWypaCWuk
Glacier’s are the ultimate witness to climate demise. They don’t lie. They are rapidly diminishing all around our earth. It is undeniable. Sorry😩for us all…….Melody is coming along splennnnddddidddly . Congratulations on your wedding….you are a POSH family. 1st class all the way…stay safe
When Jack answers, don’t repeat his answer…
I've never watched all of a Marvel film lucky me, Marvel manufactured powered milk I think.
The Jotun supplier here calls it Jotun with a J perhaps that would be different in Spain though.
Looks like you have made some fantastic progress this summer
I am so Happy that you made this video. Congratulations to you all.
Hi there, great vid as always, firstly congrats on your wedding and your honeymoon looked awsome. Phrehaps on your sea trails you could go down the welsh coast to Borth where Melody was constructed ,Aberystwyth and so forth as far as i know not many if any have covered Wales it's always the south coast Scotland or Ireland.
Congrats on the honeymoon, guys! 🎉🥂
Loved your presentation. Stayed to the end. Just one thing, I'd like to mention. Before you plan to launch her, you might have a survey done. Our daylong survey was done with the boat in the slings. After doing extensive work to our Westerly Longbow 31 (Making Waves Presents) we had to replace the standing and running rigging in order to get insurance. Looking forward to following your present and future plans. Jutta & Alfie
Speaking of pirates, off the coast of northwest Florida we have had a Cuban fishing trawler try to board us. That was in the late seventies. The concern is they wanted our boat to shuttle drugs on to shore. Our lives were inconsequential and we would have been feeding the fishes. Luckily we were armed and with a quick show of our firearms it had them backing off. There are times of great weather and calm seas when vessels have gone missing for no apparent reason never to be found along with their crew. So take care and never let your guard down and most of all trust your mates gut feelings 👍
Woohooo! We'll aim to be down for the big splash! And Andy, how do you do indoor mountaineering?!! 😉🤣 Well done to you all getting so far, great honeymoon videos (you could have been on the Aberglaslyn Pass bit!), exciting months ahead indeed x
I have just discovered your channel and like it a lot, Welcome to my daily grind of watching interesting sailors here in land locked Alberta Canada. I will now go back to the beginning and watch all previous episodes. Looking forward to seeing you out on the water.
Jack, for reading, ask your parents to buy you a electronic 📖 📕. You can download thousands and thousands books from the internet legally and illegally. All kinds of books for study, recipes, documentations and for pleasure of the eyes and minds. A book is a good friend.
It's mother nature. The temp. has been fluctuating for millenia. Remember, the ozone hole, then acid rain, then Y2K. Chicken littles, stop, for crying out loud. I think a steel boat that's been sitting that long is the right choice. It may be harder and more expensive, but in the long run IMO, it will out live you. And you son will get a nice boat.
Congratulations to you all! You make a lovely family and I enjoy seeing you work together. Jack is adorable!
Looking sharp Jack