Să clarificăm câteva lucruri

Să clarificăm câteva lucruri

A avea sponsori ca creator este ceva despre care nu am vorbit niciodată. Apoi ne-am dat seama că nici altcineva nu face și probabil că ar trebui. Pentru că lăsarea nespusă deschide ușa către o mulțime de presupuneri. Etica sponsorizărilor și transparența sunt importante și încercăm să clarificăm când suntem sponsorizați. Dar, pe baza multor comentarii pe care le primim, nu facem o treabă suficient de bună. Deci, aceasta este încercarea noastră de a oferi claritate și perspectivă asupra subiectului și de a deschide o conversație. ❤ Alătură-te echipei noastre! ❤ Pentru conținut exclusiv, în culise și întrebări și răspunsuri: http://bit.ly/patreon-wynn https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/sailing ☝Full Scoop On The Blog În videoclipul nostru facem referire la aceste 2 emisiuni care fac, de asemenea, o treabă grozavă de a explica cum funcționează publicitatea. Amândoi merită urmăriți: Morgan Spurlock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXRCPObrZYs Tom Scott https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-x8DYTOv7w Și, desigur, 30 Rock. Tina Fey face o treabă grozavă de publicitate obraznică în toată seria (Snapple, Verizon și multe altele). În 2022, puteți viziona gratuit majoritatea episoadelor pe aplicația de streaming Peacock: https://www.peacocktv.com/watch-online/tv/30-rock/6240863759978157112 📷 Photo & Video Gear 📷 https://www.gonewiththewyns. com/photo-video-gear 📱 ACTUALIZĂRI pe Social 📱 INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/the_wynns/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GoneWithTheWynns 📧Notificări prin E-MAIL, ca să nu pierzi niciodată un videoclip🍦 http: //bit.ly/gwtw-social 🎶 MUZICA pentru videoclipuri. 2 luni gratuit: https://bit.ly/artlist-GWTW Artiști – John Isaac 🎨 Materiale creative pentru videoclipuri (SFX, șabloane și presetări): – https://bit.ly/motion-array-GWTW 🎽 OBȚINEȚI SWAG-UL TĂU ON: https://gonewiththewynns.teemill.com/ 💯Modalități GRATUITE de a susține producțiile noastre http://bit.ly/join-gwtw ––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––– SUNTEM JASON ȘI NIKKI WYNN. Câțiva documentaristi moderni, călători perpetui și căutători de povești înalte. Ne urmărim curiozitatea în jurul lumii pe roți și chile din 2011. De ce? Pentru că curiozitatea este cheia pentru deblocarea vieții. Ne împinge în afara zonei noastre de confort, ne înmoaie presupunerile și ne ajută să îmbrățișăm marele necunoscut. Cu cât ne lăsăm mai mult curiozitatea să ne conducă, cu atât descoperim mai mult despre noi înșine și despre lumea din jurul nostru. Casa noastră este și mijlocul nostru de transport și petrecem săptămâni departe de civilizație și uneori de pământ. Încrederea în sine și un stil de viață durabil sunt o necesitate. Totul este să ne gestionăm resursele și căutăm mereu modalități noi și mai bune de a face acest lucru. Trăim în afara rețelei de peste 10 ani în orice, de la o dubiță la RV până la o barcă cu pânze. Și de-a lungul timpului am învățat multe despre energia regenerabilă, crearea apei potabile sigure și gestionarea deșeurilor noastre. Călătoria noastră este în continuă evoluție, dar misiunea rămâne aceeași: #CultivateCuriosity Timestamp-uri dacă doriți să săriți: 00:00 Sponsori, anunțuri și creatori 00:44 Reguli pentru anunțuri și legi FTC 01:13 Cum arată anunțurile pe canalul nostru 01 :56 TV nu are aceleași reguli 03:20 De unde știm că NU este un reclamă? 04:16 CURIOSITATEA nu este egală cu COMISION 05:05 Dar noul tău catamaran HH? 06:39 Ce sa dus cu The Wynns? ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––- #BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #Stil de viață #Barci cu pânze © Gone With the Wynns 2022


33 thoughts on “Să clarificăm câteva lucruri

  1. Great insight guys!! Thank you for making this video! 🙏🏻💙🙌🏻 We have been feeling that we need to make a similar video for a while now. I’m so glad you did! I’m gonna share it on my community tab for our subs as well. As We have NEVER accepted payment for any of our Yacht Tour (so we can keep our independence and integrity), it’s so frustrating when people keep commenting “it’s all Work for Hire” because we are excited about our content. We especially “love” comments like “ you have never shown us a boat you hated!” We only do 4 videos a month – why would we waste any of that precious time to show somebody something awful??? Keeping your creative freedom is what it’s all about – and you guys are Role Models for that. Love your honesty in person and on the screen! (And yes, they are just as nice and genuine in person you guys 😝😉)

  2. The people who complain should just pay for YT like I do. The only thing I ever see that is sponsored is the actual part where you say this is your sponsor. Everybody else is getting spammed with ads. It's a choice to pay that measly $4.99 per month. If you can afford a Starbucks every day, you can afford to pay for YT.

  3. Thank you for this episode. Very well explained. Frankly, dont sweat on it guys. I watch you because I escape with you to magical places by sail (mostly). I love it and continue to be a fan! 🫶

  4. I’m not at all confused by this and am surprised that others are. Sailing on another HH is a way for you to decide which details you might want to add as well as becoming familiar with the boat, not to mention great content opportunities it’s for you while you’re boatless. Doing HH a solid was just a bonus. I understand that Adsense revenue is not enough to not pay the bills.

  5. Thank you for explaining the rules on disclosing sponsors! I learned something.

    That aside, this platform is how you earn your living and you're entitled to money from the hard work you put into making these videos.

    I've learned to trust your recommendations. There have been a number of things I've purchased from your RV days when I went mobile in my van and I'm SO HAPPY you shared your experience with them. Now I will tell anyone who is willing to listen to me about Nature's Head composting toilets 😅

  6. Wow, so sorry you had to make this video. I could not love your content more! Your enthusiasm is contagious and it is such a privilege join your journey! Thanks for the tireless effort and all you do.

  7. Sorry yall have to deal with negativity like that. I have a theory… it's just like when people say passive-aggressive things when they see someone who's been financially successful. When people see someone living an incredible life, they have two options (1. They can approach it with CURIOSITY, be inspired by what they see, and look to learn more 2. They can close off, become defensive, and attack). Unfortunately, many short-sighted people see #2 as easier, and default to that

    It's not too difficult to pick out the people who are attempting to pull the wool over our eyes – and you two definitively do not fall into that category. I hope these people don't cause you much stress. Keep doing what you do, and cheers to walking (or sailing) your chosen path to the horizon and beyond!!! : )

  8. Y’all do the best ads because you truly USE the products! You’ll be telling a story about your day and then I realize it’s an ad, but it’s so natural because it’s not just an “ad” but an honest explanation of your life. Thank you for explaining but also please keep being your authentic selves 👏

  9. If you want to be transparent disclose all monies generated from your channel including patrons and other sources. Frankly it doesn’t matter to me how much you’re profiting but once you say you want to be transparent you should go all the way otherwise it looks like pandering to a segment of the audience

  10. To be clear, their is a difference between Sponsorships and Compensations. The Wynns get compensated in many ways OTHER than direct sponsorship. Direct sponsorship is usually an ongoing long term paid endorsement deal that usually removes creative freedom and benefits the brand directly and gives the brand full control over how that brand is portrayed. Compensation is usually a one time deal, which can include a long term arrangement, but usually allows for full creative freedom by the channel and there is no expectation either way for additional compensation.

    Compensation CAN be risky for a brand if the person they are giving the discount to is not trustworthy and says something negative about the brand. Usually well established brands dont like doing this without some sort of control over what you are going to say as they have a financial investment and business that could get ruined via a bad reputation. But, a company that is young and starting out or is in a highly competitive market needs all the publicity they can get and are motivated to extend discounts and sponsorships to popular social channels in order to reduce associated advertising and marketing costs and increase their exposure to the market.

    For example, HH catamarans has given the Wynns a very nice discount on their NEW HH44 catamaran construction as COMPENSATION for talking about/advertising the HH catamaran brand on their channel (see the HH Website for proof of this arrangement here https://www.hhcatamarans.com/news/gone-with-the-wynns, “Part of our agreement with them (the Wynns) is to provide a small discount in exchange for the organic publicity their videos will bring to the company"). This means EVERY time they talk about the HH Catamaran brand, its INDIRECTLY a form of compensation because the Wynns promised to talk about HH Cats in EXCHANGE for the discounted price they received.

    This is how many brands operate, they will give you a discount for "talking" about their brand on your channel. Its technically NOT a sponsorship, meaning, you are not getting a long term PAID endorsement deal to advertise a brand in the way the brand dictates. Sponsorships means you have no control over when and where you can advertise, you must follow the brands guidelines exactly or the contract is terminated. Compensation agreements allow for full creativity of the social channel and allow for a more organic expression of the brand through the channels own creative methods. In essence the brand is USEING the social channels own branding for advertisement purposes.

    All that being said, the Wynns still get VIEWS and LIKES from whatever they talk about under the auspices of their OWN BRANDING & creativity. Meaning, if they talk about a specific brand as a typical boat consumer, they are in affect USING that brands own advertising and reputation to influence their channel. Its a fine line sometimes becuase if your channel does very well because you consistently are displaying and talking about a particular boat brand on your channel, you are giving that brand free advertising while at the same time you are getting compensated by your followers and are not sharing any of the revenue with the boat brand you are talking about. And if your getting a large compensation for doing this either directly or indirectly on your channel then a brand may come knocking on your door and demand you pay them compensation.

    Brand compensation can go both ways, for example, lets say 10 people decide to buy a boat you are talking about, then you have a good case to go to that boat brand and request compensation for bringing sales to them they otherwise would never have received without you. Or, for example, lets say you are making money off advertising a brand, meaning, your channel is growing leaps and bounds becuase you associate with this particular brand, that brand may come to you for compensation. Its a fine line either way and thats why we have lots and lots of lawyers to sort it all out for us, lol!

    Oh, and lest be clear here on the bottom line, the SIZE of the Wynns channel and their popularity play a BIG PART in all of the above mechanics. Meaning, a smaller channel with just a few thousand followers is not going to garner these types of deals or need to worry about sponsorships or compensations on either end of the deal as their reach is very small and considered inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Still, if I were to get 10 people to buy a HH44 Catamaran ON MY OWN with no followers, I would still have a valid reason to ask for a fee of sorts for driving sales to them through my own selling acumen, savvy and experience.

    Just remember, when MONEY is involved, everyone wants a cut!

  11. I/we've always been happy for you once I found your youtube channel and always looked forward to the next episode. It seemed to run slightly higher to the middle of the road budget, which was still reachable or at least, set the bar high enough to be an almost realistic goal for many of your viewers. I believe the masses would fall just under that, which is ok and therefore, we would fall into that category.

    So anyways, to comment on this episode, I do understand what you are trying to say and explain, but even a "small discount" as little as 10% on a $600k to $1mil+ new build vessel can equal $60k-$100k, and that's if it's only 10%. So the value in return to the boat builder would be quite a bit of sales vids for the mfg like HH to re-coop their "investment" of a discount to you. There's no explanation required. The fall out of that is countless subluminal plugs that turns out to give the average viewer a nauseous feeling watching it continuously on all your vids leading up to the build and then those vids thereafter. But you are not the only ones. Other youtube channels like Distant Shores, Ruby Rose, etc., lost many viewers and reduced their analytics, so they could promo their sailboat builds and "how much better they are," ad nauseum. So as the normal person or couple like my wife and I, with a normal middle of the road budget and watching your previous adventures and all the good info that you journeyed through, now become an infomercial that spans far beyond what 98% of us out there in youtube land can make a reality. Therefore, you are loosing most of your audience with this content you're spinning, which goes outside of what use to makes your channel and adventures so special in the past. So good luck with the build and thanks for the previous encouragements as one of your channel's audience members. In the beginning, we were vicariously living the adventure with you, along with some other sailing channels and I'm sure, most of your audience did as well, which has led us to a point where we are working towards to making that a reality (whether it's sailboat or RV cruising or that cabin in the woods, as most would dream about (in our case, it's the sailboat thing)) But we're turning off the channel and heading towards our own journeys which does not include a $600k-$1mil+ vessel (and the 1-2% that can afford them) 🤔and following channels and advise that are more realistic, especially in an economy and sailboat market that is currently dumping with many vessels (and RV's and cabins) coming down to more "realistic" prices. Sure I know, it's all relative, so you can still spam that 1-2% of the market and their expectations. 😉 Peace out and safe journeys!🙂

  12. You didn't get support to for example visit a soda factory but it's not like it's a public open facility. Access to film such a place is the invective.

  13. While I have not found myself being confused as to what was sponsored or not (you're doing a good job of making that clear!), I appreciate this video, and learned a bunch of things. Thanks (for being you)!

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