NU mai putem sta aici! Navigați cu YABA spre salvare! // LAHAKAI Ep11

NU mai putem sta aici!  Navigați cu YABA spre salvare!  // LAHAKAI Ep11

Timpul nostru se scurge și trebuie să plecăm! Luke se îmbolnăvește, Lahakai intră în apă și Ben de la @SailingYaba sosește, ajută-ne să navigheze pe coasta Braziliei pentru a continua proiectul nostru de construire a bărcilor. Dăm totul cu speranța că vom putea salva această barcă de salvare. Dar vom fi suficient de pregătiți pentru a naviga pe această barcă goală? Nu sunteți familiarizat cu @SailingYaba?! Ben și MP reconstruiesc complet o goeletă din lemn în cel mai epic mod! Uită-te la proiectul lor, este cu adevărat inspirat. ============================= Urmează multe altele, așa că nu uitați să vă abonați la Lahakai! ➡️ VIDEO SĂPTĂMÂNALE ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ LA ORA 11:00 (BRT) ÎNTREBĂRI? Aveți întrebări despre proiectul nostru, construcția noastră sau despre noi? Postează în secțiunea de comentarii a acestui videoclip! CINE SUNTEM NOI? Suntem Luke, Lori și Leon 🙂 Ne place ideea de libertate a mării deschise, orizonturi nesfârșite și casa noastră oricând doriți. Așa că construim Lahakai – o barcă cu pânze de 34 de picioare, complet electrică, pe care o vom naviga în jurul lumii! Sau cel puțin acesta este scopul și puteți vedea progresul nostru pe parcurs. Sperăm să ni te alături în călătoria noastră în apă și în jurul lumii! ============================= SPRIJINUL DVS. ESTE APRECIAT! 🌎 Like, Abonați-vă și comentați! Este gratuit și face o mare diferență 🙂 🌏 Alătură-te PATREON CREW Patronii ne fac posibile videoclipurile! Membrii echipajului primesc actualizări în timp real și conținut exclusiv. 🌍 Ajută donând pe PayPal ==================== ======== Aflați mai multe despre noi pe acele locuri sociale 😁 Instagram: Facebook: ⛵Site web și blog: https :// ============================== Toată muzica noastră este licențiată de la ARTLIST. Obțineți 2 luni GRATUITE folosind acest link : ==============================


34 thoughts on “NU mai putem sta aici! Navigați cu YABA spre salvare! // LAHAKAI Ep11

  1. Thank you for watching our video! The count down is still on till we leave on our journey, but this is a big moment for us.

    Did you like how she looked in that gun metal grey? Should we keep her this color in the end or what color do you think would be the best? Also, what do you think about the design of the boat now that you can see her with her mast and in the water?

  2. anti-climatic. Your boat isn't sinking or has the possibility of cracking up out at sea. The Yaba` trip was pretty insane 😆 That is a nice looking boat you have there, I may just have to binge watch episodes 1-10 now.

  3. Congratulations. No leaks and she's floating. That's a very good start!
    I guess you will install all the windows and hatches before you sail down to the south? And what about the engine? Will you be using a small outboard for this first trip?

  4. The new topsides and dodger have modernized the look of the boat plus it looks sharp in gunmetal grey. I can just see dark tinted windows too, with a steel boat if you want fewer below the water hull penetrations later you can use a single sea chest but you also want to be able to get weed and shell growth out of them so they can be larger. Youtube "Odd Life Crafting" to see an example

  5. WHO WROTE THIS DIALOGUE? I am sorry and do not want to offend, but it is terrible. You do not get this diatribe on successful Youtube channels. Try being more natural and less from a terrible script. So much better when you spoke to the camera from the heart and not the script, and the second half was so much better than the dribble in the first half.

  6. What a unuque looking sailboat. I just happened on your channel today. Count me as a new subsciber and I am looking forward to viewing your previous videos and the ones to come. I am a Yaba follower as well so it was cool to see Ben show up to crew for you. Wishing you success on your journey through the life you have chosen on LAHAKAI.

  7. I remember Ben from @Sailingyaba sending me WhatsApp videos of the day Lahakai got back in the water and the preparations for the journey south. I like to see the official version of that day(s) again.

  8. Wow 😮 another Brazilian boat 🛥️ sailors. After watching OddLife & Sailing Yaba have to subscribe Lahakai. The boat looks weird for the shape. 🤔

  9. Que trampo bacana!
    Nunca tinha visto embarcação utilizando aço comum. SAE 1020 tipo chapa preta mesmo? Ou aço naval tipo galvanizado com liga especial…
    Parabéns pelo trabalho e obrigado por compartilhar
    Top drops👏👏🤙👏👏

  10. I like the idea, the drive and the ppl behind this project, but the boat is and always will be one of the ugliest and most impractical ever build. So why?
    It is as my mom said, some like the dad and some like the son …

  11. Just discovered your channel today…and watched all the episodes. After Odd life and Yaba, here is Lahakai. There is something addictive to boat refits in Brazil. What is it? I love watching the workmanship of these men fixing boats. Continue o bom trabalho.

  12. If I am at sea needing rescue I want a color easy to find. Gray is way down on my list of preferred colors. I also like to be unique and there are too many white boats. Maybe a diagonal strip on the hull like the US Coast guard and some easy to see color edges on the deck and cabin top and sail.

  13. Are you leaving those monstrous davits on? It looks like a structure poached off a fishing trawler, it's so big and looks way out of place. It really does nothing for the looks of that boat

  14. I'm kind of in the same boat y'all are. I have a 35 ft fiberglass boat that I have to totally gut. Because of termites hate everything inside. The rigging's good. Haven't got to the motor yet. Because of the debris in the way. And I'll run out of money so I can get a job now. Wish I luck.

  15. It's not done ! Wow if you only knew, I had a steel 50' cutter-rigged sailboat , the work is never done. I suggest drill all the holes your going to drill in the steel and finish all the welding that is needed , then disassemble everything down to just the steel , and here's were the fun begins, start in the bow sand blast all the way to the stern with out stopping as soon as that's done start with the epoxy primer , stem to to stern and then the outside same thing ! Top coat inside and out then reassemble ! And then you've got about 10 years and you've got to do it all again ! I didn't have the energy to do it twice , I sold mine at the 8 year mark !
    I got out just in time , but I'm rooting for you I can't wait to see your finished boat sailing and experience some of the adventures you're going to take ! I'd say good luck but the truth is it takes hard work and a little bit of planning and a giant chunk of cash .Have fun people !

  16. You might consider installing some internal ballast to get your displacement up a bit. Being empty of her interior makes her sit high in the water and raises her center of gravity increasing her tendency to roll. Fairwinds and calm seas.

  17. I am hooked! looking forward to following your dreams and outlook on life goals and dreams. Best wishes from Boston. Also a fan of Ben & MP who I was able to meet at the Annapolis Boat show in October.

  18. Since your boat is probably now very top heavy, have you considered adding temporary ballast to keep it from rolling over on the trip South? Something easy to remove maybe sand bags or 55 gallon barrels filled with water.
    I like options and also plan to have a short vertical lip added to back edge of swim platform so I can clamp on my outboard motor for emergency use.

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