Restaurare barca cu pânze: regretăm să vă informăm că am făcut o greșeală URIAȘĂ — Sailing Yabá #116

Restaurare barca cu pânze: regretăm să vă informăm că am făcut o greșeală URIAȘĂ — Sailing Yabá #116

Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 116 În acest episod al restaurării bărcii noastre, construim baza tuturor mobilierului din jurul bărcii: canapea, bucătărie, paturi… totul! De asemenea, dezvăluim vești destul de proaste despre carena noastră. 👉 ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: PUTEȚI SUSȚINE PROIECTUL: 👉 Devenind patron – alăturați-vă pentru a debloca conținut exclusiv: 👉 Prin donații Paypal: sau 👉 Purtând produsele noastre: Suntem veșnic recunoscători tuturor celor care ne trăiesc visul alături de noi ♥️ 🇧🇷 Legendas em Português em todos os episódos! 🇪🇸 Subtitluri în spaniolă în toate episoadele! 💙 Cine suntem? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne în timp ce readucem la viață Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și dezavantajele și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi: 👉 Despre noi + Întrebări și răspunsuri 👉 site-ul nostru cu mai multe informații despre proiect 💙 Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să ne uimească la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Hélio, Claiton, William, Nezo, Nico, Adilson, Beto și Luiz. SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!


36 thoughts on “Restaurare barca cu pânze: regretăm să vă informăm că am făcut o greșeală URIAȘĂ — Sailing Yabá #116

  1. Great job as always team man it sure is shifting up a gear now. Bummer re the Caulking but shit happens although Nico didn,t look to pleased but someone has to do it. maybe because it was nice and cool under there. Once the Furniture takes shape it will look epic. Keep at it and Carry on.😁😎

  2. Contrary to steel and fiber, wood is a live/organic product and planks will shrink during a long build like Yaba, especially as the yard seemed not to have done moisture tests of the wood (I didn't see it), that they obviously mixed wood from different stacks/deliveries/vendors (this is did see), and most importantly, they didn't treat the fastened planks (also this i saw). Inevitably cracks (and swelling) will occur and is normal in wooden boats, but for some reason the yard did not seem to have factored this in.
    A year ago (or whenever it was) when they caulked the entire hull I made a comment on whether it was the right thing to do at that stage in the build. I've worked on both clinker and carvel built boats, and caulking, fairing and painting is always the last think I've done. Luckily Yaba build their boat in a 'low-cost' country where labor is relatively cheap so they can fix the blunder for a reasonable cost. Worst is that Nico didn't look much happy having to do the shittest job with wooden boats.

  3. One question I have had for quite awhile but i didn't want to put you on the spot or make you feel uncomfortable.
    Well here it is, how much have you spent so far on this rebuild and where do you get all the money to pay for all the craftsmen and the very expensive materials. It must of already cost a small fortune and being so young how are you able to take on such a huge expensive project.

  4. great to see the furniture developing – and very nice that Ben is so involved in the process, as is MP behind the camera
    makes the entire process more personal and its a great record for the future and others to follow in your footsteps

    that's a real shame on the chalking, such a git to get changed, i was wondering when you might get around to fairing the sides, (i watched Leo doing Tally Ho) fairing chalking and painting, i guess its good to learn by others mistakes, UV, weather and temperature conditions all to be considered, even if you only apply a cheap finish to prevent damage later on

    the whole team is doing a cracking job – well done

  5. As owner of a 37 foot 2 master, wood-in-wood built, with a 62 year old clinkered hull (iroko hardwood) and sailing more than 45 years I pls u: dont cover wood with epoxy. After 10 years the problems start with rotting by moisture sneaking under the epoxy via little cracks. Wood needs to breath to keep healthy. Epifanes has excellent solutions with one component hardwood oil for under water ship segments. Its easy to re-varnish.

  6. im working on a prototype, of a 26 ft tacking outrigger(Proa). It is cheap to build even in composites at around 10k Cdn. The main hull is about 2' at it's beam, and the boat will sail at powerboat speeds even in light airs. I don't really like big boats especially mono hulls, and after seeing the work all these sailing channels are doing, instead of sailing, I'm glad I chose to build a cheap, light minimal accommodation, ocean capable boat. So many channels I watch, r spending more of their time on the hard, than actual sailing. Id rather take 3 years to build a full boat, than the floating tanks I see, like Acorn to Arabella, or Salt and Tar, that take like 7 to 8 years, costing more than a house. for me mono's are outdated, slow, vomit rollers, when we can use light cheap materials and modern hulls shapes that are now proven. If I run aground, it is easy to free her, if the boats I see being built go aground, they become part of the ecosystem permanently. I love what sailing Legend Sven Yrvind says: "big boats, big problems, small boats small problems" best of luck.

  7. Back in the times of yore, before the Titanic, they used to build ships out of wood, they would then launch the ship, which at this point was only 50% built, only the hull, so that the wood would be protected, and 2nd to allow the wood to swell, and so thus sealing the hull from water ingress.. I am wondering why you have not launched the boat, to allow the wood to swell, and 2nd question, the paint, would this prevent wood from swelling?? If you cork the gaps, when the wood starts to take on water, where is the wood going to find the space to swell?

  8. Throughout this whole build I've shaken my head at the level of cringeworthy gushing comments here. They see carpenters at work, so they assume they must be absolute world masters. They see a boat being built, so it's going to be the best to have ever floated. They see-so far-the bare bones of an interior, and then comment on how superbly grand it all is or will be. Get real folks. Stop the insane gushing. You are embarrassing yourselves.

  9. I’m so sorry to hear of this error but confused as to how the professional team allowed you to make this error. From what I can see they must know the ins and outs of this process end to end

  10. Love watching your channel. Sometimes you get a little too repetitive making us watch you screw every board in and around every now just a couple times to do it is enough for us to get the idea. Good luck on the boat build bye-bye

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