Nu avem MOTOR PORT și NU GENERATOR și sunt 30 de ore până la ANCORAJUL din ST. AUGUSTIN. Cu UN MOTOR Abia FUNCȚIONAT, PLĂMĂM PENTRU BINE. Norocul nostru este în sfârșit în creștere? Sau lucrurile sunt pe cale să se înrăutățească și mai rău? Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!

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34 thoughts on “FOND CU UN SINGUR MOTOR DE FUNCȚIONARE – A fost aceasta O IDEIE PROAĂ?! | SailAway 231

  1. I really like you guys' show and I love the new boat but rarely rarely should any boat with two engines need be towed in there's always a way in when you have two engines you can swap parts out or whatever and putting online that you're using your father's membership when he's not on the boat they're not going to accept it you can have so many issues with them to pay the bill it's going to be really ugly should have never posted that but I hope you all the best.

  2. I've been in Florida all my life and maybe it's not the bubba system I'm not sure but that guy would never told me in for free if the polish holder is not on the boat so you can talk about Clay all you want and he could be your bubba but they're going to get you as soon as they figure out that it's not in the policy You're policy holder is not on the boat insurance sucks and it sucks for everybody it doesn't matter what nationality you are.

  3. I'm curious how you deal with the shifts as a 2 person crew with an little child on top. I imagine long passages with 3 or 4 hours shifts quite stressful over time. A 4 person crew would make a lot of an difference, don't you think?

  4. I commend you both for your stoicism in the face of that setback during your first passage at sea in months. It's one thing to face a challenge at sea, as you all did so well. It's an entirely different thing to have the presence of mind to film during the midst of it all, to document it all so professionally. You both have the courage to share the ups, downs, and indifferents with strangers, and that's the mark of creative talent.

    I know how much work and sweat went into effecting repairs on that engine back in Charleston; especially for Eric. You manufactured your own customized part to get it going! Since it was your only working engine, I know how much hope was also was riding on the comforting sound of that engine. To have it fail so quickly thereafter at sea must have been a gut punch; especially for Eric. He put his mind, heart, and soul into that repair. I could see the disgust in his demeanor as that thing smoked to a halt. As I watched, I extended Eric's grunt at 22:23 as he pulled his head out of a smoking engine compartment.

    Knowing all of that is all the more reason why, I was absolutely amazed at how quickly and seemlessly you both transitioned from a smoking stoppage of your one engine to a command decision to raise a sail for propulsion (from 22:30 to 22:37). That was a seven second transition that I couldn't have made until after a lot of colorful sailor talk. And you guys did it all with a running camera in seven seconds; from engine failure to sailing on. There's gotta be an award for that!

    I haven't watched nearly all your fine film over the years, but this episode may well be your very finest that I have watched. This episode has it all. It has the melancholy of leaving Charleston – the city where you both met and lived for years. Your wrestling with the daunting To Do List during your few short months ashore. Your recognition of accomplishments achieved and unexpected setbacks encountered. Your relief of being temporarily liberated by the sea from your onerous To Do List; as you disembarked and were finally under sail again. The satisfaction of your hard work, well done. The visual evidence of that hard work in the fine Bimini, hatch, and portlight covers (I had flashbacks to Loren at the sowing machine and Eric's MacGyver-esque rigging solutions!). The reassurance of 13+ volts as a result of a hard, expensive, power upgrade, and the comfort of a well thought out solar power array; especially with no working generator! The peacefulness of the passage, and the professional prudence of your night watch sail reef. You captured the fatigue of the hard months of work ashore that were crammed into a compressed timeframe. You also captured the transition from life ashore to life at sea in a striking way.

    That first dinner at sea was unspoiled by your stoic reaction to a pound of moldy pasta. You really showed your ability to take life's unpleasant surprises in stride. It neither ruined your first dinner at sea; nor that spectacular sunset that punctuated your first day at sea. Ironically, that dinner prep. scene with the moldy pasta foreshadowed the crisis that would arise before the end of your first full day at sea. Hollywood pays big $$ for writers who can weave in that type of foreshadowing.

    In a remarkable scene that took me totally by surprise, Loren brought me from the quiet tranquility of an impending, solitary night watch at sea in fair weather (starting at 16:50) to a seafaring mother's moment of truth. In one minute of authentic maternal radiance, Loren artfully expressed the reality of parenting at sea. I have to say, that before that one minute ended, I was in stitches with a burst of laughter. I hope that doesn't appear insensitive to your parenting challenge. That is a truly remarkable scene. It was the authentic expression of a loving mother packaged at the heart of a first night to first morning at sea. And the transition of darkness thereafter with only the sound of the water and the creaking rigging followed by night watch and the new sunrise of your first full day at sea made me weep. I went from serenity, to laughter, to tears, and back to serenity and the hope of a new day in sixty seconds of film! It was such a striking minute of film, that I had to press pause! Meryl Streep would struggle to do a scene like that as well, and Loren wasn't acting.

    In this one episode, you both had your serious, thoughtful monologues, and your fun Swiss Family Robinson colloquies. There was tranquility, tension, fun, drama, and serendipity that would impress the finest film makers.

    It was striking how Mother Nature made her appearance in your drama; as she laid down her wind when you were just 8+ nautical miles from your St. Augustine destination. She did so dramatically, as her advantages of sun and tide were also diminishing; forcing you to make a command decision for a rescue at sea quickly. And wasn't it serendipitous that she did so before you entered that inlet; where and when an engine failure could have been far more precarious?

    As if to complement the drama of Mother Nature, your earthly Mother and Father made a cameo appearance too and made your rescue possible.

    That scene of the beautiful draw bridge opening seemed like St. Augustine was giving you and your fine ship a warm and loving embrace. From that scene alone, I get the palpable sense that there are divine spirits guiding and protecting you and your ship on your many adventures to come.

    Your commendations of Boat U.S. Captain Trey did not seem gratuitous. Indeed, he exemplified his professionalism at 26:42 when he exclaimed: "High Tide is in 48 minutes!" With all the matters Captain Trey had to think about as he performed his rescue of you at sea, he was still counting down each and every minute left in the tide. Captain Trey sounds to me like Commander Spock of the U.S.S. Enterprise. For this video alone, Boat U.S. should link their website with yours.

    Despite all the drama of that passage, and the tension that the engine failure at sea must have caused, Loren managed a magnificent fifteen second on-camera grin – in real time – starting at 23:22 as she reported that a rescue at sea was imminent. Loren dealt with that rescue, and that must have given a deflated Eric a lift. I know it gave me a lift because my head was still cursing in that smoking engine compartment with Eric! In those fine seconds, Loren showed a strength of character that I find remarkable. Loren saw the crisis as a new experience. She counted the blessings of her Mom and Dad, the fortuitousness of not having the engine fail inside the inlet, and she carried on with resourcefulness, courage, optimism, and grace.

    This is the quintessence of The SailAway Crew; resourcefulness, courage, optimism, and grace.

    Tonight, I shall be making a $50 donation to SailAway World Sailing. I encourage everyone to do the same.

  5. Still one of the best and most realistic sailing channels to date. Others can be a little too slick, a little too over edited but you guys hit the mark. What length is your Privilege? Now is the time I wish I had $$ to tell you guys, “Buy 2 new engines, they’re on me”! How good we all would feel?!!

  6. Quick note about Rio Dulce after reading some comments. If you are even considering going there from the US, you need a paper exit Zarpe from US, otherwise it will cost you hundreds to hire a Guatemala lawyer in Livingston or you need to visit a nearby country to get a Zarpe. Expedition Evans discovered this the hard way.

  7. As an emergency back, couldn’t you put your large outboard motor on the cat? You might have to make a special mount, but it could come in handy. Enjoying the channel. Tks for sharing.

  8. The answer to the title question is YES. It was irresponsible seamanship particularly with a child and older person aboard. Have you no temperature gauges or alarms for the engines? Overall a bad example and too easy and outcome.

  9. How about setting up a gofundme for two new engines and some assistance with the generator etc.? You guys deserve it. "Brupeg" did it with their engine…

  10. I really liked your channel and watched you guys faithfully but now I'm getting annoyed with it. Instead of spending the last couple of months getting those motors and gen running good you wasted time and money on stupid stuff. I have always thought of you as a seasoned sailor. These are some rookie moves that you see on idiot YouTube channels that just start out that never sailed before. This isn't like you. Are you creating drama for clicks? Also sailing to the Caribbean to get work done isn't cost effective at all. Something isn't adding up. Since you bought it in Granada was the VAT tax paid? Is that why the hastily departure? Be honest. Sailor's like myself that watch your channel know none of this makes any sense.

  11. Hey you guys! We are here to make you feel better as only Booger can do! We were towed 2 weeks later after we saw you guys! After Norfolk sailing off and on and the engine shut down. First time ever being towed. Lost two days. Funny thing TowBoat comes up as Scott is below and says “I can’t tow you as fast as your sailing so I’ll meet you at the marina marker! I had that boat moving.
    Don’t let people judge you. You’re in good company.

  12. Yay, a SailAway video – sorry for all the troubles, but happy to see you guys! Hope you're having
    some fun where ever you are now. See ya next time Bruh, lol, River is too darn cute!! -Hugs 🤗

  13. Might not be an option but going electric motors might be the answer ? They say not much can go wrong with diesel compared to gas but both are SUCK < BANG < BLOW > GO ! Is your cooling system a sealed system ( most are ) and no coolant is lost id say water pump !

  14. Ok, sounds like your temp alarm may not be working….kinda hate the Volvo instrumentation/controls on my '92 Privilege. I ordered the parts and am making the parts for the Volvo D2-40 "Doomsday box" that Mads designed/specified on the "Sail Life" to but am also integrating gauges for water temp & oil pressure in addition to alarms and redundant ability to start the motors that doesn't rely on Volvo's MDI box (which you may or may not have). Point is it gives redundant instrumentation to know what is going on with the engines.

  15. Lots of helpful debate. We all do the best with the resources at our disposal. To only enter the world of cruising with all new or freshly refurbished equipment amounts to indefinite postponement for most of us. Ending up safely at the planned destination seems to be the final verdict. Can't wait for next episode.

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