Solo Sailing| #8 |O navă cu picioare?

Solo Sailing|  #8 |O navă cu picioare?

#boatlife #sailing #sailingonabudget #croazieră #offshoresailing #boatmaintenance #solosailing #whales #islanda #solosailing #challenge #windturbine #windorca În această continuare a călătoriei mele solo cu navigație din Marea Britanie în Islanda, trec pe lângă o curioasă navă de sprijin offshore angajată în instalarea turbinelor eoliene. Această navă are incredibil de picioare pe care le poate trimite pe fundul mării și se poate ridica de la apă – permițându-i să-și îndeplinească munca nestingherită de vânt și valuri. Dacă doriți să vedeți mai mult conținut și să susțineți atât podcast-ul Mariner, cât și canalul YouTube, vă rugăm să fiți alături de mine la Mulțumesc sponsorului meu Nihil Energy și tuturor celor de pe Patreon.


5 thoughts on “Solo Sailing| #8 |O navă cu picioare?

  1. Any information anyone has on ‘Wind Orca’ please share it below !
    If you want to support the channel please hop over to
    Next video is a reaction video to Eric Aanderaa’s awesome ‘50knot storm’ video – and to give it the respect it is due- I made it whilst onboard, in a storm, beating up to Iceland!

  2. 😮Chris these type of vessels / platforms are called ‘Jack ups’
    I believe they were first invented for working on drilling oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico.
    They are relatively common in offshore oil fields.
    I worked on one in the Grand Banks in the 70’s
    They are very stable when the legs are “ jacked down” and resting on the bottom; they elevate the working decks well above the waters surface.
    They Jack the legs back up to move the vessel from place to place.
    They are not very stable ‘ nautically’ when the legs are up and floating on their hull because they become ‘top heavy’ .

  3. Jack-up vessels are widely used in the Offshore Wind industry, installing (hammering) monopile foundations and installing the towers, turbines and blades.
    However, they are moving towards floating installation vessels since turbines are being installed in deeper water.
    On each location where these vessels want to jack-up, they have to do site specific assessments in advance to ensure stability.
    The jack-up operation it self is 'relatively' quick.

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