Navigați în jurul iconicului Needles

Navigați în jurul iconicului Needles

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37 thoughts on “Navigați în jurul iconicului Needles

  1. Noticed that you were carrying the fuel can from the middle handle. If you hold it from the outside handle, furthest from your legs, the bottom will tilt away, making it easier to carry/walk. Safe travels. 🤘😎🇺🇸

  2. You saw 2 of our most iconic heritage steamers! Shieldhall, an ex Glasgow sewage disposal vessel, preserved and kept afloat by volunteers and the paddle steamer Waverley that is very sucessful as an excusion steamer around the coasts of the Uk every summer. Little lighthouse on the cliff after Seven Sisters was the Belle Tout which has been moved once back inland and is threatened again now! Those cliffs towards Eastbourne are where some poor souls end their lives by jumping off!

  3. That's my local river, I kayak there every week. My profile picture has the needles in the background lol. Fun fact, you probably sailed over a load of bodies because just off the needles is one of only 2 places in England that people can be buried at sea!

  4. Sam keep a tin of fiberglass filler on ya boat it's great for many things but it's also great for patching up holes in exhausts .. it's heat and fire proof … if used it to fix holes in care exhausts before and the repair has out lasted the rest of the exhaust lol .. you can use it to seal up the elbow leak on yours mate 💪

  5. I have always believed that it is a big no to store chemicals etc. In drinking bottles. Even if it is primarily yourself on board it could result in an accident if you have kids visiting eg. Not to be an ass or anything I really like your videos! But why risk it when you can use a labeled bottle with a safety cap 🙂 cheers sam

  6. Beautiful! Interested in your exhaust elbow problem. I'm in the process of rebuilding mine as over the years, the old pipe sections welded onto each other due to the heat. Curious if you were able to replace your leaky section of pipe. Mine is made from galvinized but I think black pipe wrapped is the recommended choice.

  7. I couldn't help but notice the single blade for the wind turbine being shipped on that small freighter burning diesel fuel. Now considering that most turbines have three blades, that means three of those trips, plus the other ships &/or big transport trucks required to get the rest of the parts to the site. So my question is, how many years would the turbine have to produce green wind power to compensate for all of the fossil fuels expended just to get it constructed & that's not including the fossil energy required to manufacture all of those parts? At least when you're sailing, you are truly using green wind power. Keep up the great voyages Sam & best of luck for the winter with the reconstruction down in Florida (wish we were there).

  8. Sam, if you care about freedom, make sure to vote Democrats up and down the ballot in NC on or before General Election Day. If you care about the climate including clean ocean and air, vote Democrats. Cherri(D) is running in NC for the US Senate seat. Make sure to vote her in.

  9. If you visit Amsterdam, after leaving Amsterdam, you should go and see Volendam, Edam, on "het Markermeer", then go onto "het IJsselmeer", and then go to Enkhuizen. Then go onto "de waddenzee" to the West Frissian Islands. Terschelling is beautiful!

    And in Amsterdam they dont sell weed to foreigners, so you know, they do sell it in other municipalities. Yes its strange, but they changed the rules. So its best to try your luck in Enkhuizen. 🙂 They should serve you well. Enkhuizen has a rich seafaring history.



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