Navele de linie – Războiul naval în epoca navigației (Pt. 2)

Navele de linie - Războiul naval în epoca navigației (Pt. 2)

Consultați World of Tanks aici și obțineți bonusuri exclusive: Timp de aproape trei secole, războiul naval din lumea occidentală a fost dominat de navele cu pânze capitale. Începând cu secolul al XVII-lea, ei au luptat de obicei într-o singură linie lungă, linia de luptă, care le-a permis să tragă flote inamice cu tunet. Navele alese pentru această sarcină solicitantă, doar cele mai bune, erau numite nave de linie. În acest videoclip, ne uităm la modul în care istoriografia modernă explică evoluția navelor cu vele instabile și lente din Evul Mediu la navele masive, încărcate de tun și manevrabile ale liniei care au dominat mările în secolele al XVII-lea și al XVIII-lea. #history #sailing Patreon (mulțumesc): Printuri și tricouri: Paypal (mulțumesc: https://www. Twitter: Bibliografie DeVries, K. The Effectiveness of Fifteenth-Century Shipboard Artillery’, Mariner’s Mirror 84 (1998), 389-99. McKee, A., King Mary Rose a lui Henry al VIII-lea, New York 1974, pp. 65-8. Parker, G. , Ships of the Line, în: The Cambridge History of Warfare, Cambridge 2005. Parker, G., „The ‘Dreadnought’ Revolution of Tudor England ,” Mariner’s Mirror, august 1996, Vol. 82, Issue 3. Parker, G., The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500-1800, Cambridge 1988,. Stradling, RA The Armada of Flanders: Spanish Politica maritimă și războiul european, 1568-1668. Cambridge și New York 1992. Glete, J., Warfare at Sea, 1500-1650: Maritime Conflicts and the Transformation of Europe, Londra și New York 2000. Rodger, NAM, The Safegua rd of the Sea: A Naval History of Britain, 660-1649, Londra 1997. Sicking, L. , Naval warfare in Europe, c. 1330-c. 1680, în: Tallet, Frank/Trim, DJB (Ed.), European Warfare 1350-1750, Cambridge 2010, p. 242. Ficțiune legată de perioada modernă timpurie: Alexandre Dumas,Cei trei mușchetari Alexandre Dumas, 20 de ani după Alexandre Dumas, Vicomte de Bragelonne https:/ / Markus Heitz, The Dark Lands Recomandări militare Si-Fi: Bernard Cornwell, Sharpe (Seria de 22 de cărți despre războaiele napoleoniene), 3RZyty0 Dan Abnett, The Founding: A Gaunt’s Ghosts Omnibus (Gaunt’s Ghosts) Dan Abnett, The Lost: A Gaunt’s Ghosts Omnibus (Gaunt’s Ghosts) Dan Abnett, The Saint A Gaunt’s Ghosts Omnibus (Fantomele lui Gaunt) Glen Cook, Chronicles of the Black Company (Chronicles of the Black Company Series Cartea 1) Istoriografie: Neville Morley , Writing Ancient History 1999. Deși se concentrează pe istoria antică, este o carte genială pentru oricine este interesat de ceea ce este de fapt istoria. Este o poveste? Cum funcționează în practică? Scrierea istoriei poate fi obiectivă? Este „științific”? Ce o face o disciplină adecvată la universitate?


45 thoughts on “Navele de linie – Războiul naval în epoca navigației (Pt. 2)

  1. The art in this video is groundbreaking! I love your first videos so much & its been so awesome to see how professionally youve developed your profound & dare i say, truly revolutionary means of education

  2. It's a shame you didn't mention that British ships were forbidden to attack American ships because they built very fast and nimble frigates that smashed the British every time in a skirmish

  3. I would like you to make a more in-depth video of the naval battles of the galleons during the 16th century, until the middle of the 17th century, focused mainly on the use they were given in the first armies that began to battle around the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian sea, being the case of the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and English.

  4. There must be refrigerator magnets of the wonderful animated soldiers and historical figures (e.g. Philip II at 09:5610:01) that populate these videos.
    Some enamel pins would be nice, as well.
    I've watched 'em all twice (at least) and I never miss a new post.
    This channel is a gem.

  5. Outstanding episode. “Bow” as in the front of a ship is actually pronounced like the German “hau” or English “cow”, today whereas the “bow” that archers use is pronounced as in this video or as in the English “flow” or “blow”.

    I apologise for the endless circus that is English spelling & phonics

  6. a bit more complex becuase the cog developed into to divergent styles the style that became the galleon and the style that became carracks. carracks were massive cargo ships that often were very well armed but not super easy to manoeuvre in combat.

  7. actually the original Galleass were sort of galkeys with sails and cannons added that gradually got bigger over time and started to develop into the later frigates.

  8. Again the Spanish Armada is mentioned, which resulted in at most 2 to 3 Spanish vessels being sunk or captured by enemy fire, whereas the following year the English Armada lost 40 ships sunk or captured when they attacked Spain.

    The really important lesson was that the English ships were designed for combat, being faster, more manoeuvrable, despite many being bigger than galleons, better armed and able to reload their guns easily, as they were on wheels and could be pulled into the hull for reloading. Traditionally ships , like the galleons, were really armed merchantman, which fired once before grappling to fight hand to hand, at which the Spanish excelled. So whilst the galleons were perfect for going to and from the New World with huge loads, the English ships were perfect for fighting and piracy. This is why Spain soon adapted their ships to be able to reload and sustain prolonged gun battles.

    The common misconception that the failure of the Spanish Armada resulted in the decline of the Spanish Empire is completely false, and it took a long time and many factors. This is demonstrated by the frequently overlooked War of Jenkins's Ear, 1739 – 1748, which the English lost to the Spanish, resulted in England having 50,000 dead and injured and 407 ships lost, whereas Spain only had 9,500 casualties and 186 ships lost.

  9. Although large-scale battles and operations truly depended on the huge ships of the line filled with artillery it is interesting to point out the huge role that smaller ships, particularly frigates, still had in the theater of war. Their role in disrupting supply, raiding convoys, harassing coastlines, and gathering intelligence was actually the bulk of naval operations and it is also a scene for many smaller battles and prize captures. I would argue that some of the most interesting naval actions o the 18th and early 19th centuries had to do with these smaller ships

  10. What was the rate-of-fire of the various cannons? That is a subject not often covered. It's my understanding that the larger cannons could only fire every few hours.

  11. 9:45 While the british did win, wasnt the spanish armada heavily battred due to storms? and was it not so that very little ships were sunk, that in the next year, the english counter armada was defeated by the spanish/

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